Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 87

[83] I’m sorry, thank you.

It wasn’t just me, Yuzuru was supposed to take a break from school for a while.

It is not good for Yuzul, who is just a teacher, to rest.

I persuaded him – it was dismissed lightly.

Pack up and leave the apartment.

Making a noise with Kathari, Yuzuru locked up there.

“Hey Meiko. What do you think a lot of people work for?

“Uh… for your daily life?

If you answer the question all of a sudden, Yuzuru nods with a teacher-like face saying yes.

“Working is to get money. Without money, I can’t support my precious family. For the happiness of my family, I work to see you smile. You know what that is?


I can understand what you’re saying in general, but I didn’t really see what Yuzul was trying to say and telling this story.

“If you work for someone important to smile at, but working compromises that person’s smile, that’s pointless. We must not lose sight of the essence.”

Yuzul, who was speaking with a serious face, cuts the story there and crouches in front of me.

Try to look up, look at me.

“I mean, my job, myself, everything – only to see Mako smile.”

Yuzuru speaks up clearly.

With an overly refreshing grin at me, if you’re a woman of the same age, you’re going to get hit by a single blow.

I mean, Yuzuru.

He wants to say that I’m the top priority and I’m not willing to give it away at all.

Really…… really, too severe ciscon.

No, I knew, didn’t I?

I had learned in four years of my sibling life not to ask Yuzuru, armed with a grinning smile, what he had said.

Yuzuru looks nice, but if I decide to do this, there’s something I can’t break.

“Brother, it’s really dangerous. That’s why I want you to let me go alone. I knew I didn’t want to get my brother involved. ‘Cause I’ve had enough of someone not to like because of me.”

“… Mako doesn’t know yet”

Yuzuru sighed heavily if he spoke to me wanting me to listen in.

Maybe he’s stunned by the same interaction he had yesterday.

But whatever they said, I didn’t want to see Yuzuru hurt because of me.

“Meiko thinks everyone felt hurt and disgusted because she got involved with herself. That’s why you don’t want me to think about it, and you avoid it, right? But Meiko’s care hurts me the most.”

Yuzuru shrugs with a painful face.

Words like saying seem to be against deaf children.

“That’s what Meiko was from the beginning, isn’t it? I’m sure you’ve spent it that way before you met me. Mako doesn’t think it’s a good idea to rely on someone. If someone feels bad enough, you can do it yourself. Because I think so – I don’t try to save myself.”

Usually a gentle Yuzul’s voice becomes something low and angry.

My eyes staring straight at me made me feel like I was peeking inside.

“Meiko knows exactly who’s worried about Meiko? Don’t worry. I can’t believe they said that. If you think you’re unscrupulous out of sight, you’re going to break your heart with anxiety.”

Yuzuru embraces my body.

Because of the huge physical difference, my body, a young girl, fit softly in Yuzuru’s arms.

“Hey, Meiko, you can even think about it. If I have a problem, I don’t want to tell anyone. At the risk of solving it alone, if he died, Meiko would be pissed, wouldn’t he?

“That’s obvious.”

If you ask me and I answer you instantly, let go of my body. Yuzul looks at my face and laughs.

As per the prospect.

“That’s crazy, isn’t it? Mako’s trying to do the same thing to me, and he’s okay with it?

The words make me angry.

“Because it’s important, I’m happy with Meiko’s feeling that she doesn’t want to get involved. Just take the opposite position and think about it properly? What if it was Meiko’s lovers and other loved ones who did it? What do you think of Meiko then?

Yuzuru asks, gently leading him to the answer.

Think about what Yuzul said, replacing it with Ixis.

Ixis was worried about something, hiding something.

So I hold him in alone – if he dies.

I grieve, and I am absolutely angry.

I didn’t say it because it was dangerous.

Because I don’t want to get involved.

That seems to be the case with Ixis.

But I’m not happy about that.

I don’t know why you didn’t tell me or why you didn’t rely on me.

