Reincarnated as a World

Ch.3 Unbelievable…

Eridel watched as this incomprehensible creature forcefully fused these two completely incompatible essences together.




It was then Eridel remembered one of the lizards he saw that were completely different to the rest before he started looking at the archives. Golden scales and…


‘Damn, what a freak’


Eridel honed his gaze on the happenings of the lizard’s actions. Finally noticing that things weren’t exactly as it seemed. Looking at the two essences coming in contact with each other. Eridel immediately realized that it was not really a fusion, but…




Eridel’s ridiculously powerful mind almost froze from shock.


Not only was this Lizard performing these unfathomable actions, it was also doing it with shocking efficiency. Eridel was just too confused. He, a World Consciousness, couldn’t understand what was happening within ‘him’.


It was at this moment that the Laws of Destruction, under the influence of his Primordial Essence… became the Laws of Creation. Losing its dark red colour and inherited the colour of his Primordial Essence. Gold. Though it could be said that the Laws of Creation were gold anyways.


The firmly controlled and converted Laws of Creation was then fully absorbed and fused into the lizard’s body. Doing what it should have done inside the egg. It was finally choosing to evolve. At the same time, this was the moment that ‘past Eridel’ sent the entire ‘lizard’ race into a coma.




It obviously didn’t matter that the ‘lizard’ was put into a coma because the ‘lizard’ had undergone its evolution process, taking a whole week to do so. Well, not that it mattered, most life forms, especially the beast race - slept when they were evolving, so her coma induced state might have even been a help.


After the week and a vast change in scenery as a result of the healing lands, gold lights erupted out of the sleeping liz- no. Dragon. It might not be a fully fledged one but it was clearly becoming a dragon. The Laws of Creation flared out its body, creating a scene of raw and pure majesty. Instilling awe into those in her presence. Even Eridel was impressed.


‘The Laws of Creation are no joke…’


When the golden lights died down, it revealed an absolutely beautiful creature. 3 metres long with Sleek golden scales, an elongated neck that its siblings had not achieved yet, a fully transformed dragon head complete with 10 centimetre tall horns and like it's 2 special siblings, it had achieved perfect affinity with a Law and had the horns to match, golden lights swirling around her 2 much lighter shade golden horns.


Shockingly, this baby dragon that he could now identify as female had the claws to match, complete with the swirling lights and resplendent colour.


Eridel really had to appreciate the sight of these horns and claws, he could confidently say that they looked like they were carved out of golden jade, it was too fantastical.


But it was then that Eridel noticed something else. Because despite the Laws of Creation and Destruction being on the same grade. She looked greater than her 2 special siblings of the opposite Law. Bigger than them, more defined than them, transformed claws, even her tail was longer and thicker than her 2 siblings despite them all achieving perfect affinity in the same grade of Laws.


That was when he noticed… Eridel looked on with impassive ‘eyes’, promising to just take it in stride no matter what this creature did.


This hatchling had actually managed to break through and awaken mana, further evolving 1 more time in the process as all animals did when they awakened mana. But that, although extremely bizarre because Eridel had not chosen to awaken this World’s magical energy yet - was not the reason Eridel was unable to keep his recently promised impassiveness.


Mana was worldly energy that had been converted in the body to enhance it and more. Obviously, you could perform magic and skills with it too, granted you had techniques and the required amount of energy.


Magical energy was the first and most vastly spread wordly energy, on top of that, it was very versatile and much easier to wield than other world energies you could come across so it was of course what all beings (that didn’t have race specific energies like demon energy) used to form Mana.


But there was no magical energy on this planet, so what did this freak of nature do? It decided and succeeded in using the essence of creation to form her Mana. This meant that whatever she absorbed in future, would convert into her mana which was made out of the Laws of Creation.


While this would result in a slower cultivation speed. Her powers had increased exponentially. She would very rarely ever find an equal in the same level even if she left for other Worlds. But at this point, the more special this creature was, the more Eridel ‘frowned’.


It was just too crazy, these were the kind of heaven defying talents that he saw on Anime and Manga.


‘What is the meaning of this? Did someone powerful reincarnate into this body and create this situation? Is she a protagonist?’


Eridel just decided to let it go. Even if she was a reincarnation, what could she do to him? In fact, it would be beneficial if they could trade knowledge in the future. He was a world, Worlds don’t fight, only the residents do.


If only Eridel could see the future, he wouldn’t be opening his stupid mouth to placate himself by saying ‘Worlds don’t fight’.


Eridel pondered for a few seconds before deciding


‘A beautiful creature with the ability to create… I shall name you Gaia’


Giving someone such a name, it was obvious Eridel had grand plans for her. After coming up with a few calculations and fondly looking over the last species on his planet. Eridel retreated out of the Archives.


‘It’s time to put a few of my increasing plans in action’

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