Reincarnated as a World

Ch.70 The Crystal Dragon King’s Enlightened Form

The bones and flesh in the Crystal Dragon King’s body began rearranging themselves to take on a strange form. On top of that, most of his scales were receding into his body and eventually pale pearl-like skin was revealed.


‘I knew it… I’m gaining a form similar to the Humans.’ the Crystal Dragon King thought with a scrunched up face.


The pain of his body forcefully doing things that it hadn’t done before was indeed immense, but what had he just come out of? That’s right, a battle with the Heavenly Dragon Flame followed by a battle with the Tribulation Lights. He was so over reacting to pain and he just wanted to get this over with.


At the very least, he knew from the experience of the other Supremes that he would only feel pain twice. Once when he was transforming into a ‘Human’, and once more when he transformed back into a Dragon. It should be relatively smooth after that.


Purple-coloured shoulder-length hair gushed out of his skull along with eyebrows and eyelashes which caused the Crystal Dragon King surprise even if he knew it was coming. Hairs and furs were the quality of mammals and didn’t show the same love to the reptiles so it was quite interesting to suddenly gain them.


The Crystal Dragon King wobbled his head causing his hair to swish around to his amusement as his body transformation finished its last touches.


‘Hmm… Just as the others said, I have indeed lost quite a bit of strength in this form. However I find it quite nice, I can do a lot of things with this.’


The Crystal Dragon King held his hands out in front of them before closing and opening them.


For all intents and purposes, the Crystal Dragon King now looked like a Human. 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 dexterous hands, a relatively short neck and an oval head. Delicate feet and finally unlike his previous hemipenes, he now only had 1 penis and it was… freely hanging out.


That was what worried him the most… What- what if it got cut off! NEVER! He would never let that happen! But… but on the off-chance that it did get cut off…He would have to kindly ask the culprit to cut off his head too.


No way to create life equals no way to continue life. That was his new motto.



Gaia was as still as a statue, eyes watching the new form of her brother with soulless eyes..


Never in her entire life had she ever seen something so bizzare. When the Crystal Dragon King evolved and fused the Heavenly Dragon Flame into his DNA, she had been very impressed. It was extremely rare to come across an Earth Flame and even rarer to tame it. As for the amount of people who could assimilate such a thing into their DNA?


Even if she recalled all the Worlds she had visited, she only needed 1 hand to count the number of such beings that she had merely heard about, talk less of seen with her own 2 eyes.


Now her brother wasn’t just a Crystal Dragon, but something more of a Crystal Flame Dragon, or if you wanted to be fancy a Heavenly Flame Crystal Dragon. Although he wasn’t quite as special as her, a Creation Dragon (something she was still giddy about), he was still an extremely talented being and if he wasn’t killed prematurely he would definitely become a Galaxy-renowned elite.


But this…


What is the meaning of this?


Gaia gazed at the figure of her brother's new form. Although he had a completely humanoid figure, no one would ever mistake him for being a human. He had scales that reached down from his elbows to his wrists with a little more extending to the back of his hands but leaving his palms and fingers free, quite a lot like ranger bracers. The same pattern repeated itself in his legs from his knees to his ankles like greaves.


Both his fingernails and his toenails were long and sharp like claws and carried the same dark purple colour along with an aura of sharpness and fatality that his previous claws had.


Scales also patterned the sides of his waist, his entire back till the back of his neck and peaking to the sides as well but that was it. Clearly, they were more focused on covering his most vulnerable areas, there weren’t any scales on his chest because that was one of the easiest areas to defend along with his head.


On top of that, the Dragon still retained his glorious wings that were folded behind his back. With a thought they could cover the front of his body and the hard protective crystal scales would protect him.


He also retained his horns which pierced towards the sky with unwavering might along with his daunting tail that could cause heart-palpitations in anybody. Anyone could tell that the tail-spike at the end was one of if not THE most dangerous thing on the entire Dragon King’s body.


The heavy looking crystal looked so sharp that it felt like it could puncture right through the fabric of space.


Other than those spine-chilling features were the more regular ones. A musculature that would give Adonis a run for his money, pearl-like skin and shoulder-length silky hair. His eyes were also the same as before, looking like 2 orbs of fire that looked like it would start shooting lasers at any moment.


And last but not least were his genitals. Clearly the same penis that any Human male could have, but Gaia struggled to believe that any of the Humans she had seen in the past could reach the same size…


But that of course was not what was causing Gaia so much surprise.


The truth was…


BEASTS JUST DIDN’T TRANSFORM LIKE THIS! Gaia could not believe her EYES! Never in her entire life had she ever seen or even heard of a Beast that could gain a humanoid form. Beasts were Beasts and they would remain that way for the rest of their lives. But what was the situation before her eyes?




Gaia was losing her mind and she felt like she was in a dream, this World was too much!


Sure, beings like beast-kin and such existed. But those were actually Humans who had taken the blood or something similar of a powerful Beast and not only managed to survive the consummation, but also manage to mutate as well.


But even then, let’s say for example that some Human drank the Blood of the Dragon King and mutated as a result. At most, other than the strength and talent, they would at most gain horns and a handful of scales, most of the time not even that and only got a full-house of sharp nails.


It depended on how compatible they were with the bloodline but it would never reach this state. Wings, tails, horns and Scales nearly covering the whole body. Gaia could not for the life of her believe what she was seeing!


‘How could this possibly be? WHO CAN TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!’




<The Dragon King has overcome the Tribulation Lights and successfully ascended to the 4th Realm. This has given him the access of an Enlightened Form.>


Gaia’s body seized up.

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