If you’d told me, there might have been something I could have done.

Even if we can’t do anything, we can do as much as worry together, and it’s hard to be hidden from you even though you’re in pain.

How can you not take more care of yourself?

I want you to think more about who you left behind.

– I’m sure you think so.

I could easily imagine.

Oh, well.

I was letting those thoughts happen to the people around me.

I finally think of that.

Somewhere in my mind, I thought it was my problem for Hilda to be targeted for life.

He wanted to do something about Vice, too, and maybe he was unconscious that he had to do something about it himself.

Everyone was trying to cooperate, and I couldn’t count on it.

“I’m sorry, brother. I… was wrong”

“What Meiko should reflect on is not that he has involved his loved ones. That’s what I made them think.”

Yuzuru strokes his head gently, as if he had done well.

“If you found that out, Mako wouldn’t let his brother think that, would he? I’m sorry to bother you. I’m sad, but my brother can feel happy if you thank him for staying with me. Just like Meiko gave me half of my brother’s suffering, now even my brother…… let me carry that package?

Stand up, Yuzuru offers his hand.

“Come on, Meiko. My brother kept everything in order to contact the Mansion.”

Yuzuru laughs, as if there was nothing to worry about.

What I recall is that I got lost in Yayoi’s body when I was in an island country.

Yuzl found me, and this is how he offered me his hand.

Seeing that soft grin that reassures you, it seems as if your anxiety will dissolve.

When that big hand led me, I could believe it without hesitation.

You have to clean it up yourself, cousin, or do you think it should be sweet?

Though I still had that feeling.

Even though someone is worried about me like this and trying to help me.

Stick that hand in – it’s stupid to be mean.

I finally realized that.

Yuzl taught me that.

“Thank you, brother”

So thank you and hold the hand offered.

If that’s what you think and laugh at Yuzul if you don’t make any more mistakes about important things.

“You’re welcome!”

Yuzuru smiled at me, so happy that there was no more.


Rocked by a carriage, you reach the city near Hilda’s mansion.

Hilda’s mansion now appears to be managed on his behalf by Lucas, Abel’s father and youngest brother of the current king.

Abel, the head of the Austin family, is young and a student.

That’s why Lucas, his father, is representing the administration of the territory.

Looks like Lucas was released after I was bounced off Hilda’s body.

From what I’ve seen of the material Claude made for me, it seemed like I was hunting it down to something I couldn’t escape telling you anymore.

I wonder what the hell happened to this, I’m confused.

In the name of Abel’s home visit, Yuzl had attached an appointment to meet Lucas.

A teacher worried about Abel, who is fifteen years old and in charge, goes to ask her parents how she is doing.

That was a natural reason.

But that’s a superficial reason.

At the same time, Yuzr was breathing into Lucas the purpose behind his visit.

I am interested in and agree with what Lucas is trying to do now.

Yuzuru showed such an attitude.

If you give me the information that you got when you looked into Lucas earlier, Yuzul looked for a part that would be based on it.

Lucas dreams of national domination and dictatorship by force.

He had a strong obsession with power and was also committed to developing magic weapons in the country.

From this, Yuzuru stepped on that Lucas would be interested in his country’s magic, Ommyo technology, and ghosts.

Although Omyotsu is fundamentally with magic.

The fact that there are two kinds of exorcists and a pair of them is very different from the wizards of this country.

Many retired ghosts are magicians who fight with magic on their swords and other weapons like Yuzuru.

Fighting with a skillful combination of weapons and magic, they are called Protectors.

On the other hand, it is the same as the wizard of this country, and the magician who focuses on chanting is called the Chanting Hand.

The minutes of chanting, you can use strong powers, but the gaps are huge.

Get your guardian to cover it, while giving your guardian auxiliary magic backward support or powerful magic to judge your enemies.

The wizard’s weapon in this country is mostly a wand that amplifies magic.

