Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 126

[Outside 11] Hilda and the Other World (Hilda Perspective)

I decide to give two boys, who are supposed to be dead worldly, a new name.

He named his 10-year-old brother Vice and his 3-year-old Til.

Vice is’ evil ‘or’ shortcomings’ in the language of this country.

Till means’ tail ‘.

Your tail is grasping.

That’s what I’ve been trying to mean…… Vice bows politely saying thank you for a nice name.

Tilia was the type of person who could easily put what she thought on her face.

That’s why I was making fun of you, though.

Apparently, he remembered not to put the inside out on his face while the wax wasn’t watching.

“Stupid kid to come all the way to the wax to be mean”

I can’t believe you showed up before the wax yourself.

What are you willing to put on this time?

Even after the wasp went to his daughter-in-law to the old man of man, assassins from Tilia had been sent in many times.

Every time Tilia changes her taste.

At one point, a wasp and a different father brother were sent in.

‘It’s your siblings. Do it cute’ What a half-elf brother who came with a letter, when Claude made me investigate, was really a waxy brother.

A child my mother was born to another man.

Although his father is different from the wasp, these two are with him and his mother.

Naturally, Tilia never looked for me in good faith.

In the kingdom of the elves, man is only a florist.

Florists are then allowed to own only the royal family.

Every half-elf born, one parent is royal and one parent is a human florist.

The royal family with high magical abilities and the son of a florist with the ability to enhance magic are often highly magical all in all.

I was put in an institution and educated there.

If strong magic is recognized, he will be raised as an assassin, or raised as a soldier on dangerous assignments like no one else does.

It’s just that these half-elf brothers Pio and Quo, they didn’t have much magic.

They sent it to the lab, and it looks like they were undergoing human experiments there.

At my age, two of my naive personalities don’t remember anything about me at the lab.

They are one order of Tilia, where the character of the innocent table is replaced with the character behind the brutality.

Tilia would have liked to have set it up to look at the wasps and assassinate them.

If you’re a brother-in-law with a blood connection, Tilia probably thought you couldn’t kill the wasp.

Regardless of the assassins and assassins who were turned over, they never even took the lives of the sisters who had tried to kill me.

Although it was effective enough for the wasp to teach himself directly, and the aftertreatment was troublesome.

Pio and Quo, pointing back more than Tilia.

If there was a wax in a certain range, I made him make a pledge that he couldn’t come out with the personality behind him.

At another point, Tilia hired a famous assassin and turned to the wasp.

Literally, an assassin sneaking from the shadows.

I’ve never seen an assassin use a phantom beast that could be described as legendary.

I made a pledge to be funny and make it my own, and turned to Tilia on the contrary.

The assassin brought an elf feather.

A feather worth as much as life to an elf.

Tilia’s feathers had a reputation for being particularly beautiful. White, clear feathers can be seen glowing rainbow-colored with the addition or subtraction of light, wrapping light particles around each wing.

It was undoubtedly Tilia’s feather, and I thought this time I would have punished her.

Now…… I can’t believe you jumped in yourself.

You must have cut the paralysis, but you’re a fool who doesn’t really learn.

“Ma’am, that sounds like fun. Is it because that boy looks like that woman?

Claude, who was lying next to him, speaks to words that he accidentally shrugged.

Claude also thought that boy – Vice looked like Tilia.

Claude, the wasp butler, is basically polite to everyone, but not only to Tilia.

He looked complicated.

“You’re a stupid kid to come all the way to the wax to be mean to you”

“I feel a little sympathy for that human boy…”

Couscous laughing and saying, Claude lowers her brow like a lady at all.

He thinks the boy has the shadow of Tilia, an aerial likeness of others.

Vice is different from Tilia in terms of gender, age, and race.

The background of the two boys was solid, and Claude probably thinks there’s no way the prized Tilia could show up at the wax like this.

I wonder when I’ll get the bollocks out.

With that in mind, I adored Vice.

If it was Tilia, I ordered him to do something he would never do, and let him.

But no matter how humiliating the act was, Vice looked confused, but he did everything to show it.

A month was about to pass, but Vice has no sign of anything calling.

Too submissive to be funny.

… Maybe I’m on guard because I have Ixis and Meir.

Whenever I have been harassed by Tilia in the Elf Country, I have doubled it back and sinned against Ixis.

I remember looking disgusted just because Ixis was there and sending me a hostile glance.

