Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 41

[40] White pants and his shirt and

“Dear Meiko, I’ve made some tea for Lilke’s flowers”

“Thank you, Claude”

Claude bought me some tea from Lilke’s flowers in the Land of the Beasts and I’ll take it.

It’s a calming moment.

“Thanks to this bizarre disturbance, Master Meiko, we were able to converge early. It’s a great hand.”

“I owe it to my gaming knowledge from my previous life. But I’m glad. Do something before the dead come out.”

Add honey to Lilke’s tea while answering the praiseworthy Claude.

Keefa is perfectly well, too, and so far I haven’t seen any after-effects of the disease.

After that, Keefa thanked me for saving the village.

Sometimes I started to show my face in the dining room with everyone.

Still a snack, but I think it’s a good trend.

According to a letter of thanks from the neighboring lord, the disease in that village also seems to have converged.

My work as a lord that had accumulated while I was vacating the mansion also finally came to a paragraph.

Thanks to Claude for cleaning up so quickly.

Although he doesn’t have arms, Claude is very good at putting the gist together.

Organizes paperwork and tells me only what I need.

I’m sure if I had a colleague like Claude in my previous life’s company, the job would have gone more efficiently.

I want my men to be the type.

“… Mako is an amazing person. I can’t believe you’re often confused to come here from different worlds and solve problems so easily.”

“He said he bought too much. Coincidence, coincidence.”

Claude turns his sincere eyes to this one.

It’s not such a big deal, so I laughed and flushed it properly.

“Besides, this isn’t something I could have done alone. With everyone’s help, we were able to solve it quickly. Thank you, Claude.”

Claude says it’s a word without a body and he bows his head.

Really serious.

“And Claude, you don’t have to be respectful when you’re alone. I’m not a real Hilda, and Claude’s older, right? You can call me Meiko.”

“No. Exactly. It’s…”

Claude looked like he was in trouble if I suggested it.

“You feel the distance, don’t you? Claude and I have been spending almost six months together, and that’s kind of lonely. Can’t you?



Even though Claude is older, he has an aura that makes him want to tease a little.

The troubled face is cute.

If I pressed further, I would have made my cheeks a little red with my eyebrows in a wretched letter of ha.

“… then I shall call you Meiko”

With this real cough, Claude finally speaks.

The renunciation seemed very embarrassing to Claude.

“Yeah, that’s how it is. You don’t even need a salute, do you?

“This one’s already a habit.”

When he was happy and smiled, Claude laughed like he was weak.


Moving from the desk in the office to the couch, relax with Claude with tea and sweets.

Because I am your daughter’s butler.

That’s what I said, though Claude didn’t give me a break until before.

When I came back from the kingdom of the beast man, this is how he came to hang out with me.

I’m glad you got closer than when they thought you were Hilda.

“Since I was in the kingdom of the Beast Man in Meiko, I’ve had one thing to ask you. Meiko had a fever and I was distracted by the odd disturbance. I know it’s a pretty nasty thing to do… may I confirm one thing”

Put the cup of tea you were drinking on the saucer and correct your residence.

Suddenly Claude stares at me.

There was something determined about that face.

“Fine. What?”

“Um… Is that what Mako and Ixis get along with?

If I can answer it, I’ll answer it.

If you think so and ask, Auntie and Claude speak.

“That kind of friendship?

I wonder what Claude wants to hear.

What does that kind of friendship mean besides the relationship between the guardian dragon and his husband?

I lean my neck unexpectedly.

“So… after agreeing with Ixis, it’s about the body!

Claude spoke so that he could squeeze it out with a bright red face, wondering why you wouldn’t guess.


What are you talking about? Claude is.

The way I put it, it sounds like me and Ixis are having it.

I don’t know what it means extra, tilting my neck even further to the other side.

“You don’t have to hide it. Because I know. The next day when I found out Jimmy was a ghost, that… you were staying in Ixis’ room, weren’t you?

I was too surprised by Claude spinning words with a bright red face and my mouth was wide open.

“Because that’s not what that is!