Because weapons are considered unnecessary for a sacred magical confrontation.

Although this is not the case with confrontations with demons, many wizards also have canes in times of war.

Some knights can use magic, but to an auxiliary degree.

If there were more knights in such a country, like a guardian who linked weapons to magic.

– Wouldn’t that be a huge boost to military power?

To Yuzl’s story, Lucas seemed to have felt the possibility, and he ate it thoroughly.


Hilda’s mansion, which I haven’t been back in four years, had changed since I knew.

I also lost the playthings I made near the mansion.

Once inside, there’s a line of antiques in the hallway that don’t taste good.

If they let me through my – Hilda’s office, a man with a mustache came out.

“Hey, you’re doing great. I represent the Lord here, Lucas Redford.”

It was Lucas, Abel’s father, who had said that and offered Yuzr his hand.

Lucas Redford is the youngest brother of the current king.

Although the royalty of this country mostly has purple eyes on her blonde hair, Lucas had honey-colored eyes on her blonde hair close to dull tea.

Abel looks like a mother overall, and her face doesn’t look alike.

Lucas had a giraffed eye, an uncle who felt like an ambitious man.

Lucas became acting principal when Abel was thirteen.

I mean, two years after I was gone.

Hilda, the owner of the mansion, died in an accident.

It was decided that Abel, Hilda’s adopted son, would manage this territory with Lucas’ back shield.

The Austin family had a brother of Hilda’s late husband.

He also died a short time before Hilda died in an accident that was too much of a coincidence.

As no one has anything to inherit, the right seems to have been transferred to Abel.

But Abel is before adulthood.

Until Abel was fifteen, this territory was represented by Lucas in the absence of the Lords.

But last year, when Abel turned fifteen, an adult, it seemed that Abel officially gained the Lord’s seat.

However, in fact, Abel is still for the students, so all substantial territorial operations are left to Lucas, who is acting for him.

I had received information from Yuzl, but I find Lucas disgusting when he says the mansion is like ours.

I was aware that this was my place.

Oh, really, Hilda’s mansion has been taken over.

That makes it painful.

If I accidentally bit my lips, Lucas turned his gaze to me as I stood behind Yuzur.

“I wonder if you’re okay. You look pale, but…? Are you sure you were Abel’s friend, Mr. Honoka? How did you end up in my mansion?

Lucas seemed to mistake me for Honoka, the protagonist of the maiden game Twilight Crown.

Apparently, Honoka and Lucas are familiar.

“… you know my sister?

“I have Abel’s birthday in the winter. That’s when I officially celebrated, and Abel was inviting her. I’m surprised she was your sister.”

That’s what Lucas says and laughs at Yuzur’s words.

From the looks of it, he seems to have a good impression of Honoka.

“Sorry, I’m late to say hello. My brother’s going out to Abel-kun’s mansion on holiday, so I was wondering. When I came forward, I thought it was a nice place.”

chuckles and bows down pretending to be a Honoka.

At this time, I thought I would use it.

“Ha, thank you. I was just about to see the rose garden. Enjoy the mansion and go. Let Pio and Cuo guide you.”

Appearing at Lucas’s direction were Pio and Quo, brothers in the half elf.

Green eyes on golden hair, slightly pungent ears.

The two beauties, similar to Hilda, had gone from boy to youth.

My brother Quo is nineteen years old and my brother Pio should have turned eighteen.

The two dressed in butler’s clothes looked at me and bowed before cheerfully smiling childish innocently.

“You’ve seen him before. It’s Pio tying his hair behind him, and his short hair is Quo better. I asked for your daughter, both of you.”

The two of you answer that you understand Lucas’ words.

“Let’s go, Honoka!


Pio pulls my hand and Quo pushes my back.

Like I’ve been waiting for you to come all this way to hurry up.

to the cheerful atmosphere there.

I knew that was for me – though I didn’t know it was directed at Mako.

I almost loosened up a little.

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