By constantly placing Ixis, a dragon tribe, on the side of the Elf Nation, some trouble could be avoided.

There’s no way you can fight a wasp who can follow the nearest dragon clan, or your opponent will give up.

But it was too conspicuous in this human country, so it kept him waiting in space at all times.

In addition to Ixis, who doesn’t know when or where to start, the assassin boy Meir, with the feathers of Tilia, is also in this mansion.

Maybe we’ll just have to be cautious.

… I think I’ll show you a little gap.

And where I’ve set you up, I’ll give you back.

I was interested in what Tilia was going to do.

If you rarely let Ixis out, there will be a bond around the mansion.

Even if the wax fell into danger, this would no longer allow Ixis to come quickly to help.

I guess Tilia is going to trap us from now on.

He said it was the wasps who were trapping him.

And then Vice called the wasp.

The other boy gave me a message asking me to come to the roof because we were alone and we needed to talk.

– I got caught up in the bait well.

I bruised and laughed in my heart at the wasted scratch and decided to respond to that call.


“Pfft, you’re not cute. My clothes look great on you, too. What’s wrong with calling a wasp to this place?

The door leading to the unpopular rooftop was open and dazzling with the light of the noon sun plunging in.

It’s our butler’s clothes that Vice is wearing, although he can’t see his face well in the backlight.

Designed specials for each person.

I wasn’t ordering because I expected Vice to tail out soon……

It’s been almost a month since Vice came, so maybe around Claude has distracted me.

Pick a skirt and climb the stairs.

While pretending to be normal, I was alert enough to Vice.

I approach Vice in a spare manner while preparing for the magic to unfold quickly as well.

Whatever it took, I was confident I would slap the Vice in front of me and lay low.

I see a magic formation in the wasp’s eyes. If you tried to do magic, you’d know beforehand, and it was even possible to strike it off.

When I can climb the stairs, Vice reaches out to me.

Trying to take that hand with a funny thought of you as surprisingly gentleman…… I was thrust away.

Vice laughs in front of me.

It’s not as bad as being disfigured.

I try to regain my posture with the magic of the immediate wind – my vision twists and turns.

It feels like something is coming off the top of my head all the time, intense discomfort.

There is no gravity on the falling body, no sense of the body floating using the magic of the wind.

Vice is smiling in front of me.

Looking back, my body was falling under the stairs.

I was separated from my body.

It was too late when I realized that.

Make sure your body has a magical formation that looks like a pigeon.

For the first time since becoming a spiritual body, I notice its magic formation.

Some magic was already activated and the wasp was flown off the spot.


A white room with a strange ceiling.

I noticed it on a white bed and I was asleep.

If you wake up, there’s an unusual made shelf on the side, which fits a black frame with a shape you’ve never seen before.

This cloth, which touches the skin, is slightly unfamiliar with the scent of chemicals as a parsnip.

When I looked at her feet, the woman in the chair slept trying to keep her head in bed.

Dark hair, yellow exotic skin. Thirty or forty years old?

The clothes were well tailored and didn’t seem like a servant.

Why are you sleeping at the feet of a wasp?

Moreover, its eyes are red, as if it had been crying before.

Vice…… I remember till Tilia slammed me down the stairs.

The fact that my soul has been detached from my body.

If you look at your hand, it wasn’t wax ‘.

I can’t confirm it because I don’t have a mirror, but this body doesn’t belong to a wax.

Dark hair in the same skin color as a woman sleeping at the feet of a wasp.

Looks like a young woman from skin stiffness.

Maybe it’s a child because his chest hasn’t grown.

I don’t know… Was the wasp killed by Tilia?

So you’re reborn again with your memories of your previous life?

If that’s not possible, I deny my thoughts.

It’s not a wasp that gets hit every time Tilia.

Perhaps they flew their souls to another body.

Unlike normal wizards, wasps and ixis see a magic formation when working their magic.

That means I rely on my eyes.

Tilia must have created an invisible magic formation.

Spiritual Body…… Being a ghost figure and you can see it may be a forbidden technique of sorting and creating souls.

But nevertheless, the Vice in front of me had no bare gesture of using magic.

Maybe there was a third party there.

I should have considered that possibility as well, but I was concentrating too much on the Vice in front of me.

I regret the wackiness.

At the same time, it’s the first time I’ve experienced someone do this to me.

– I can’t believe Tilia did this to me.

Laughter leaks when you don’t do it.

Well, that’s fine.

I don’t know what to do now.

