Reincarnated as a World

Ch.15 Birth Of The Phoenix

The alpha was smart and could tell what was going to happen. If things kept going as it was, his brother would be killed by the falling tree even before it burned him.


At first, he was almost satisfied. ‘How dare you run in front of me, just go die’ is what he was thinking. He had purposefully lowered his speed so that he could make sure no one was left behind. But it seemed that his brother didn't hold the same sentiment.


But when he thought of all those that had died, his anger fizzled out. Then it came back again with more fury. ‘HOW CAN I LET MY LAST BROTHER DIE IN FRONT OF ME?! AM I SUCH A TRASHY KING?!’ Is what could be interpreted from his primitive thoughts.


He pushed his speed to the max and rushed to his last brother, who still didn’t notice even him, irking him a little. At full speed, he bulldozed into him, sending him flying out of the path of the falling tree. ‘Hehe, this king is great, let’s see how you will still dare to ignore me’.


He was filled with pride at his great strength, although he wasn’t a magic beast yet, most of the treasures filled with essence were eaten by him alone. He only shared with his close brothers and ‘wives’.


But he didn’t need to care about such things because he himself was now in a dangerous dilemma.


The tree was definitely going to crush him. But he could at least minimize the damage. With all of his effort, he ran forwards, trying to exit the pa-




Indeed, it made a booming sound. All the trees in this place were ridiculously large after all. They were much bigger than the time when he was first living here.


The alpha felt his ribs crack and one of his legs snap. Even though he dodged the main danger, which was the trunk. A rather thick branch still struck him almost flat. Any other chicken would have died, but he was the strong alpha.


Even though his feathers were already catching fire and pain pierced him all over, he wanted to survive! So with all his efforts he struggled and struggled.


By the time he had wiggled his way out of the tree, he was half scorched black, one of his eyes even hung out, creating a gruesome image.


With his remaining flock watching him with fear in their eyes, he trudged to the lake step by step. They were already there, waiting for him, he told himself. He was only 7 metres away.


As he struggled with all his might, he burned and burned. But still, he didn’t stop.




It could be said that he was half-lucid and somewhat delusional. He was running on fumes so he tried to encourage himself to move just a few steps more.


Even the Elk and the strange green animal were watching him with awe in their eyes.


With great ambitions filling his soul, he trudged forward. He was only 3 metres away now, just a few-




The world tilted. But it would be more accurate to say that the Alpha had fallen.


The alpha couldn’t believe what he was looking at. His leg that wasn’t broken had actually been burned halfway off, signifying his death.


He was absolutely devastated, he was so, so close! Just a few more steps and he would have survived. He had seen how his flock had been healed in those waters.


The alpha didn’t notice the excited glint in his brother’s eyes. He was only looking at his two wives that looked at him with grief.


He wanted them to be the last things he saw before he died.


But just as he was about to close his eyes and wait for the rapidly approaching death.


Something happened!


A strange essence that the Alpha had never felt before arose in his body. He didn’t notice that this was happening all over the World.


As this energy filled him, he could feel his muscles becoming stronger, and his wounds becoming lighter.


EKURRRR! An ugly chicken croak sounded out




Utilizing the full extent of his remaining energy, he ran a few steps before diving into the lake.




As he sunk deeper and deeper into the lake, the light from the surface gradually faded, silence overwhelming everything.


He found himself in a rare moment of peace.


As the pain in his body dissipated, 2 different kinds of energies continued to fill him. Magical Energy and the Laws of Life.


His body enlarged, his strength soared and his bones toughened. He could tell that he was going through a grand change. But in all this time, the one thing that never left his mind was the image of fire.


That domineering and unblockable power that almost cost him his life…


He wanted that power!


Feeling destiny call him to the surface, he lunged.




As he burst out of the water, with the night sky and moon in the air. As he flapped his now enlarged wings, he let out a domineering phoenix cry




A new unfamiliar yet familiar essence started to fill his body. These were the elements of Fire.


As he noticed the flames all over his newly red coloured feathers, he let out another cry of happiness. He could tell that these flames were his power from memory inheritance that each beast gains when they evolve.


For now, all it did was explain their powers. Later on, Beasts would be able to pass down memories in their blood and their descendants would obtain them when they evolved.


When he was about to come down from his high, a light abruptly shot down from the heavens, enveloping his entire body.


This caused grand changes to occur in his body.


First, the elements of fire in his body had a stupendous upgrade that he couldn’t really understand.


Next the other energy that he could identify as magical energy was refined and converted into the new fire energy. 


The Laws of Life then formed some kind of imperceptible connection with this energy, making them united.


And finally, these two energies filled up his entire body, completing his evolution.


Finally, he heard a voice that would change his fate forever.


“As the first majestic and powerful Phoenix in existence, I name you… Chad.”






Chad cried out one last time as flames burst out of its body.


Soon after, he fell unconscious.


It was obviously Eridel that affected the evolution in the last moment. He didn’t really do much, just changed his fire element affinity into fire Laws affinity and used those fire Laws to establish his mana.


He thought it was a shame for the first Phoenix on his planet to utilize trashy flames that anyone decent could use too.


However, they were just fire Laws. If the Phoenix wanted to create the special phoenix flames. It would be through his own comprehension.


As for his name… Eridel thought it was just too suitable. He had seen his memories and deemed him worthy of the name: Chad.


Eridel looked at the sleeping Phoenix that was slumped on the floor by the Lake. The others surrounded him with awe in their eyes, reminiscing the scene that had just happened, only the male chicken that had also evolved had a shockingly calculative look in his eyes.


Eridel knew those eyes, and knew what was to come. Although he was a little surprised that such a lowly creature had such intelligence, it wasn’t impossible.


He also didn’t care.


He grabbed the Phoenix and all the chickens with his Primordial Essence, ignoring all the shocked expressions and sent them flying off to another continent. The Western Continent to be exact.


The Central Continent was becoming a little packed with powerhouses, especially the Easten Forest, so he decided to relocate the Phoenix, sending him to the Grand Forest in the Western Continent.


The Grand Forest was the biggest forest there with towering trees located in the very center of the continent.


The name’s of the continents and forests were up for the residents to decide so he just gave them simple names for now.


After dropping the chicken, he returned his attention to the Tree of Life. The first generation would be born soon. Despite already knowing what was going to happen, he was a little excited.


Mentally nodding in satisfaction, he changed the focus of his attention again.


It was finally time…


The Dragons can now wake up.

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