Reincarnated as a World

Ch.59 Genes

Eridel sighed before pushing aside all distracting thoughts. It was better to get this over with before the 2 kids in front of him had a mental breakdown for real.


The boy was 16 whilst the girl was 14. No need to guess when he could see it like a splotch of red paint on a blank sheet of paper.


As for their appearance…


‘They are ugly.’


There was no ‘mmm, the more you look at them the better the look’, nay, they were simply unattractive, dirty too.


Even if they had entered the Body Refinement Realm (Realm 1) by virtue of the essence filled food they had eaten and had become cultivators, who were all supposed to be beautiful and handsome; They were quite unsightly.


There was no other way around it, Humans did not even have a history of 200 years and they simply had no need for beauty in this era.


Back on Eridel’s home planet, beauty was used as a trait that the weaker females used to attract mates and that was AFTER the amount of bloodbaths were diminished and Humans actually had the time to start admiring and acknowledging the concept of beauty. It probably started with the sun followed by nature and whatnot. When beauty within female Humans became a thing and the ugly ones were neglected and left to die out, it was much more needed for them to go through a genetic change. Only much, much later did Men need to care about beauty within themselves, just being strong used to be all that was needed to attract mates and that to some extent still persists till this day since instincts that last thousands of years don’t just delete themselves. However, the mind is a powerful thing and if generations of females were going to be taught from young that their ideal ‘mate’ was the prince charming, or at the very least a gentleman who would treat them with delicate care, that was what they would seek. Being powerful was no longer enough and Men now needed sophistication, charisma and to some degree, good looks. 1 of the 3 at least.


In the Eridius World there was no such thing as a weaker gender, in fact, female lions also had manes (even if they were quite different) that enabled them to attract mates just the same way the males did and that was just 1 of the ‘slight’ differences between the Eridius World and others.


The only thing you needed in this World was power. You want a harem? Power’s your key. You want resources? Power is your employer. You want to be a ruler? Power is your backer. Power, power, power.


There was NO need for beauty.


Humans were unlike the Elves that Eridel had forcefully encoded beauty upon or even the High Humans whose beauty was founded by the Queen herself.


However, there will be a day that the Humans will encounter these beautiful people and it will be interesting to see what happens.


Going back to the 2 Humans in front of Eridel, they were indeed cultivators of the body refinement realm meaning that they had good bodies, symmetrical faces and clear skin, barely any of that skin could be seen thanks to the clumps of dirt and waste that clung to them so it need not be said that there was no concept of hygiene. And even if they had symmetrical features, the features were terribly bland and completely unflattering.


But for the sake of things, the boy had brown hair and black eyes with the girl having black hair and the same black eyes. To top that off, her hair was just as short as the boys which meant that it stopped by her ears. After all, what was the need for long hair? Beauty? HAH! It gets in the way of fighting, NO NEED! They didn’t even need to cut it, they just didn’t have a single chromosome that thought long hair was useful.


In reality they weren't ACTUALLY ugly, not in the truest sense. Cultivators can never have odd features that constitute being ugly so they weren't ugly. But if you look at people like Asura, Raiko, Drako and all those other beastly studs in their humanoid forms, not to mention the even more peerlessly attractive Elven and High Human Queens, these 2 kids were woefully ugly in comparison.


Whatever the case, they were both smiling towards the ground like the fact that the Undead were literally vibrating with terror with some of them even passing out right beside them didn't mean anything. Clearly, Eridel's 'simple message' to tell the relax was doing a lot more than making sound.


To be honest, it wasn’t intentional. None of their reactions were intentional. The fear came as a result of his [Quality of Being], not even his aura because that was thankfully not leaking. Eridel feared that they would simply drop dead if it did.


But anyways, a Quality of Being could be summarised as the quality or rank of someone's existence, kind of like the difference between a Dragon and a Mouse even if they were in the same cultivation realm and stage, they were still Worlds apart.


Someone with a high Quality of Being often had the effect of making weaker beings unable to resist or even think of a single thought beyond fear.


Now that you know that, it was obvious that Eridel’s Quality of Being was very, very high.


As for his voice that had forcefully calmed the 2 children, that was something that Eridel had ever since he became a World, each time he became stronger the voice became more attractive and more powerful. Deceive, Seduce or Manipulate, he could do it with a single sound.


Even if it was unfair to others and he didn’t even plan for it, he wasn’t one to throw away power even if he could. Was he, a 2000 year old being, supposed to care about the ethics of others? Nay.


Fear or revere him, it matters not.


‘Now, for these little chosen ones, heroes chosen by the World itself to save the continent from the ooooh~ so scary undead, what powers shall I gift them?’


A condescending grin etched itself on his face as millions of thoughts flickered through his mind.

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