Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 6: Pizza!

My third birthday passed without much ado. I still needed to improve with strangers and parties, but I managed somehow. I was finally allowed outside the castle walls and into the city below! 

It wasn't my first time going outside. My mother or Yumi often led me to the castle's garden or a large courtyard where I would watch the knights train. However, it would be my first time going into the city! I was so excited for my first proper adventure. 

I gripped my mother and father's hands as we exited a towering gate. Guards were at attention, saluting us as we made our way to the royal carriage parked out front. The towering structures of the castle were alluring, and once again, the sun did not burn my skin as we walked the royal road. Gate guard towers flanked the grand metal exit on both sides, and two vampire sentries stood with crossbows at the ready. Yumi followed us a bit further behind, as per her position.

The red carriage out front was adorned with The Royal Insignia—The Arris Family Crest. It was a black shield with a silver cluster of stars inside it. It rested on the center of the door, and as we approached, Roland opened the door in a smooth, practiced motion.

"En!" My mother scooped me up from behind after releasing my hand, causing me to squeal. 

"Wh-what are you doing in front of all these people!?"

"Is it such a crime to show tenderness to my dear daughter?" My mom, Elise, said. "Besides, today is a special day~."

She pulled me into the carriage, sitting me on her lap and stroking my hair. I turned my head back to look into her eyes. Despite me raising a fuss, I happily swung my legs. 

"Fufufu, are you excited?" She asked.

"Yes! How could you tell?"

She smiled at me tenderly, "You are very expressive, my dear." 

I heard my father, Night, grunt, and when I looked over, he was wearing a face full of envy. 

"No, fair! Why do you always get to hold her? Come, don't you want to sit in Papa's lap?" He asked me with pleading eyes.

I looked back at my mother, and she shrugged. "Do you want to sit in your father's lap?" She asked, and as I looked over to my miserable father, I exaggeratedly put my hand to my chin. 

"Hmm, I don't know…" 

"You little…" He gave me no time to react as he pulled me from my mother and attacked me with tickles. 

"Hehehe, Stop! F-father, that tickles!" 

When the carriage stopped moving, the tickle attack finally relented, and Roland opened the door. I struggled to catch my breath, my father picking me up and placing me on his shoulders as I took in the sights around me.

The first thing I noticed was the people. It was a massive mix of different races. There were fluffy people, pointy-eared people, regular people, and tiny people with beards. We were in a gigantic square surrounded by stalls and buildings. 

Some buildings were more advanced than you would expect from medieval culture. Some had glass windows, giving you a glimpse inside. There was even a metal building with a glass door that would slide open as someone approached it. I wondered if some magic was at work. 

The clash of cultures was real. I saw a cat lady in a food stall selling ramen; a human was selling sub sandwiches in another stall. So many scents wafted into my nose as my stomach rumbled. I didn't even pay attention to the people staring at us as I was too focused on the delectable smells.

"Fufufu, is someone hungry?" My mother happily smiled at me, clearly enjoying my wide eyes as I took in the sights. 

"Yes!" I said, my mouth watering.

"Let's take her to that one place, dear." She told my father, who began walking with me still on his shoulders. We made our way towards the metal building with sliding doors, and As we entered, my father sat me down. The sliding doors closed behind us as I gazed at the interior of the building. 

It was large, and a beautiful chandelier hung down from the ceiling. The floors were black and tiled. People with extravagant dresses and suits were filling the tables. The restaurant was high-class, and the smell that greeted my nostrils was heavenly. I smelled the aroma of freshly cooked pasta, but there was also something else. 

"There is no way this world has that right!?" 

"What is it, Enala?" My father asked, but I shook my head. 

"I-it's nothing!"

Luckily, we reached the podium in front of the entrance. Standing behind it was a human in a black and white waiter suit. It reminded me of the Italian restaurant I once visited alone in my last life; it was very fancy. 

"Your Majesties? What brings you to this humble establishment today?" He bowed as he greeted us, my mother waving him off.

"Oh please, no need for formalities," she said, "today is a special day. We wanted to bring our precious daughter." 

He finally noticed my short figure and grinned from ear to ear. 

"If it isn't the princess!" He said as I hid behind my mother. He frowned but continued anyway." I know the food will be to your liking! Now then, if you will follow me!" He turned to leave as we followed him through the building. 

I noticed many people stop eating, turning their attention to us. Some jumped to attention, attempting to salute or bow. Being royalty seemed like a challenge, entirely astray from my past life's challenges.

"At ease, everyone, please enjoy your meals." My father said, waving down the overly eager people. 

I was nervous, with so many peering eyes glancing in our direction, but soon, we arrived at a reserved room. And it was fancy. 

The walls were decorated with paintings, and the table had a black tablecloth draped. In the center of the table were burning white candles.

"Please be seated, and I will be with you shortly." The waiter placed menus down, and my mother placed me in a booster seat before my parents seated themselves. 

The waiter didn't take long to bring us glasses filled with blood and piping hot bread. "What would Your Majesties like today?" 

"We will take the usual. As for our daughter… What do you want, dearie?" My mother asked, her hands holding up her head.

I blushed, Hiding from her gaze behind the menu. I looked at the menu repeatedly to confirm, but there was only one real option. Yes! I knew they had it! My enthusiastic voice left me. "Pizza!" My mother did her usual cute laugh in response.

"You heard the girl!" My father said.

After taking our menus, the waiter left, and I devoured a delicious piece of bread. The parmesan covering the bread was delightful, and I wanted to squeal as I filled my cheeks. 

Crumbs covered my face. My mother happily wiped my face with a napkin but chastised me for eating too fast. 

"I know you can't be starving! You are properly fed at the castle~" She had to tell me many times to slow down. 

The waiter eventually came back with plates of food. My mother and father had ordered a chicken alfredo pasta, but I quickly turned to the large metal plate before me. 

The sight almost brought tears to my eyes. A beautiful shining crust surrounded six large slices of pizza. I barely heard the waiter telling us to enjoy our food. I was too eager to stuff my face in the cheesy goodness.

I grabbed the first slice and placed it in my mouth. The cheese beautifully melted onto my tongue, and the toppings were superb. The pepperonis licked the top of my mouth with heat. I covered my mouth, gasping from the heat, before greedily taking one bite after another, finishing the first slice. I moved on to the next, then the next, then the next. Eventually, the entire pizza disappeared into my tiny stomach. 

My parents enjoyed my unroyal display as they ate slowly and elegantly. 

I felt stuffed and satisfied as the waiter came back. He brought with him a chef with a large white hat. The man was wide, but the smile on his face was even wider as he looked at me.

"I am always happy to see a face like that!" The chef said. I couldn't see the face I was making, but I knew it was one of pure bliss. 

"Fufufu, she really loved the pizza you made~." 

"I am glad I could make the royal family happy with my cooking whenever you come here! It's my greatest honor as a chef to serve you! Especially when the princess can make a face like that." 

My eyes started to feel heavy as I began to enter a food coma, my head bobbing up and down. 

"Fufufu, It looks like a certain princess needs a nap. Send the bill to the castle like usual, and it shall be covered." 

The chef tried to argue against us paying for the food, but my mother never wavered until he reluctantly relented.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, "but please bring her back by again, and I will make a pizza even better!"

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