Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 121

[Outside 6] Leni and the Maiden Special Training

“It’s a problem. Suppose you met a man of your choice. Which of the following actions do you think would be best?”

One, I investigate things around to find out about him.

II. I’ll try to work a small job to create an incentive to talk.

III. Name it for now and get your name out. Invite him to play.

IV. Try to launch an attack.

Big choices will be written down on the blackboard in the room that the boys in the mansion usually use when studying.

After you finish writing, come on. Ask which one.

IV. Leni, a student, responded instantly.

“… let me know why for once?

Ask Leni, who answered instantly, with a pulled face.

“Even if you prefer to look, you don’t know if you’re really strong, do you?

Anything else, Leni shrugs his shoulders in front of him.

Instead, it was an attitude that you didn’t understand.

Mostly, though I wouldn’t be surprised because I had predictions.

Now I really… can Leni make love?

To be honest, I’m either very worried or anxious.

In the maiden game “The Crown of Dusk”, Yuzul’s sister Yayoi, who is the target of the offense, was destined to die of illness before this edition.

But I went from hiccups to yayoi, somehow avoiding that fate.

Now that Yayoi’s body has Leni, the assassin, inside.

Raised by the assassin’s father, Leni was originally an animal girl, but was raised as a man, so his words and actions are rash.

The moment he entered Yayoi’s body, he shortened his chestnut hair, which was all the way to his shoulder because it was yummy, and Leni was spending his time dressed in the same hooded jacket as Meir with a pair of three-quarter length trousers.

Because of its words, deeds and outfits, it looks more like a boy than a girl.

“It’s a hassle! The correct answer in this case is other than four!

“What the hell is that? Except for four, it’s intelligence work, right? I don’t want to know anything about your weaknesses, and I’m not trying to keep you alert and kill you. Why would I have to do that if I wanted to fall in love?

Leni looked dissatisfied with my answer.

Speaking of professional patterns, Leni is too noisy to think about.

I wonder if men think strength is everything.

To know who they are, to kill equals.

Yes, Leni lacks a lot of things to think about naturally.

“What if the other guy was strong in Leni’s way? I wonder how Leni is going to go out with them afterwards?

“If I want to get it, I’ll beat it somehow and force it to be my thing. If you resist, you can tie him up, stop jailing him, and hunt him down until he says he likes me.”

If you curb the sieve and you’re about to tremble and listen as gently as you can, you’ll get a hell of an answer.

No, I can’t.

It’s the idea of a weak, forceful beast.

Rather, it makes me think that even the beast would have something a little more.

I came back to the mansion in the summer, and now it’s winter.

We’ve been dating for about six months now, but I don’t know Leni very well.

I grew up like Meir and my brothers, the assassin girl.

Because of the same environment in which it grew up, it was superficially bright, similar to Meir, somewhere empty and lacking in common sense.

“… think about it in their shoes, Leni. It’s impossible to be attacked all of a sudden and like that person, right?

Slowly, Leni crushes his words so he can understand them.

“Well, sure. He suddenly thinks he’s the enemy, and he’s going to kill him crisply before he recognizes it. First you need to know who they are, and then you need to set them up.”

Leni seems to have convinced me, but there seems to be a huge separation between me and him.

“I wonder if I can fall in love like this…”

“‘Cause it’s okay. I’ll do something about it!

I wonder why our Leni didn’t seem to care at all, not me.

Not enough of a sense of crisis.

Besides, what are you going to do?

I still feel like I’m mistaken for hunting for love.

“Leni, you know what? Now Leni’s a florist, right? If you don’t find someone destined for you during the three years you graduate from school, it’s you!

Leni’s current body, with its basic six attributes of magic, tends to crystallize magic in the body.

Crystallization is a disease that leads to death when it progresses.

The time limit was only three years.

But if you can find someone destined for you in three years and share the magic with that other person… Leni doesn’t have to die.

But if you can’t find it in the last three years, a hell of a future awaits Leni.

