Reincarnated as a Villager ~ Strongest Slow-life

Chapter 165

165 Future Promising Adventurers

“- Brother!

And a gutted boy of his body came yelling into the dining room.

“Karael! Be-sama is here, be quiet!

It is a rather penetrating scolding with only the mother of the orphans’ upbringing.

“Can you keep quiet when I tell you my brother’s here! Brother, it’s been a long time!

It was like a heavy tank going in.

…… no change, this guy too……

“Long time no see. I don’t think you have a younger brother. Call me Beh.”

The orphanage, the evil kid, the frog, is ten… five? Well, you’re definitely older than me. I don’t know what that means.

“My brother is my brother. It doesn’t matter how old he is.”

No, I went in, but I went in three years ago, so now I am.

“Well, anything would be fine. Call it what you want.”

Something’s wrong. I just said something to the guys here. I don’t know, ears. It’s Mendeaux who’s already explaining.


I don’t know what makes me so happy, but I gave her a loving smile.

… If the evil kid that’s been cuttin ‘at me changes, it’s gonna change…

“Oh, hey, Karael’s still not here? Sure, on the fifteenth. What is it?

Fifteen is considered an adult in this day and age, but the truth is, if you start working, you are supposed to graduate as a child, and you are required to pay taxes and be responsible.

“Oh. We can finally have a real adventure!

He chooses more or less adventurers. That’s the shortcut to living, the hope of living.

“Do you do this alone?

“No way! My brother taught me how important my people are, I recruited them properly. Well, I’m a regular member.”

Five evil kids in an orphanage? Well, that’s reasonable.

“Did you officially sign up for Adventurer?

Provisional registration for Adventurer Guild also has an aspect as a child’s part-time job. If you don’t register officially after the fifteenth year, you will be automatically cancelled.

“Oh. I officially signed up. Well, I need to earn some help with my gear.”

You can register for the Adventurer Alliance for free, but you have your own gear. Well, it’s natural to say that, but if you’re trying to be an adventurer, you have to have weapons, protective gear, and all sorts of tools.

It would be nice if parents were rich or if they were antiquated, but more or less people need to be aligned from scratch. Not to mention Karael and the others from the orphanage, who just live that day. I’m just lucky to have you help, and I only get a cheap wage.

That’s a good place to be reckless to be an adventurer. You will die in less than half a day. Fantasy world, seriously scary.

“Are you guys training properly?

“I am! My brother taught me how to fight, handle weapons, build strength, see things, and do letters and calculations every day. I haven’t had enough contact and role sharing with my peers yet, but I’m not living for nothing like I used to!

“Huh. You’ve become a handsome man.”

Nature and a grin come to mind at the smile of the brilliant frog.

It’s nice to see a man become a Han (cousin).

“All right! Then I’ll give you my gear.”

“— Are you serious?!?

“That said, it’s for beginners. That’s not a good idea.”

“Still, there is! If you’re collecting herbs, you can take them!

So that’s where you grew up not calling it a crusade.

“No, I’ll make sure you guys remember Nojuku thoroughly”


I said I don’t know what that means. The frog that makes me look.

“That’s right. Try wild boarding in the safe vicinity first. I’ll do a piece of silver on the reserve. The five of us thought about it, and the five of us did it out. And I’ll do ten pieces of silver coins as a reward if I can stay in the field for four days in a row. Want to do it?”

“You’ve decided to do it!

Five swords, spears, bows and arrows, regular throwing knives, leather armor, small shields, backpacks, belts with pouches, a set of tools, medicines, and knives for dismantling were removed from the storage bag.

“Share that with your people. Convinced.”

I would add that is also training.

“And the reserve.”

I took a piece of silver out of my pocket and threw it at the frog.

“Ok. I don’t care how many failures you fail if you can take them back. Wally’s doesn’t feed on that failure. Gain wisdom before you have the courage. Don’t be ashamed to run away. Don’t let the sweet words fool you and look at the harsh reality. Always think, and be prepared.”

“Oh! I’ll never forget my brother’s words!

A frog nodding forcefully.

“Then go. Time is more precious than money.”

“Whoa! See you later, brother!

I left just like I did when I came.

I reached for the tea served gently and took a sip to calm down.

I turned my attention to the Vice Dean when I calmed down.

“Burn a wary, promising young man.”

“This is the path the Frogs wanted. Never mind. No, thank you for showing them the way”

“That’s what I care about. It’s what I do for my own convenience.”

Preparing for the future also involves lending to promising adventurers. And I need you to work hard for an escort who carries good people.

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