Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 102

[98] The promise we made that day.

Back to Mako Asakura’s body, I was to spend the week with my family.

Though I was worried about Yuzul and Elliot that I left in different spaces.

According to Nicole, I don’t feel hungry over there, and the flow of time is vague, so there’s no problem.

Above all, Ouga and Nicole, the black dragons, seem to be the limit.

Even black dragons that can travel to and from different worlds are not meant to cross different worlds many times in a day.

They use a lot of power to cross worlds.

They were trying to get Ouga into the world I was trying to yayo, and they seemed pretty worn out for it.

In that state, Ouga, who took me and Ixis across different worlds, was no longer beyond its limits.

When he made sure that I had returned safely to my original body, Ouga fell asleep trying to bring it to me on the spot.

Looks like you were doing something impossible for me.

Nicole, on the other hand, sent Ixis into the world where I was spending my time as a yayoi and then brought Hilda’s body to Nihon.

After connecting the different worlds about four times in a short time, we even use a great deal of magic to change and immobilize our bodies and souls.

That’s just Nicole, but she was a little tight.

He stretched out like he was sleeping and took Ouga to different spaces.

Me and Hilda are gonna rent a hotel and stay.

The earth told me that I should be great with my family for a long time, and I took Hilda out to be friendly.

During the week I spent as Mako Asakura, I was told that I would vacate the house.

There was a lovely aura coming out of the two in charge, and there was plenty of flirting to tell me to like it anymore.

And all that was left was me, Ixis and Lintaro.

And – Leni.

No, Leni-kun wanted someone to take him…

I don’t know how to deal with it because it’s the same as the first time I meet you.

Although it was nice to go back to the house, Leni looked around uncommonly.

He opens the fridge like a curious kid or peeks into the end of the vacuum cleaner.

If I was bothered with the treatment, Lin Taro advanced in front of Leni.

“Nice to meet you, Leni. I’m Phosphorus. I was once a resident of Hell (Gehenna), but I was subjected to this world, and I am here with the power of light, thanks to the power of Black Dragon Ouga.”

Put your hands on your chest and Lintaro introduces himself as you dress.

Lin Taro looks pretty shy like this.

When you meet someone for the first time, you are often blind to Matomo.

I miss her a lot once I get used to her, but she took a while to get there.

Especially if you’re a woman or a girl opponent, you go up too far to do anything.

There’s something else to be ashamed of, and as a sister, I think it’s true.

I can’t tell you the way it looks, but for example, the outfit, the words and deeds… right?

That’s one of my personalities, though I’m giving up.

Still, this is how Lin Taro introduced himself to Matomo from himself… no, I’m hard to say Matomo, but I’m surprised he could.

I wonder what the interest won over the embarrassment and because Leni’s contents are a boy and he has the peace of mind that he looks like a sixteen-year-old year in school.

“Wow, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Just say hello, okay?

Leni offers her hand to Lintaro, who introduced herself.

“Ah, ah. That’s what I wanted to say.”

“Really? By the way, I need to go. Can you show me around? I saw all the colors in Augusto’s room, and I wanted to go to De Oz O Land.”

Against Lin Taro, Leni joins his shoulders in peace.

I could see that Lin Taro was confused because his body belonged to a girl his age.

“You can’t do it from now on. And… just go there and all my money will disappear.”

“Well, tomorrow’s fine. Oh, please.”

Move in front of the reluctant Lintaro, bread and leni joining hands.

“No, but the admission fee for both of us is just my penny for a year…”

The high school that Taro Hayashi attends today is not allowed to work part-time in a prestigious further school in this district.

My brothers are in a format where they get money from their parents when they have what they need, so the monthly allowance itself is small.

Apparently, Lintaro’s monthly climax is about 1,000 yen.

By the way, although Lin Taro may seem surprised when it comes to going to school, Lin Taro looked this way and was smart and able to exercise.

Being my sister, I knew I was trying pretty hard back there.

Compliments include crap and the fact that for me, there’s no production, and so on, and I don’t want to talk about it.

But somewhere, there is an atmosphere where I am happy to say it.

Perhaps all the effort is for me to say that dialogue – it’s part of making characters.

I guess I have plenty of time to study because I don’t have any friends…… or being a sweet sister I would never put it in my mouth even if I thought.

“Of course you’re not saying it’s just that, are you? Tell me what you don’t like. I’ll kill you soon.”

Leni has a good smile to let go of and undertakes to Lin Taro.

What are you taking me so far?

“Wait a minute! Exactly, because you can’t do that!

If I stopped in a hurry, Leni laughed to tell me not to worry.

“Of course I’ll keep my legs from getting there, ’cause it’s okay. This one’s a pro, huh? Yeah, but I’m not used to moving it yet. Unlike my original body, I don’t seem to be very agile, and I can’t seem to use the magic of physical enhancement like that Hilda guy.”

Answer me, and then Leni will have a troubled face.

“Bad, if you’re asking for a kill, maybe six months from now, okay? I’ll adjust this body so I can do it properly.”

“No, no assassinations in the first place! Don’t recommend Lin Taro to commit a crime!

Leni apologizes to Lintaro for not looking sorry, even though that’s not the problem.

