Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 38

[37] Using demons and unfortunate princes

Prince Levine in the game challenges Kokegashira and then loses.

I fail every time I try to persevere in using my Righteousness.

Just one last blow and you’ll electrocute and faint over Cokegasilla’s head.

And later, the protagonist and his user demon will be fighting Kokegashira… that’s what the event was like to get ‘Kokegoke’.

In the cokegashira of earthly attributes, there is no fool to use electric shock.

That is why the existence of ‘Kookoko Goke’ has never been known to anyone before.

In the game, thanks to Levine, the main character can accidentally pick “Kooko Goke”.

To be clear, I thought it was a troublesome prince, even when I was playing the game.

In front of you, Levin chanting.

Big magic formation over the already dying cokegasilla because the knights hurt.

There were more rain clouds wrapped around the electric shock.

From this futilely long chant, I guess you’re going to use the depths of light attributes.

“I don’t know, but that’s not Meir, is it? But you have a long chant. I’m dying, so just cut it with your sword.”

Hopefully Feather, who had been silent for so long, tipped his neck to be honest.

They don’t understand the behavior.

“Because it’s about Prince Levine, I want the credit that I defeated him. I think it’s tough for your people every time.”

“That’s familiar. You know that guy?

Feather, who answered, purely questioned me, asks.

“That’s the first prince of this country, Feather. It’s similar to Meir’s, but never mind there. That’s a long time, though. I feel like it’s been over five minutes.”

If you mislead the conversation properly, turn to Levine as Feather seems boring.

He’s starting to get tired of chanting too long.

“That’s going to take a while yet. I’ll check around here.”

That’s what Ixis says, he goes into the woods.

I keep an eye on the Prince, wondering if I should have followed Ixis, too.

Yawning came out, around Feather sitting on a branch of a tree and starting to fall asleep, lightning finally falling over Cokegashira enough for the sky to stain white.

“That’s the prince! Now you’ve defeated all the Cokegashira!

“It’s not normal to think of wetting in water and increasing the effect of electric shocks by pushing cokegasilla into the river!

“Now the people can sleep in peace. Everyone will thank the Prince!

The knights around them praise Levine with a mouthful of praise.

“Huh. A dirt attribute, before my overwhelming strength, is only the weak. Huh, ha. Ah-ha-ha!

Between the players of “Crown of Dusk,” Levin laughs high by throwing up a famous dialogue as a story.

“He looks great even though he’s done very little.”

In the meantime, Feather’s honest words echoed loudly in his thoughts.

It was already too late when I thought it was a mess and looked up at the feather on the tree.

“What the hell are you?”

Levin noticed this way.

My purple eyes narrow in a grumpy way, and I stare over at you.

The face was only twins, very similar to Meir’s.

“Nice to meet you, Prince. I say Hilda Austin, ruling the neighboring territory.”

Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of Feather on the tree in the Prince’s eyes.

If I smiled and lowered my head to delude myself, Levin’s cheek stained slightly red.

He’s creeping at Hilda’s beauty.

Not quite. Looks like a kid.

“Are you the woman lord of Austin territory? I heard you were a beautiful woman in a half elf… more than a rumor.”

“I’m glad the prince praised me. I heard a cockerel appeared around here, and I couldn’t even let it go as neighboring territory, and I came to the exorcism… but the prince has already defeated you. Thanks!

I’ll give you a compliment for now.

Levin’s favorite dialogue in the game is mostly a compliment.

Even if you don’t think so at all, it’s fine as long as you praise it.

“Until I did what I deserved as a prince. You can’t just leave the people in trouble.”

Humph and Levin chest up great.

I’m only ten, so I’m a little smiling.

When I’m about fifteen, I want to kick my ass.

“Hey May…… Hilda! There’s orange cockerel growing on Cokegasilla’s head!

Ixis called me out loud in the river.


If you run over there saying it wasn’t if you were dealing with Levin, you do have an orange cockerel in your head.

“Because I used the depths of light attributes, not normal electric shock… you were experiencing a highly toxic cockerel”

“Looks like your cock was melting out because you were knocking it down in the river. And look, there.”

At the tip of Ixis’ pointing, he saw a number of cokegashira giants nodding in the river.

Apparently, the prince just knocked him down and left him without the aftermath of Kokegashira.

As far as I could see, about three cocktails of cocktails could be confirmed.

From these cocktails, an extract of the orange cocktail was flowing, which must have caused the disease.

What an annoying prince you’ve been since you were a child!

I’d love to see one or two of your fist bones, but I’m patient here.

More than that, we should get rid of the cockerel and remove the cockerel effect from the river.

“It’s just impossible to manipulate it. Can I kiss you?

Ixis asks to be accepted.

Suddenly they asked me that and my chest made a dodgy noise.

“Yes, fine. Come on!”

Close your lips with your eyes closed.

If I let my body stretch, I could hear Ixis sighing.

“You have no colour or anything…”

Chu, and I feel a light touch on my lips, and the wind blows up.

If I slowly opened my eyes, Ixis was there, who turned out to be a dragon.

“What the fuck! This is a dragon!

Levin noticed Ixis and came here with a happy voice.

Although Ixis glanced at Levine, he silently begins his work saying that it is better to leave Kokegashira than it is.

Ixis grabbed about two cocktails and feathered them into the sky.

I guess I’m going to throw it away at the back of the mountain.

“Does Hilda have dragons in her pets”

“He is my guardian dragon. I don’t mean pets.”

