Reincarnated as a Villager ~ Strongest Slow-life

Chapter 1501

1501 Full of nostalgic names

 After the supper was over, I was told about the adventures of Ne-chan and his friends.

 The business of the caravan partner ──Ah, by the way, there was a name for the square city, but the villagers call it business or square, and the caravan calls it Bobra village square. I think there are only a few who know the official name.

“How appropriate is the name?”

 It’s not good if it turns around without any problems.


“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve just plunged into the voice of Bee-sama’s heart.”

“Because you read your heart well, don’t you think?”

“I don’t mind. I’m just giving up.”

 I was struck by the voice of my heart in a fairy tale, and when I thought I was gone, I was struck by a ghost. I can’t hide it, so I’ll have to give up.

 Oh, by the way, Black Fairy Tale went to bed after dinner.

“I can only read to the shallow part of my heart. I don’t know if I think deeply. I mean, Bee-sama’s idea is almost 80% meaningless.”

“Fufu. The behavior is almost 80% meaningless, though.”

“Sure. I’ll play with the auger in armor.”

 By the way, did that happen? It’s last year, but it feels a long time ago.

“But Kamura has many requests to get rid of monsters. It’s well established as a country.”

 There is a mountainous area between the Kingdom of Aberian and the Kingdom of Kamura. It’s not so high, and it’s a highway that has been around for hundreds of years, so there aren’t many strong monsters, and if there are caravans, monsters will come along. Occasionally orcs and ogres appear.

 Well, both of them were killed by me! Sorry!

“Because B-class adventurers are gathering to become A-class. Zanbury-sama and the red thunderstorms also became A-class at Kamura.”

“Ah, that’s why I used to go to Kamura. I thought it wouldn’t work, but that was the reason!”

 Speaking of which, the traffic of adventurers was fierce, and I often came to the adventurer’s guild (branch). That’s why I had them put throwing knives and tools.

“It’s dark under the lighthouse”

 Even though I wasn’t interested, I’m still not aware of it. I know now.

“what is that?”

“It’s a saying that you can’t see your feet by illuminating the distance.”

 I don’t know if there is such a saying in this world.

“Anyway, what kind of monsters are there?”

“Mainly goblins. Adventurers are rumored to have a goblin queen.”

“Queen Goblins? Did you have a female goblin !?”

 No, I’m talking about how it would be born, but it’s still a mystery.

 It’s not that women of other races, but for some reason they spring up out of nowhere.

“I rarely encounter them, but I’m sure there are females. We’ve seen females too.”

“Details there. No, I waited! Doremi, wasn’t there one of the apprentice witches who was good at painting?”

 Enough to be taken away by Elina. I don’t remember what she looked like because she wasn’t involved.

“Yes. Missary-sama. Blonde.”

“Oh, oh. Hey, blonde. Isn’t it the imperial family?”

 Blond hair is a hair color that is often found in the imperial family. Is the large library drawing in from the imperial family?

“That child is probably half. It looks like human blood is thick.”

“Half? Is it an elf?”

“Yeah. I don’t know which elf, but I could see my spirit magic.”

“Oh, there was an elf from the Shinko clan. With Afro’s Ne-chan.”

 The blonde Afro was so intense that I forgot about my buddy. Well, I don’t even remember the name!

“Isn’t the blonde Afro Ne-chan half half?”

 I don’t think it’s a royal family because of that wound. No, I don’t want to think it’s half an elf!

“Maybe Aphrodita and Sunly on the moon and lake?”

“I think so because the moon and lake are in my memory.”

 I somehow remember the blonde Afro Ne-chan. Afro is super fun.

“Is it famous? I said it was class A.”

“It’s not famous! In terms of ability, the adventurers who are famous as the strongest in the empire who defeated the triumphal king Raimidad as a hero of the wind in the S class!”

“Raimidad? What’s that?”

“Ork King. There is a Demon King class.”

“Oh no, I caught a talking pig in Sayala village. Do you remember calling yourself something?”

 I remember that it was a uselessly cool name.

“I called myself Ceciliato Arielt.”

“Ahhhhh! That was the name!”

“You don’t even remember the fragments, right?”

 Oh, high. I don’t even remember the fragments.

“That’s not the decapitation Ceciliat. The general who was said to be the right arm of the Kaioh Raimidad …”

“Sure, I was led by a large army. Oh, I wanted to eat pig meat for the first time in a long time.”

 Tomorrow, I’m gonna have a pig shabu-shabu.

“… You are really insane …”

“More than that, it’s Queen Goblin. I’ll bring you a little blonde, so wait.”

 Having said that, I jumped out of the distance and dived into the transfer barrier that led to the uncle’s mansion.

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