Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 124

[Outside 9] Leni and Maiden’s Special Training 4


“Abel went back to her room once. I bought it against Leni before, but it looks like he’s heading into the garden with a gift he couldn’t give me in the end. Sophia and Leni have tea at the garden table.”

Abel needs to get out of the office.

If you called me by name, Meir gave me the information I wanted without having to say it.

“Maybe you can see from the balcony upstairs. The audio was snaked into everyone’s shadow, so it’s okay.”

That should be called Meir, or I was ready to hand wrestle.

I don’t really want to do this…… I care what you care about.

Meir and I move to the balcony and sit there.

If I looked outside from between the fences, I could see Sophia sitting in a chair reading a book.



If Meir calls his name, every black snake appears out of my shadow.

Samuel the Snake lifts his sickle and opens his mouth wide.

Meir can cast his phantom beast, the serpent, into the shadow, and send what the serpent in his shadow sees and hears to other serpents.

Mere’s snakes are always great at eavesdropping on it or putting snakes in the shadows to get in touch with them.

“I could have bought it, but did Sophia have to go all the way? Abel’s guy, Sophia turned him down and he looked shocked, didn’t he?

“Yeah, but I was worried if I didn’t get it soon, I’d sell it out.”

The voices of Sophia and Leni flow from Samuel’s mouth.

Apparently, the two of them went shopping.

There was a small box on the table, and Sophia looked at it lovingly.

“Ah, Abel’s here. There you go.”

If you look in the direction pointing to Meir’s voice, Abel stood slightly away from the two of them.

He seems to be worried about whether to speak up or not because Leni is with him.

“I found this at the store and bought it, and I’m gonna do it to Sophia.”

In front of Abel, who was standing still, Leni handed Sophia something.

That’s apparently a blue ribbon.

When I get anxious and look at Abel, I grasp the bag with the gift all the time.

“Wow, beautiful ribbon! Can I have this? But if you bought a corner, shouldn’t Leni put it on?

It was Sophia’s delightful voice that reached my ear with a cold sweat that this was not good.

‘I bought it for Sophia, so take it. I thought you’d be happy because you always have a bow.’

“For me…? Thanks, Leni. ‘

Sophia, with the ribbon in her hand, laughed and Leni looked satisfied.

“That face of Leni, since he successfully fed Mizunella.”

Meir laughs when it’s funny.

“What’s Mizunella?

“It’s a blood-sucking rat demon. Leni had a pet or an assassination attempt. You’re a leopard beast and a cat family, but you’re crazy!

Ha, Meir is laughing all the time, but I don’t know about trying to naturally plant the assassination with the feeling of planting your hands.

Whether it’s a slaughter or almost a story, I have trouble reacting.

‘If you look like that, you would have bought it. Tell me everything else Sophia would love. ”

“Why does Leni want to please me so much?

If Leni says, Sophia asks in wonder.

‘If you don’t know about a woman, you can’t dance as a woman. I have too many incomprehensible parts. And then…’


Repeating Leni’s words, Sophia tilted her neck.

‘When Sophia laughs at what I do, I feel good. Sophia’s been delighted lately. ”

“… if leni”

Oh, my God. Well, Leni’s straight.

Everyone would be happy to be shown such a straight favor.

I don’t even see the look on Sophia’s face from here on out, but her voice just lit her up. It seemed like she was ashamed.

“Ribbon, I’ll put it on.”

“Thanks, Leni.”

Fluffy atmosphere.

I was just dying to say it was a treat.

“Sounds like the first couple.”


Nod at Meir’s thoughts.

Leni couldn’t seem to tie the ribbon, and Sophia smiled, although she was struggling badly, was that fun again too?

“Ha, if you say so, what about Abel!?

I was too distracted by the trend between the two of them to remember the key thing.

From what I can see, Abel is solidified in the same position as earlier, but things are looking a little weird.

I grab my feet with both hands, and I’m trying to pull them off. It’s like I can’t get my feet off the ground and I’m in a hurry.

“I was trying to escape, so I’m using snakes to stop you. I can’t move for a while now because I’m magically sewing shadows to the ground.”

It seems Meir’s snake can do that too.

With that said, I think you had the magic to seal enemy movements for one turn in the magic of the dark attribute.

“Oh, Abel, what are you doing?

Sophia notices and approaches while Abel struggles badly.


‘Really? He seemed kind of in a hurry though. Oh, is this Abel’s?

On Abel’s side, a bag of presents is dropped, and Sophia picks it up.

Abel looked awkward first.

‘It’s a pretty bag, but is it a gift for someone?

It felt like I said the bag was for a gift for a woman, and I saw Abel as Sophia would like.

Abel looks like she’s in trouble, looks at Sophia, looks at Leni standing next to her and then shuts up.

“This is a secret.”


I wish I could give it here, but when Abel came, I was deluded.

Sophia’s voice makes me sad.

‘You know, Abel. This… from me to Abel’

Saying so in a slightly depressed voice, Sophia offers Abel a small box.

It was a small box on the table earlier.

Apparently, that was a gift for Abel.

“To me? Can I open it?

‘Yeah, you might not like it…’

“Sophia, you may be mistaken that Abel is trying to give a gift to a girl other than herself.”

Meir says that when she sees Sophia’s face cloudy, which seemed like fun earlier.

That may indeed be the case.

Abel opened the box Sophia gave her.

I didn’t even see what was in it from here, but I heard Abel breathing.

“I bought a pin because I heard Abel’s school and uniform were tied. I thought Abel had the same color as her eyes, and when I found it yesterday, I asked the shop people to keep it for just one day.”

Apparently today to pick that up, Sophia turned down Abel’s invitation and went out with Leni.

‘The school is a full dorm system, and I don’t think I’ll see you for a while when I get into school. If you look at it and remember me at all…… I’m glad’

Saying healthy things, Sophia pins Abel’s clothes.

Maybe he was crying.


Calling that name sweetly, Abel takes the little box out of the pink bag.

I opened the box and showed Sophia the contents.


‘I want Sophia to take it. Because this is me, but I like Sophia. When you get back from school and become a man in public, marry me… will you’

Abel told Sophia, who covered her mouth with her hands.

I made sure to stick my hands out to Sophia and said so clearly, although I was too scared to see my face.

There was probably a ring in the little box.


Sophia nods in tears.

Apparently, it worked.

I didn’t think you’d propose.

“Sophia, you look happy.”


After I replied, I realized that the voice wasn’t Meir and turned around, and there was Leni.

I didn’t notice because there was no sign at all.

“Fine, when!? Why are you here?

“You’ve been looking at me the whole time, haven’t you? I didn’t think you’d notice.”

Leni says that to me upset.

But the gaze remains more focused on Sophia.

Leni, glaring somewhere and narrowing her eyes, looked flattered at how they were doing.

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