Claude, you’re making a terrible mistake!

Unexpectedly stood up in a hurry and slapped the table in the van.

He died in his previous life and was reincarnated into Hilda.

That’s what I thought…… the real me was just a ghost attached to Hilda’s body.

Get depressed that day knowing the truth.

Ixis comforted me when it was dark.

I didn’t mean to cry, but Ixis would be nice, so I cried.

It was raining outside and my clothes were getting wet.

If I still didn’t want to go back to the inn where everyone was, Ixis would take me to my room in a different space.

I don’t remember much about the aftermath having a fever… but there was nothing colourful about that.

‘Cause it’s me and Ixis, right?

He has also been seen enjoying his milk shaking while jumping on the bed, or rolling his carpet and enjoying the feel.

You expose yourself to pity, and even emotion, you’re stuck with Ixis.

It will never be such a sweeter development than being seen by the vegetarian me.

In addition, I caused trouble and left no trouble for Ixis.

That’s all I’m tired of relying on, and it’s sweet that Ixis is actually a good person.

I have a sense that you’re a troublesome one yourself.

Plus it looks like Hilda, who hates Ixis.

He said it wasn’t his type of preference, and what Claude’s saying is unlikely.

“You know what, Claude? That’s a mistake. It was raining, so they put me in Ixis’ room, and then I fell asleep tired.”

You’ll be worried if I tell you what I cried, so I’ll hide that and tell Claude.

Claude pulled her lips together and looked like she had said something.

Like I want you to stop trying to delude me.

“Stop lying plainly. Wearing your Ixis jacket naked…… are you just staying? Eyes off red, voices withered. You had a fever and you were hanging out.”


Unexpectedly round your eyes to Claude’s reprehensible voice.

He looked at me like he didn’t even realize how I reacted.

“What worries me is that that dragon may have stuck to Meiko’s weakness and worked intact. I thought you just told me that you could stay in my room today. In the morning, my naked upper body, Ixis, came back to hold you with a fever.”

Hugged by Ixis, I was apparently just dressed naked in a feather of Ixis Chinese clothing.

… I don’t remember.

What, what does that mean?

Chinese clothes naked? You don’t remember wearing it, do you?

What’s that manianic outfit?

Isn’t that what you call his shirt!?

Besides, what do you mean Ixis is naked in his upper body!?

No, no, no!

Impossible. Impossible!?

I did cry and get weak back then.

I know it might have been a little sweet on Ixis, but that shouldn’t have happened!

Remember, remember me.

There must be a memory somewhere that didn’t happen…!

When I went to Ixis’ room, my memory was obscure as to whether I had already had a slight fever.

It’s blurry, but I feel like I had my hair wiped.

I thought it would be nice, but it was up to Ixis to hold me fluffy.

It’s like when your father drove me to the house to sleep.

I remember giving myself up to a gentle mellow, even though I was half awake, feeling strangely ticklish and secure.

Then your body sinks into the bed with a soft feel, trying to keep Ixis away.

Kind of misses that, like I grabbed Ixis’s hand…?

I managed to remember that far.

And then…?

No. I can’t remember with any.

“No, no, no! Absolutely, Claude’s mistake!

I’m sure it is.

You must be! I want it to be!

Even though it’s my first time, I definitely don’t like it with people’s bodies or anything while I don’t know anything.

From that thought to mouth, Claude frowned that you were still willing to delude her.

“I’m not going to blame you for doing that with Hilda’s body. I just want to know if that was consent or not. If that dragon worked in your weakness… it’s not something you can forgive.”

Claude looked difficult, but I knew you were thinking of me and saying it.

Munchies are held in his hand at some point.

I always miss the moment to take it out, wonder where I always have it!?

“Ixis, who brought Mako, was quite stuffed and confused. If you ask what happened, whine to yourself. He blamed himself.”

I wrinkle between my brows and Claude munches over my hand.