Answer Levin, who spoke so flatteringly as to look up at Ixis.

“It’s so powerful. That’s red, big and cool. Hey, Hilda, give that to me.”

I forgot they were princes by accident, and I almost said, “What are you talking about?

I’ve just told you I’m a guardian dragon.

Above all, Ixis is not a thing.

“I can’t do that. Ixis has a deal with me to die with. I mean, it’s like being one person at a time.”

I refuse as politely as I can, even though I feel my face pull.

“Well… that’s troublesome. Then I’ll take Hilda with me.”

That’s a good idea, isn’t it? So Levin laughed along with the diagonal suggestions.

It also sounds like a proposal if you just listen to the words, but it’s awfully light.

Besides, it’s a face I don’t think anything about being hated or turned down.

Unexpectedly, I opened my mouth like an idiot.

“I hear my husband got ahead of me. Wouldn’t it be hard for a woman to rule the border territory by herself? I’ll leave you to the others and be my mistress. I won’t let you be crippled.”

That’s not what a 10-year-old would call a dialogue.

And that face, I really don’t doubt it’s happiness to me.

“Don’t be ridiculous! There is no way that my Lord will be your mistress. The very idea of a mistress or something in the first place makes me nauseous!

That’s the number one offensive target of the unpopular Dantotsu in his previous life.

If I was concerned through the shaking, Feather flew beside me and yelled at Levine.

“What are you going to say to me at the Beast Man’s minute?”

Levin’s eyes narrowed steadily, and there dwelt a cold light.

It’s like looking down at Feather, the beast man, and being disrespectful.

“You don’t have any power over yourself, you look great.”

“… what!

Levin exposes his anger to the words of a stirring feather.

The knights, who surrounded themselves in silence, put their hands on the sword that lowered to their hips.

In some cases, he may be going to trump Feather, the beast man.

That’s how much the life of the beast man was treated lightly here.

Moves forward and forth in front of Levine in an attempt to subtly shelter Feather while feeling comfortable with the hints falling on his chest.

“I’m sorry my user demon said something rude. More than that, how could there have been a prince in a place like this?

“When I heard that Kokegashira was out, I thought I’d take him down with the power of your light attributes. To let you know it’s none of my business if it’s a bad earthly attribute.”

If I change my mind, I will answer proudly, as the Prince often did.

“After all, you only stabbed Todome.”

Feather squeaks behind me.

You were about to mislead me around the corner, but this is ruined.

“Hey…… you there. Shut up just now. Are you complaining about me?”

Levin stares at Feather whining about the blur and the truth.

“It’s too prestigious with that degree of magic. My Lord can cast more magic than that in an instant.”

“You’re more determined than me! I have a phantom beast!

To the words of Feather, Levin is exasperated.

Apparently you shouldn’t touch it, you’ve poked his too shallow point.

“Hey Hilda and I did. Is your magic so amazing?”


Levin suddenly asks me that, and I’m confused.

“Naturally. Because I’m the main one. Unlike your long chant, my Lord’s chant combines dressing.”

All the way out in front of me, Feather stretches his chest.

“Then show me that strength. He slapped me like that. If it’s no big deal, you’re in jail for false sins!

Levin said so to the feather to make room to eat and hang.

“Oh, I don’t mind that much. Isn’t that right, Lord?

Feather replied, throwing his gaze at me.

“I want you to show this guy the magic of the Lord and show him the difference in character”

A face full of expectations dazzles me.

He doesn’t suspect me because he believes I would.

“Hey, Feather!?

“If you’re going to say that much, let’s see how strong it is. If it’s no big deal… you know what I mean?

Levin gives me a glimpse so I can deserve to wander.

“Just what I want.”

Instead of me wandering around, Feather took on the battle on his own.

“No, no, no! I can’t, Feather!?

“… you did, I’ve been busy now. Next time, okay?

Feather makes a hazy face and tells Levin to sue me desperately.

“What, are you running away?

“My Lord will neither escape nor hide. I’m putting it in now. If you want to see the Lord’s magic…… right, you should visit the Mansion in two weeks. By then, my Lord’s problems will have been solved.”

Feather invincibly replied to Levine, who was staring.

Levin shuts up to think a little, then nods when he finds out.

“Then let’s do this. In two weeks, Hilda will face me by magic. If you win, I’ll reward you with whatever you want. When you lose…”

Once I cut the word, Levin stares at me with his hot eyes.

“Make Hilda mine for every dragon. Is that all right?

“I don’t mind because my Lord will win. You’re gonna regret trying to compete, aren’t you?

Feather speaks with dignity so that Levine’s words are not taken for granted.

He didn’t seem to think he’d lose anything.

Levin and Feather go ahead on their own in front of me as a dick.

No, you can’t!

I can’t use magic!

That’s what I want to say, but it’s not an atmosphere I can say.

The opponent is a prince, even if he rots. In this situation, it would mean that Feather and I are liars and could be punished on the spot.

“Then two weeks from now, I’m looking forward to it. Have them deliver sentences specifying how to duel at a later date, location, date and time, etc. Don’t run away, okay?

Yeah, leave it, Levin’s leaving.

“Who runs away? Hey, Lord?”

“Ha, right…”

Feather speaks to me and speaks weakly.

Prince, you can’t escape if you’re opponent, can you?

What am I supposed to do if I can’t magic!?

Even though I haven’t solved the problems of the sick, there’s been an increase in every mess!

If I’m to be forgiven, I want to get on my knees and cry on the ground right now… I was in that mood.

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