Reincarnated as a World

Ch.63 Another Anomaly

Eridel thought back to his short conversation with the 2 children Gabriel and Seraqiel, but more accurately the effects of his voice.


With intent, his voice was able to play with the emotions of those around him and even had extra effects that could cause pleasure or pain. However…


The lightning that flashed through the air when he finished the sentence: ‘the power to save your people with your own 2 hands’- Was absolutely not normal. If Eridel wanted he could indeed achieve the same effect, but that would be him forcefully calling down lightning rather than his voice actually affecting nature itself.


So at first, for a millisecond, Eridel thought it was a coincidence! And indeed it was. But when Eridel focused on the cloud that the lightning bolt had originated from, he realised that not only was the lightning bolt abnormal, but the cloud too wasn’t it appeared to be either!


It was alive!


He almost abandoned the Twin Stars of Hope then and there when he found out, only managing to restrain himself until he passed on their inheritances before vanishing like smoke.


And now here he was, eyeing the Cloud just above him.


“What the fuck is that?” he muttered, but as he said it, almost all there was to know about the cloud entered his brain as if he were reading a book.


“Unbeli- No, actually… This is good- Perfect! What a good system indeed~ Hahahaha!”


Eridel spread his arms out with joy as his body tilted until he was parallel with the ground. It was almost as if he had flopped down onto an invisible bed with glee. Rambunctious laughter filled the air as Eridel cuddled his stomach with his arms, there were even unshed tears that twinkled at the corner of his eyes.


“Hu… hu… Dayum, when was the last time I laughed like that?”


That one question almost brought back unsavoury memories but Eridel’s joy slapped it away. He righted himself and looked at the cloud like he was looking at a priceless treasure.


The reason Eridel was so excited was because the cloud before his very eyes was actually the same kind of existence that Ciera was! An Anomaly! At least, that’s what he had decided to call them.


In truth, they were entities that were even more aberrant than Abominations. Anomalies were formed when extremely rare and coincidental phenomena occurred at the same time in the same location, creating an abnormal Lifeform that was formed from the most primary Element that took part in it’s creation.


In this case, the Anomaly was formed when a Cloud had come into contact with multiple substances and essences along with a vast amount of the Eridius World’s soul-flavoured Magical Energy.


Now… It was a living Cloud.


A cloud that contained sentience that could later on develop into sapience and the ability to cultivate, just as Ciera and other Lifeforms could. From the gist of things, the Cloud’s primary affinities were Water, Wind and Lightning which were all powerful in their own right.


However, unlike Ciera, this cloud did not inherit Eridel’s memories nor the Avatar that the little girl had gained straight from the jump. It’s mind was as empty and pure as a newborn baby and this baby was currently looking back at Eridel with curiosity by using its innate Spirit Sense that the Beast Races gained at Realm 2 and Enlightened Races gained at Realm 4.


Just like Ciera, the Cloud had inherited the ability to create Contracts which it would eventually be able to do when it unlocked it’s inheritance that the… System had given it. Eridel could most certainly feel it because it came from him. The System only ensured that the Cloud reached a certain level of cultivation before it could use it’s most essential ability as an Anomaly of the Eridius World.


It was also the System that made the creation of the Anomalies more concrete and the one that prevented it from getting Eridel’s memories.


Ciera’s creation was an accident on Eridel’s part, but the Cloud’s creation was a coincidental natural process that the System had encoded onto the World. Kind of like the difference between Eridel giving energy to plants and the System encoding plants the ability to syphon energy from the sun.


{ 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Of course Plants already have photosynthesis and the System has nothing to do with it. Just take it as an example. }


Eridel had ‘programmed’ the System in a way that made it somewhat independent, so unless he was purposefully looking, he wasn’t aware of everything it did. However, it was impossible for the System to truly go against his plans for the World, it had no ego and no wishes, only work.


Eridel smiled as the Cloud twisted around with both excitement and confusion.


“Hello little one, I’m quite busy now so I’ll have to go now, but I’ll make sure to come back and visit later. For now, take this name as a gift: Cleo.”


Cleo flashed with bright Lightning as a strange but comforting energy briefly coursed through it's intangible body along with a system announcement that rang out in its head, congratulating it on gaining a true name.


Everybody that Eridel had named was given the same announcement, an announcement that they had gained or the name that they already had, was a True Name. A name given by the World itself.


And there was power in a True Name.


Eridel’s body disintegrated into sparks of light as he deactivated his Avatar.



Eridel sighed with relief as he gave a cursory glance over the rest of the World. Some crazy things were going on but nothing on the level of the Abomination Of The North.




Now that there were many figures at the 4th Realm, the World would soon ‘level up’ and enter the Mid World Realm, so he wanted nothing to go wrong.


As mentioned before, Residents are a World’s lifeblood and the greater they are, the better the World. In correspondence to the amazing achievements of the Eridius World’s residents, The Mid World Realm Evolution was just around the corner. But despite the joyous news, Eridel was having complex feelings.


Eridel wasn’t blind to the fact that he and consequently the Eridius World… were abnormal. The strange Magical Energy and complex lifeforms never seen before in any other part of the Universe, were just a few of the things that could affect how the World’s Evolution changed.


The more concerning fact was that the group of 4th Realm Lifeforms that were pushing the World into a Mid World were actually meant to push the World into a High World. Never forget that Low Worlds were barren of Magic and were just like any other small planet that didn’t even know of the existence of cultivation.


Only the Eridius World had mechanisms that behaved like a Mid World, in fact, if you didn’t take its size into consideration, you could say that the Eridius World was much greater than any other Mid World despite being a Low World.


Who knew what the World’s Evolution would cause.


On top of that, Eridel had never seen a World evolve before, these things were just far too rare and took too long to happen for the mere Eridel (who had only lived for 2 millennia) to ever see.


Even the strange artifact that had changed Eridel’s ‘life’ all those years ago refused to provide any knowledge on the event.


Eridel decided to put these thoughts at the back of his head before turning attention to a special group of Dragons that had been sleeping for over a hundred years.


‘What will come will come…’

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