Three years later, the power of a florist with a seal is released, and Leni is bi… forced to be a slut with that kind of relationship with more than one person.

It sends the crystallizing power in the body to multiple people and is necessary to avoid death, but it is where we want to avoid it as much as possible.

For four years I have lived as Yayoi, the body that Leni is now in.

I have an attachment, and I don’t want Leni to think that.

But I don’t feel that the desperation has been conveyed to Leni.

“When this happens, Leni. I’ll make Leni a maiden in public! I’ll tap you into your femininity! Why are you laughing?

“No, because you’re feminine… cum, even if you change three cups of breakfast and they say you’re feminine with no chest tightness. That’s funny, you!

People are serious, but when Leni, he’s laughing.

In the meantime, I slapped him with a bespoke Harrison.

Although I don’t really like violence, Leni also needs these means.

My mouth is too bad in addition to being sarcastic and making fun of people.

“Huh! What are you doing!

“From today on, I am Leni’s teacher. I will not tolerate a verbal answer! Before you go to school, you’ll be working out and you’ll look like a chick!

If you stick with Harrison and declare that to Leni.

“Doctor, you need a more feminine teacher… that would hurt! You just said honestly!?

As always, I had a lot to say, so I left you with another shot for now.


How should I make Leni look like a girl, though I cut her off?

Too worried, I’m starting to feel like what femininity was in the first place.

Even if I think about it alone, I don’t have the answer.

Leni goes to school this spring.

There’s going to be a wedding between me and Ixis soon, and I wanted to fix this problem at all somehow.

Femininity…… the first person close to me to come up with this is my maid Maria.

You can say the consolidation of motherhood, honest inclusiveness.

The feminine rounded silhouette is what I admire from the woman.

Speaking of which, I recall that there was a successful example of how Abel, who had been twitching, became round as a result of asking Maria before.

“If Mako depends on you, I’ll do my best! May I take care of Master Leni in our room from today? Zach’s standing alone in another room, so there’s one bed in the room.”

If you asked for help quickly, Maria took it on with pleasure.


You’re also allergic to leaving it to Maria alone, aren’t you?

I have to figure out a way to make Leni look like a girl somehow.

Though I think about it, I’m a little patsy and busy.

It had been a week since I realized it.

I had a long time to settle down, so Leni came when I was working in the field with the half elf pio or Quo.

“Hey… can you do something about the room?

Leni has a tired face for some reason.

He wears a sweet shade of piece and has a ribbon on his hair.

“Leni, you’re so much cuter, aren’t you?

“It’s the first time I’ve been told I’m a girl’s friend… and Sophia dresses me every day. Something sweet and smells good, and it’s going crazy.”

Sophia, Maria’s daughter, has never been out much due to her infirmity.

These days, my body has grown stronger and I’ve just finally been able to live like a normal child.

Sophia, who feels clear and pathetic and however girl, must have been the type who hasn’t been around Leni before.

Though it seemed confusing, this seemed fruitful besides thoughts.

Is it because of the outfit, and Leni is rarely stylish?

“It’s not a good trend. Learn exactly how feminine you are from the two of you…… hey, hey Leni, what the hell!?

I came closer, Leni. Suddenly I touched my body with a stick and began to smell me.

“Those two smell good, and when they hug me, they’re soft. The perfume smells different from the women targeted for assassination. Actually, I thought that was normal. I thought I’d check it out with the same woman Mako, but it stinks.”

“Because I was working in the field earlier…… stop being a little embarrassed!

I want you to stop sniffing people’s necks and trying to rub their breasts, looking seriously troubled.

And I said sarcastically, but you’re saying that I’m not a woman!?

“Against girls, that’s how they don’t meaninglessly stick! You’d be surprised!”

If you beat him with Pa and Harrison, see, Leni glances over when he says he’s a different creature after all.

“Maria and Sophia are sticking to me!? She said she was cute or something and was hugged and suddenly stripped off and dressed. If I did the same thing, you’d be pissed off!

“You can’t because Leni’s is something different. Not treating a girl like a rare beast!