“What? Then how can I serve my purpose? I can’t even use color tricks with this body like I did with Hilda. I’ve been in this body for six years, and how many times do I have to feed it, I’m in this colorless shape?”

Leni complains about me.

It’s like you’re just saying you don’t have color on Yayoi’s body because of me.

“Ixis, do something to Leni-kun!

I don’t know what to say back, wondering what a rude guy he is, if you ask Ixis for help.

Ixis was falling asleep on the couch.

“What do you say we go to a playground we could have done nearby today?

“What is that, a casino? You’re good at gambling, huh?

To Lin Taro’s words, glitter and leni sparkle his eyes.

“No, it’s not that, it’s the kind of guy who normally sports and plays…”

“Sports? Uh, you mean that boring ball roll that nobleman does?

Leni looks bored to Hayataro, who looks in trouble.

“Anyway, go and you’ll see. If you like sweetness, you can have a cafe nearby.”

“Sweet stuff!? Are you sure!?

Keep your face much closer to Lin Taro, Leni eats up.

“Ah, ah.”

“All right, then let’s go!

“Hey, my hand…”

Dragging Lintaro’s nodded hand, Leni leaves the house.

In the room, which was busy, only the sound of the clock and the sound of Ixis’ sleep sounded.


Sitting on the couch, sleeping with his neck nodded, Ixis’ posture looks a little spicy.

I’d like to change your posture, but I don’t think you’d want to wake me up because I’m asleep.

I worry a little and peek into my face as I crouch down and look up in front of Ixis.

The face of the sleeping Ixis looks younger than usual.

You think I have longer eyelashes than I thought?

I take a serious look at the shape of the lips I was always kissing, or something like that.

Ixis, you’re tired.

You’ve been looking all over for me, haven’t you?

I was happy about that and the twitching warmth seemed to light on my chest.

Mine should have cried a lot, but no wonder and tiredness.

I think it might be because it became the body of the original maiko, not the body of Yayoi who was crying.

The mind was as neat as a clear sky after a dusk.

I knew I’d change your posture.

For now, try to lay down, put one knee on the couch and touch that shoulder with your hand.


“Ixis, you should lay down on the couch. You look tired.”

Words gently to Ixis, who has opened his eyes with a thin lap.

Are you falling asleep, Ixis was confused.



Insert your fingers into my hair and glance over the scalp or swoop on my cheeks.

That fingertip touches me to make sure.

“That’s strange. Even though this is the first day I’ve seen Mako look like this, it kind of sticks”

Ixis’ eyes as he looked up were sweet, and the words spouted sounded defenseless.


It takes the form of being drawn and put on your lap.

A gentle hug made my chest suddenly noisy.

“That’s a size that fits perfectly in my arm, better than it did in Hilda. My temperature is high… and I feel good.”

I get whispered in my ear about that and it hardens by accident.

Distance the lips are likely to touch.

Ixis is staring me in the eye.

Looks like Ixis has totally woken up already, and I saw a solid light of will there.

I can see that the colour I seek increases my body temperature to what I see there.

“Kiss me… okay?

“Why would you bother asking me that?”

I wish I didn’t have to tell you.

“You used to be angry if you didn’t ask when you kissed me. Like this… I never looked like I wanted from Mako, but it’s something different.”

“… Huh!

You tell me to tease you, and I realize I’ve been waiting for a kiss from Ixis.

If that thing is embarrassed and you try to escape, you will be stopped with both hands wrapped around your cheeks.

“I like it, Meiko”

I laugh at my reaction, and then Ixis overlays my lips.

The wet tongue gets tangled up and crawls around my mouth to taste it.

If I flee to the sensation of tingling and paralysis to my spine, Ixis leans all the way back to me so that I won’t let him escape.

“Hmm… Ah, Ixis”

A long, obstinate kiss made me miserable and bitter.

If you call your name somewhere for help, Ixis narrows his eyes.

“That’s cute, Meiko…”

If you let go of your lips and smile as you exhale, your mouth becomes unnecessarily deep.

I immediately think that that one was counterproductive.

When I finally finished mouthing, Ixis got me up.

Bring me back to my body where I can’t help myself.

“Remember what I said before we broke up in that world?

In the words of the Inquiring Ixis, it is recalled just before the parting.

When you’re done with Tilia, have her be the bride of Ixis.

That’s what I promised.

At that point, Ouga, along with Ixis, would also be my husband, the White Dragon’s Way seemed the best option.

My feelings were solidifying now that I had rocked a lot but also broken my Ixis pledge back to my original body.

“Meiko, be my bride. My only bride.”

Ixis speaks as he wishes.

Proposal again.

Those favorite golden eyes show me – Mako.

“Yes, make me… Ixis’, Ixis’ only wife, please”

I’m glad to hear what Ixis said.

I wanted to say it right, but the words were interrupted and the whimpers mixed.

The necklace on the reverse scale, Ixis puts it around my neck.

Dark cherry blossom colors to represent joy changed colors to beat.

“Meiko – stay by my side the whole time. It’s a promise.”

To be relieved, as if I had only been happy.

Call my name. Ixis lowers his gaze.

Gently, but forcefully embraced.

“Yeah! Ixis told me to leave, because I’m not leaving anymore!

If you hug it back, you mouth each other naturally and then.

I thought from the bottom of my heart that I was happy.

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