Kill the wasp and Tyria dies.

That kind of pledge is exchanged, but there’s actually a way out to break it.

Put another soul in the body of the man who made the covenant to kill, and in the same way put the soul of the covenant in another body to kill.

By killing the wasp in two parts, you can cancel your vows without dying.

Tilia, who’s so close to getting ready, couldn’t have checked it out.

The body will be killed sooner or later by Tilia.

It’s not that I’m unattached, but it looks like you should cut it off.

… First, you need to know the current position and the specs of this body.

The entry of the wasp soul would mean that this body was in a state of temporary death and had no original soul.

He doesn’t seem to be hurt, but is he sick?

That’s a little nasty.

In the meantime, I decide to wake the woman at my feet, trying to get information.

“You there, wake up”


If I rocked my body, the woman woke up her upper body.

Look at the wax and open your eyes.

“I wonder where I am. Explain the situation where the wasp is now being held.”

“… Meiko! Great!”

The wasp asked, but the woman hugged her unanswered.

Somewhat familiar attitude.

Apparently the name of this body is Mako.

“Worry…… call me. Mother, I didn’t feel alive.”

The woman spoke as she shrugged.

The body of a woman crying in her ear is trembling and makes her uncomfortable with the body temperature she communicates.

The mother of this body? It’s an exaggeration.

What do you need to cry so much about?

Forced to pull off his body and stare from the front.

“I’m fine with wasps. Then tell me what happened. Where is this place and who is the wasp now? Tell me if you know the magical attributes of this body and the skill.”

I don’t know when Tilia will come.

Tyria probably knows where the wasp flew his soul.

I had to hit my hand early and put it down.

“Meiko…… what the hell is going on? Say it like Lintaro.”

“Lintalou? I wonder what that means.”

I frowned at the confused looking woman and she seemed to notice a wasp anomaly.

“Maybe, remember nothing… you don’t?

“Yeah, not at all. So maybe you can tell me.”

It was troublesome to get out of the way, and to put it that way, the woman seemed shocked.

Though I thought I’d say it wasn’t your daughter at all, I can’t say that would be wise to think if I couldn’t move freely.

I was kind of guessing from the smell of the drugs, but this looks like a hospital.

Soon the doctor arrived and the wasp was diagnosed with amnesia.

That would be more convenient.

The owner of this body was in an accident and seemed to have been transported into this facility.


“Mother, is it true that your sister is awake!?

Is the boy who showed up somewhere between the ages of thirteen and fifteen?

She has a white eyelid in her right eye.

“This is Lintaro, it’s a hospital, so be quiet.”

Though the woman scolded him and gave him a sober look, the boy looked relieved when he confirmed what a wasp looked like.

From the conversation, I guess the boy is this body’s brother.

The black, decorative garment has a tingling hem area.

Although the Wizard of Dark Attributes prefers to dress…… it is also unusual to wear this outfit at this age.

The boy’s age wizard is mostly a student of magic school.

A wizard in half a serving yet, but wearing this outfit isn’t something I can be ashamed of inside.

I mean, at this age, he must be a wizard with a strong talent.

I think so when I think I’m going to understand more than a woman.

“Mom, I’ll be home soon. It’s like your sister’s amnesia, so you can’t confuse her by saying things you don’t know, right?

“I know, I know. That’s not true. Come on, get out of here!

Pushed in precaution, the boy drives the woman out of this place, partitioned by curtains.

I sat down in the chair where the woman was sitting until earlier, like I told her to do.

“Now you can finally calm down and talk. dwelling in my sister’s body, another soul.”

In a different and more severe manner than earlier, the boy speaks.

The right eye, with an invincible grin and an eye band taken, is the same as a waxy dragon – the color of gold.

“Oh, we’re talking fast. You have golden eyes.”

The golden-eyed dragon sees the magic formation.

The fact that he took a bunch of eye bands probably has that feature in his golden eyes as well.

That’s all I can say about seeing the magic formations, and I can tell you they’re pretty special wizards.

I can’t feel the magical aptitude of this body, where the wasp soul resides.

The boy in front of you should probably be using magic against wasps that allows you to see your soul.

Yet we cannot even recognize the remnants of that power.

But… the wax is on.

Even if the owner of this body has no power, you can have the boy protect you.

It should be possible if we make good use of being brothers and sisters.

Tilia won’t kill me.

I have to double this humiliation for you… right?

I laughed and swore to my heart that.

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