Reincarnated as a World

Ch.52 The Seas

Eridel watched as the Abomination slumped over, or more like semi-melted.


Golden chains materialised from his Primordial Essence wrapped and around its body with some of them puncturing through the Slime. The chains served the effect of restricting the Abominations cultivation completely and made sure it could do no further harm.


Although what it did to the North Continent was a little aggravating, it was a small price to pay. Such a wonderful existence like this, how could Eridel have the heart to destroy it?


That being said, it would be a waste to just store it away. No, this Abomination wasn’t going to be a trophy, it had another thing coming. He had BIG plans for this thing. But on a side note, a part of him couldn’t help but be more intrigued than he should in the fact that he couldn’t predict what the Abomination would do.


As the creator of most if not all the residents in his World, as long as he was looking at them he could read them like a book. Nothing they could do would surprise him if he was consciously looking.


Multiple schemes flashed through his head before his attention was dragged back to his Planet.


He had to say he was impressed, very impressed with the way things had progressed. Many notable key figures that he had kept his eye on were now thriving more than he ever thought they could.


For example the Crystal Dragon King, Asura, Honourable Brother, Drako, 9 Flame Queen and more.


Having already looked through the World Archive, Eridel had not missed out on a single event during his seclusion. He had witnessed the amazing Evolution of the Crystal Dragon King, the Mutation of Drako and the Honourable Brother and the assimilation that the 9 Flame Queen went through with the Peacock.


That was for sure one of the more surprising ones, in fact, the whole situation of the South Continent went way above his expectations.


Eridel’s prediction was that the Elementals would dominate the Monsters with the final face off being between the 9 Flame Queen and the Wraith King. In the end, the 9 Flame Queen was meant to assimilate with the Wraith King, obtaining the [Flames of Death] and even more incomprehensible and untouchable body.


She would then become the Demon Empress and a monumental figure set in place to spread terror across the World until she was defeated. The World would learn a valuable lesson after that.


But obviously, what Eridel envisioned hadn’t come to fruition, but it was fine like this too. The Legendary Bird that the 9 Flame Queen had become resembled the Vermillion Bird from the myths of his home-World, such a fusion between Monster and Beast was unprecedented and would definitely be something worth replacing his original plot, but she probably wouldn’t be some kind of World Villain anymore.


This was all the result of the existence of a single entity.


Emperor Asura!


A Monster in more ways than one, even Eridel was flabbergasted at the series of events that allowed Asura to become the absolute Behemoth that he was today. He would definitely become a valuable asset in the long run.


Eridel marvelled over the progress that his World had made in the 127 years that he was gone. All in all, almost everything was perfect.




Naturally, there were bad situations too. By now, Eridel had expected there to be 4 Emperors of the Sea. He had actually left the Sea alone and there was no one there that had been given a gift of any kind. He wanted to know what would happen to the Seas if he didn’t influence it in the slightest.


The result was… disappointing.


Don’t be confused, the average strength of those in the Seas was above that of the dwellers of the lands, but…




People say that Foxes are trickery, Wolves are cunning and Humans are devious. But clearly they’ve never seen Fish with substantial intelligence.


There had been rulers in the seas before but each and every time, they were betrayed, killed and eaten.


It was like they were all possessed by Envy, Greed and Gluttony. They were never content, they liked to steal and they were very, very ravenous.


Instead of fearing and reverencing their betters, they schemed against them in hopes of taking their position. Not becoming like them, not surpassing them, BUT TAKING FROM THEM!


In Eridel’s eyes they were even more ‘demon-like’ than the Monster Races. It was honestly disappointing.


However, Eridel could acknowledge that they had their reasons.


It started with the vast emptiness of the sea. When the marine life had entered cultivation they naturally gained superior intelligence, this prompted them into being more curious in things other than eating just to survive. But unfortunately for them, in the depths of the sea there was nothing to see.


Everything was dark, bleak, silent and desolate. It was especially daunting on these Life Forms who had been affected by the special Magical Energy in Eridel’s World. As a result of the strange Magical Energy that had a strange connection with Soul Essence, all life on Eridel’s planet had much more receptive and sensitive souls. And not only that, each soul was also influenced by Eridel’s soul and it was very slightly hive-mind in nature.


That was the biggest reason that some of the words and terms used in Eridel’s World were very familiar.


This didn’t sit well with the dwellers of the sea.


Despite being born in this place, it felt very unnatural. The lack of light, the silence, the emptiness. All of these things that would cause Eridel agitation because of his 2000 years of isolation, were causing these Sea dwellers to feel HATE but they didn’t even know why.


An unjustified hate that constantly gnawed at their minds with no other target than their peers.


Things became ugly.


The other reason for the viciousness of the sea was because of the severe dog eat dog or rather fish eat fish rules that they had. There was nothing like politics or weapons that they could carry to ward off invaders. All that preserved their lives in the seas was their own personal strength.


So strength they must gain, by any means necessary.

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