If you dismiss the appeal in the front, Leni will stare at you with his eyes.

“Girl, you’re a pretty good year…… Ouch! What the fuck!

“It is forbidden to refer to a woman as old. Okay?”

If I intimidated Harrison by slapping him with my hand with a bash, Leni nodded cocklessly about whether he felt my killing.

“You know what I mean. Then I’m going to take a bath and go out to the city.”

“Wait a minute. What happens to what I said? Please, just make it another room with Sophia!

If you try to walk out, you can stop it looking a little desperate.

“You don’t like being with Sophia?

“I don’t hate him, but I thought you didn’t like him.”

Leni’s face is sinister.

“Maybe something happened with Sophia?

“… I was walking in the garden and Sophia said she was happy to see a rare bird flying. I thought I’d take it if you wanted, and I threw a knife and I dropped it, and they cried.”

I look away at it awkwardly, and Leni speaks.

Perhaps Sophia wanted us to look at the rare birds together and sympathize with their emotions.

But it didn’t seem to tell Leni that.

“Hey, why did Sophia cry?

Leni’s eyes coming at me are pure, a face I seriously said I didn’t know.

“It would be sad if someone died, wouldn’t it?

“I just think you’re gone if you die otherwise. Sometimes I might think a little if I knew him, but until then. Besides, it’s just a bird I dropped, right?

I thought it wouldn’t tell, but it still did.

I’m sad about that.

That’s the way to live, Leni has always been from birth. So if you don’t hesitate to kill me, you won’t even be interested in someone’s death.

If you kill him, you die, to that extent, for Leni, there’s no room for emotion there.

I guess that’s why we could also assassinate Meir, who grew up like brothers.

Maybe this can’t be helped where I said it in words.

Just like Meir was.

But I’m sure you care about what Sophia cried about, so you shouldn’t have changed.

“Why do you even look like you’re crying? I’m going crazy. Did I do something wrong?

“Sophia just wanted to see a rare bird with Leni. I just wanted you to tell me you’re a lovely bird.”

Speak to Leni, who looks like trouble, and he makes a face that he doesn’t know extra.

I guess Leni never thought of birds as cute.

“I knew I didn’t know. You shouldn’t have killed him for now, should you?


“Women are hard…”

Leni shrugs with a flashing look.

I feel like it’s a woman or something before that, but I didn’t say that.

“… me, I wonder if Sophia hated me. I don’t care if the subject in front of me cries or not, but I felt bad when he cried. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

Surprised by Leni’s confession.

The leaning face looked painful and depressed.

This is the first Leni face I’ve ever seen.

“Then we have to make up.”


Speaking of which, Leni tilts his neck like he never thought of it.

“That’s right, make up. I’m sorry. Say I’m sorry.”

“But I’m not sure what went wrong, am I?

“But you think it’s bad that you made Sophia cry, don’t you? Then you just have to tell her how you feel. Because one day, I’m sure, there’s gonna be a day when I know why Sophia cried.”

I’m sure it’s not that far away that day.

Wishing, gazing and spinning words.

“Besides, girls prefer flowers to bird bodies. If I give you a present and apologize, I’m sure you’ll forgive me, okay?

“Are you glad you got flowers? You can’t use it for anything, and you’re definitely happier with the birds you can eat.”

Leni tilts her neck if she has no idea.

“… flowers, are you happy to have them?

“From the flower beds of Pio and Quo, I’ll choose with you!

That’s what the half-elf Quo, who was at my side, says, and his brother Pio takes Leni’s arm in bright shape.

Although Leni showed a slight distress.

“If you say Sophia likes flowers… I’ll give it to you. Can I ask you a favor?


“Cute choice”

Pio nods and Quo smiles at Leni, who has spoken of him as a mistress.

If you have someone you don’t want to make you cry and you have something you think is important.

I’m sure Leni can change too.

The sides of choosing flowers while Pio and Kuo teach them are serious.

When I saw it, I couldn’t help but laugh.

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