“You thought you knew humans were brittle about this before, but you let them go unscrupulous? You think Meiko might have been burdened because he taught you that to hurt him? You also said you couldn’t stand it and shouldn’t have broken it unscrupulously. It’s the first time I’ve ever been unfamiliar with it, but I said I couldn’t care less because I looked fine.”

Every word I uttered, my anger had grown higher in Claude, and my hand, which would make me grip the munchies tight, also had power.

“Are you sheltering Ixis? Or did you have a fever and get your hands on it while you were unconscious? Either way… that dragon is going to need to be reworked.”

Claude’s eyes were filled with cool colors.

Claude seems to have assumed that Ixis was forced to do something.

– You should have known humans were brittle about this before, but it made them impotent.

I’m sure this statement by Ixis refers to my collapse once in the Bird Nation.

– You think Meiko might have been burdened because he taught you that to hurt him?

This is Feather’s father, king of the kingdom of the birds, who can’t help it.

You know I’d feel bad if you went, and you’re saying what you took me for.

– I couldn’t stand it and I shouldn’t have broken it unscrupulously?

I’m sure this was a half-destruction of the Bird Nation.

– I couldn’t care less because it’s my first time and I’m not used to it, but I look fine.

Perhaps this is a word of care for me coming from another world to this world.

I’m sure it is.

I don’t think that’s what adults mean by emotional……

How come Ixis is telling me how to associate a suspicious luster with someone who doesn’t know what’s going on!?

Confusion, anger and embarrassment make my face bright red.

“Meiko, is something wrong? My emotions are messed up.”

Suddenly, on the spot, Ixis appears.

It seems that this emotion of mine came through, wondering what it was.

“Ixis! We had nothing when we stayed in the Ixis room, right?!?

All of a sudden Ixis got a slight look at the question.

Then a little out of sight, and I get silent.

“… there can’t be anything”

After a long time, Ixis’ face is red, saying in a blurry tone.

Ixis, that reaction…… I just think something is going on!!

“Really true!?


I approached him to grab the chest barn, but Ixis wouldn’t look me in the eye.

I knew the whole thing was hiding something, and I was starting a prep movement for Claude to munch.

“Then why don’t you look me in the eye!

“… it was force majeure. It’s not my fault.”

If you scream, Ixis says that in a grumpy voice.

“Hey, something happened!? Confess!

“… you’d be worse off taking your pants off in a man’s room though!

Mouth me like Ixis has reopened to confusion.

I felt the opposite and even wrinkled between my brows.

“Did I take my pants off?

“Don’t you remember? You took it off yourself because it’s wet and disgusting. I just think he’s inviting me to do that in the men’s room. I’m glad it’s me, but don’t ever do it in front of the others.”

If you repeat the words, Ixis says so with caution.

When I ripped open the space and took something out, it pushed me to my chest abusively.

I was given a white triangle cloth.

That was undisputed…… my pants.

“Once the laundry… I had it done. Why do I have to be so concerned?”

With a bright red face, Ixis spoke, but no longer in those places.

“I slept with Ixis that day… did you?

No way, right? If you look up at Ixis while you think.

Ixis glanced at me and dyed my ears red.

“… I guess Meiko wouldn’t let me go. Besides, I only have one bed in my room, and I was tired.”

He shifts his gaze, and Ixis shrugs.

Is this… an overnight mistake confirmed?

Ixis becomes a surprised face to me when I accidentally collapse from my feet and sit on the floor.

“What the hell. You’re not going to be so shocked by anything. It’s as big a deal as lying down with me and sleeping together.”

Ixis, with a slightly damaged face, claude’s munching, along with the sound of cutting through the air.

“Huh! What are you doing all of a sudden, Claude!

“Shut up, dragon wasting. I can’t get tired of just kissing…… inferior”

Claude wields a munch in a low voice to confused Ixis.

“Hey Meiko! What the hell is this all about!

“Did you take your pants off yourself and sleep in the same bed? Me? With Ixis?

Ixis is screaming something, but not the other way around.

Hold your pants, hold your head.

Next to me like that, Ixis kept avoiding Claude’s waving munchies in confusion.

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