Reincarnated as a World

Ch.100 The Eonix World

However, he wasn’t entirely lying when he said that she would be a god with the ability to leave the World. As a matter of fact, If things went according to plan, then she would eventually be able to leave the World freely. That was a fact.


But she would never be able to leave his domain. That was also a fact.


You see, Eridel had grand plans for his future… And in those plans, Eridel’s area of influence didn’t stop at being just a 1 planet. Nay, that was too pitiful for his aspirations…


…But in regards to Gaia’s pseudo god transformation with the whole Magic Circle/Formation and everything, that too, was a sham. Eridel was a World, and like any World, he could have psychically sent the god contract offer to Gaia, and she would have the choice to accept or deny. Quite easy. But as easy as it was, he would have just as hard a time explaining how he was able to command the World to send Gaia a god-contract, and on top of that, he would lose his ability to guarantee his part of the deal, since it wasn’t ‘him’ offering the god contract.


So he had to set up a few tricks.


At the end of the day, they both got what they wanted. He got the map of the Galaxy and a god of creation, whilst she became a god with the ability to leave the World, and possibly exact vengeance. Perfect!


However, on the topic of a god being able to leave their World, Eridel couldn’t help thinking of a certain group of beings who were very much capable of doing such a thing.


Truthfully, a god being able to leave their world wasn’t an impossibility and had been done many times in the past. These beings were all extremely powerful and were much more stronger than Gaia would ever be even if she could also leave the World. Well, unless she got some other kind of boost. But the point was, these beings existed and each of them were terrifying.


However, these particular gods were all hated and hunted down by anyone who had knowledge of what they were, and the ability to actually deal with them. And that was because of what these gods actually did in order to get their powers. In order to obtain power and freedom, they did something so heinous that everybody who knew of them began calling these people [World Sinners] or [Evil gods].


It wasn’t known how they did it, but by assimilating their entire World’s into their Divine Territory’s and consequently killing all life forms within them including the Worlds Consciousness, they were able to gain untold powers and utter freedom, striking fear into the hearts of Immortals, gods, and other beings alike.


These were the World Sinners.



[Lolay Galaxy, Desolate Region, Eonix World Outer Space]


Eridel shook his head and decided to turn his full attention to the beautiful bounty before him. The Eonix World.


The Eonix World was a Low World in the Desolate Region that was currently owned by a powerful faction in the Sigothia World called [Midnight Requiem]


A group of individuals who were proficient in the Laws of Sound and Undeath. According to Gaia, they were not particularly evil or villainous, but because of their affinity with the dead and soul encroaching songs, they were treated as such. They had 6 Immortals at the helm and 2 gods. The Sigothia World’s god of Undeath and goddess of Music.


Apparently they were ranked 4th in the Sigothia World’s top 10 Magisterial Factions and would have ranked higher if they had more members, but the requirements for the affinity in both Music and Undeath proved too much of a high hurdle.


And yet despite that, they still had as many as a million members. Millions of members with the affinity for Music AND Undeath. Even if some of their members were talented individuals looking for an opportunity from the Mid and High Worlds of the Desolate Region, it was still an impressive number. Truly… you could find almost anything in a Law World.


In any case, the Midnight Requiem was undoubtedly powerful and through their own efforts they were able to obtain ownership of an entire Low World. A grand feat.


Unfortunately for them, an abnormal singularity with ambitions that knew no bounds was greedily eyeing their most prized possession.


‘Hmm… there they are’ Eridel thought, using his Spirit Sense to lock onto 30 Cultivators that were in the 5th Realm pretending to be average old-aged mortals. Clearly, they were the guardians of this World. Stationed here to protect the World from potential invaders and make sure that it made a smooth and steady evolution to the Mid Stage.


Eridel’s soul was extremely potent thanks to his soul cultivation along with his nature as a Planet, so even though these individuals were in the 5th Realm, they were completely oblivious to his probing.


‘They should serve as a nice final meal for the first horseman.’ Eridel thought whilst stroking his smooth chin. ‘But first…’ Eridel eyed the protective Magic Shield that encompassed the World. It looked like a blue dome, the colour of normal Magical Energy, and it was covered all over in glowing Runes.


The mortals within the World couldn’t see it but Eridel certainly could. He didn’t need Gaia’s information to know what it did, and that if he touched it, even those back in the main headquarters of the Midnight Requiem would know.


But that was a simple fix.


He didn’t spend 13 years flying here just to be stopped by a pesky shield. Raising his hand from his chin, a golden ball of light was quickly formed and shot straight into the shield. However, when it collided with the shield, it vanished. No explosion, no sound, no sparks, not even any ripples.


‘Now then, which one of you want to go first…’ Eridel said as he smiled at the 4 multi-coloured eggs that were calmly orbiting around him.

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