Reincarnated as a World

Ch.5 Creating A New Species

Eridel was ecstatic! May I remind you of what the characteristics of a source energy is again? Energy that you can freely generate and utilize.


What was Primordial Essence? A type of soul energy that he had been generating passively for 2000 years.


What did this mean for him who could innately control all Laws? ANYTHING was possible! Everything was in the palm of his hands so long as he had the energy for it. And he had energy, so much energy.


To prove this point. The restoration of his planet only took 0.001 percent of it. GOD! What were these figures?! A nonentity. Absolutely nothing to him! It was at that moment that he realized how powerful he was and why he was so happy now.


With his abilities... would it not be possible to create his own avatar? Would it not be possible to forge the most talented divine body to cultivate? At that time, wouldn’t he be a World and a person at the same time?


Eridel was so exhilarated that the World started shaking again.


‘Oops… Anyhow, creating an Avatar is far down the line anyways, I have to put my World on a path of supremacy first. A World that will eventually surpass the Laws’.


ARROGANCE! In this entire galaxy, there are 197 Worlds, but not one has surpassed the Laws! If others knew of his thoughts they would laugh with disdain. 


Calming down again, Eridel began to harness various Laws, hopes and dreams relying on the success of his current actions...


The little dragon family currently lives in 1 of the largest forests in the World, located in the West of the central continent. Another forest of equal proportions was directly opposite, lying in the East. For them to be placed like that Eridel naturally had plans for them to be placed like that.


In a humongous 715km wide and 937km long cave near the centre of the temporarily-named Eastern Forest, a fantastical show that would break all logic began.


A splendorous convergence of multiple coloured lights appeared in various locations. Looking at the scene would leave even the darkest of creatures awed. But what was alarming was the extreme density of essence that was contained in those spectrum-like lights. It was obvious that these were the Laws.


As they swirled and danced around, they became more and more condensed, seemingly trying to form a shape. Faint whispers of an unintelligible language could soon be heard, serving to make the scene more mystical, becoming louder and louder as time passed.




A loud resounding boom accompanied an explosion of pure golden light signifying the Laws of Creation and the completion of whatever actions were taking place.


After peace was once again returned, something that would normally cause a normal person to flee was now the most wondrous sound Eridel had ever heard.




Inside the previously empty cave, more specifically the back-end, where it was the most spacious, exactly 1000 snakes of varying sizes and colours hissed and slithered around! New life! A shocking 1000 new life forms in one go!




Eridel’s awe-inspiring and archaic voice was once again heard throughout the whole World. However, last time there was no one to hear it. Now, there were 1000 living beings who were very much present, and definitely not asleep like their far away predecessors.


All of them were silenced in fear, now realizing that the powerful aura they had previously felt wasn’t actually normal. They couldn’t be blamed though. They were born mere seconds ago and had zero knowledge to speak of.


Feeling that presence - which was a result of Eridel’s full attention - on them the entire time. So surely it’s just how life should feel and it was normal right? Well it was not and they now knew, recognizing the connection between the ‘sound’ and the increase in pressure.


“Oops, sorry my lovelies”


The ‘sound’ was once again heard but not as loud as before. More importantly, the presence they felt was no longer fear inducing and majestic like before, and was now soft, soothing and fluffy like a…? They don’t know. But they now liked the feeling of it.


Eridel marveled at the sight of his creation. Actual lives....


‘This… this is the beginning of everything’


Eridel didn’t consider any of his prior actions as monumental. What restoring the planet and clearing out the Essence of Destruction? What helping out a lizard become a Dragon of Creation. Could they compare to creating lives?


Eridel honed his gaze on the largest snake here.


Although each and every of those thousand snakes were of a different species and some were just naturally small or big. The snake Eridel was looking at was too big. 10 metres long to be exact.


It was impossible for it to be just naturally big when it was just a mere juvenile like everyone else. And of course it wasn’t. Although it looked like a king cobra, Eridel had… tampered with it’s bloodline. Giving it a special bloodline that could be upgraded the more the snake ate.


Eridel called it the [ Earth Devouring Bloodline ]. Anything the snake ate would directly be converted into mana and slowly increase its size. There were more levels to this but that was for the snake to unlock.


Despite recognizing it’s gender as female, something he decided not to control, making it random for everyone - he called it ‘Jörmungandr’. Which admittedly wasn’t feminine at all, however, the name was too cool and perfect. Eridel decided she could be called Jörma for short.


Apart from being gigantic, her scales were also pitch black, making any location a perfect hunting spot as long as it was night time. She also had alluring ruby red eyes that had a glint of dominance and innate superiority, giving it a lofty look which was further amplified by it’s majestic hood.


Eridel ‘nodded’ in satisfaction, turning to the other 2 special snakes that he created.


The first one was a male. 4 metres long with vibrant amber scales, prideful golden eyes and a red mane on it’s head that seemed to be half made out of flames. The snake was also girthier than normal, making it look more dominant and masucline, which was cool but... he was too eye-catching!


This made Eridel a little embarrassed. A snake that was supposed to rely on hunting to eat… Looking at the snake that could be easily seen from a kilometre away, Eridel worried if it would starve to death.


Despite things. It was clear that the snake had affinity with the element of Fire, but in fact, it was the Laws of Fire it had affinity with and it was a perfect affinity! There was a big difference between the element of fire and the Law essence of fire. Need it be said which was more powerful? It would probably be able to eat just fine… probably.


Eridel called him Drako.


The last snake was female and also extremely eye-catching, this time both on purpose. This was the only snake who’s gender he chose because of the bloodline he gave it. The name was called [ Malevolent Enchantress ] and despite the term ‘malevolent’ it didn’t mean it was innately cruel. But it did sound cool right?


This snake had the ability to attract anyone and put them in a daze. Because of its gender, it was much easier for it to attract both genders. Most males, even if they were attracted to another, would fight against that desire with all of his will, not wanting to be considered gay. It was just how guys were.


But females did not have that problem, most of the time they were perfectly fine admitting another female attractive, not even questioning their sexual orientation. Could it be said that females were more mentally stable? Err… no. But more emotionally stable? Maybe? Who knows.


This snake, who was 3 metres long, had pure white scales and seductive amethyst coloured eyes, would not have any issues attracting people and making them let their guards down. With it’s gentle and playful aura that was opposite to that of the prideful and domineering Drako. Most would not believe in its lethality or they would ignore it.


On top of that, the snake that he gave the name ‘Lily’, also had the ability to create illusions. A perfect assassin, one that wouldn’t even need to hide.


Eridel watched as the snakes gradually forgot him and started to turn their attention to the 3 obvious leaders. Jörma, Drako and Lily.


‘Perfect’ Eridel thought.

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