Reincarnated as an OP character in MHA

Chapter 5-UA Entrance exam

I woke up to the sight of the hopes and dream of all men as Issei says Oppai,Momo's Oppai to be exact but these things are huge maybe I-cup.

"My eyes are up here"

"Sorry they just attract my eyes"

"You can watch later but we have an exam today so get cleaned up"

"Fine how about a kiss to kickstart my day"

"Fine" She leans down and gives me a peck on the lips.

"That doesn't count as a kiss"

"If you come in first place maybe I will give you a special gift".Making my most serious face

"Lady you just doomed everyone"

"Now go get your butt ready" I go to the bathroom and get ready.Going downstairs I see Mr Yaoyorozu sipping his coffee.

"Good morning Mr Takashi".I say while sitting down.

"Morning Alex,Your father was unable to come today because he had a surgery to perform today,and your Mum you know travellled but they said they believe in you and they know you will make it now hurry up or you will not make it."

"okay" I finish the breakfast and go into the car with Momo.

"Hey Alex why don't you join the recommended students my father can do it and I know you are not the kind of guy who won't take free things"

"Well there is something I want to see there"

"Okay I won't ask but go easy on the people"

"Nope you promised me something special if I win so .."

"Haah I created a monster"

"A handsome one"

"Narcissitic too"

"It's narcissism if it's true"

"Fine we are here anyway".The car stops in front of a huge building with a large UA  symbol on it,the anime really didn't do it justice It's gigantic.We see some students standing infront of the gate and get out of the car some students look at as us.I see some appreciative gazes from the females and jealous glances from the males.I ignore them and go inside with Momo when I see an empty seat I take a seat and lie down on Momo's lap which is soft yet firm making me feel sleepy  I then here some mumbling and when I look I see the MC of this world Izuku Midoriya doing the extremely difficult dao of mumbling.

I ignore him and enjoy my lap pillow under the jealous gazes of some guys and admiring gazes from the females.I sleep till we are told to go for the written exams where Momo and I seperate since she is a recommended student.I go to the examination room where I think that maths will be difficult since it's UA.But I am suprised to see the exams mostly talking about what you will do in rescue situations and you know the rest,I finish pretty proud of myself.After that we get asked to go to the waiting room where I wait for the test to finish,after every one Present Mike starts with his whole explanation and Lida starts his whole responsibilty speech and the whole thing they ask us to to the starting point.

The instant I reach my battle point I make a hand signal and say

"Divine dogs" summoning a black and white dog who have some markings on it I make another handsign and say "Nue" summoning a giant bird as large as an average man with lightning moving around it,ignoring their suprised faces proceded to summon tiger funeral which looks like a giant tiger which walks on two legs.

"Destroy the bots and help those who need it".The summons immediately run foward destroying all the bots they sea making all the participant run to also destroy some before the time ends.

I then proceeded to take a walk checking the pseudo city


3rd person POV:

In the teacher's office they proceed to talk about the participants.

"That Bakugo's quirk seems pretty powerful but he seems like a trouble maker".Present Mike says

"Yes but we are here to teach them aren't we".Nezu says

"But so far the most impressive here is Alexander Brooke".Cementos says 

"Yeah those creatures of his are both strong and fast what is his quirk".Present Mike

"His quirks are Flame manipulation and a new quirk he calls the ten shadows technique".Nezu says while holding a Folder.

"He's very hot,I'm pretty wet right now".Midnight says

Everyone looks at her."What, it's true. 

"Why doesn't he use his flame manipulation".Vlad king says.

"I guess it's because he believes it's not necessary his summons are dominating them".They all glance at the screen and they see Nue electricuting a group of bots and Tiger funeral is destroying some three pointers.

"I see what you mean".Present Mike says.

"I believe it's time to bring it out All might if you could do the honours".Nezu says.

"Okay".All might pushes the button with worry on his face.

MC Pov:

I hear a buzzing sound when I look at the gate I see a giant bot with a giant 0 on it ,everyone starts running away from it but I run toward it instead.When I reach a  close to it I jumb and start comressing fire which chanegs from orange to blue to white then black.

"I have a target to use my new move haha thanks UA,eat this SOLAR FLARE!!!!

Once the fire hit the bot it explodes in an explosion which destroys it and half the wall but thankfully with no casualtiesor injuries as my summons managed to get the students out of range.I use my fire to lower myself down and the teachers come down to check on everyone.

"Woah that caused more damage than I expected even with such small power,PROMINECE BURN WILL BE WAY HOTTER".

"Is every one all right?"I hear Cementoss ask

"Yeah I made my summons protect them before I did it"

All might comes to me "Are you alright young Alexander"

"Call me Xander and yeah I have fire immunity".

"You know that move of yours was dangerous"

"Sorry about that I hadn't tested it and when I saw a giant test subject I took a hit at it besides I didn't go all out so I thought It could handle it."

All might sighs"It's alright we will get every one to the auditorium you should go"

"Okay"I start walking but turn back "oh All might could I ask you a favour".

"It's about my seconds quirk"

"What has it done"

I see the teachers gather around "Well you see with the ten shadows I have to defeat the shikigami for me to be able to use it and there is this Shikigami who is really strong and .."

"You want me to help you defeat it?"

"With this one I have to fight it on my own so I will need you to watch over the fight so that I can go all out without holding back".

"I see ".

"We can do it when I join UA"

"Okay now go join the others".

I go to Nue who carries me to the Auditorium where I cancel the summons.I sit down even with all the gazes on me especially Todoroki who I just wave at.Momo comes and sits next to me.

"What did you do".

"You didn't even ask if I did it you're blaming me with no evidence"

"Everyone is looking at you and you are the only one who can do that"



"You're making a scene"

"You used a move which you have no control off in combat what would happen if it blew up in your face"

"It didn't,did it."

"Haah fine"

"I'm pretty sure you owe me something special tonight"


Present Mike comes and starts calling people in for the interviews.I am the last one in.

"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!" I see Nezu,Midnight and Vlad king in the room.

"Yay the principal"

"Nice to see you so enthusiastic Mr Alexander"

"Call me Xander or Alex Principal"

"Okay so let's start with the interview I believe you must have something to do later".

"Yeah I have to go celebrate getting into UA".I say with a smile which makes Midnight blush

"But we haven't accepted you yet".

"Jeez Principal we all know after that move you will take me in regardless of what happens in here".

"And what brought you to such a conclusion".

"One self confidence,two fear you will worry about what will happen if I join the other side and three I'm amzing who doesn't want me".

"What do you think when you hear Villain"

I hear a person who uses their own power for their own satisfaction which endangers people".

"I see why do you want to go to UA"

"One I'm bored, two UA has a large space which will allow me to use my powers to my satisfaction,three I needed to contact All might so that he will be able to watch over me when I'm fighting Mahoraga and four I wanted to see her"I say pointing to Midnight.Midnight gives a grin when I point to her.

"Who's Mahoraga".

"My last summon"

"You have to defeat him?"

"Yep if I summon him just like that he will go on a rampage and I can't cancel the summoning".

"So do you think you can defeat him "

"Maybe with some loss of limb but yes"

"Isn't that a big risk"

"Don't worry I have a summon who can heal any injury as long as the person is not dead even loss of limbs trust me I have lost enough limps to know"

Nezu brightens up when I say that "Any injury?"

"Yup I lost a stomach when I was fighting against Tiger funeral but here I am BTW losing your stomach feels very weird"


"Yup I don't even have a scar to prove it don't tell my mom or she'll kill me I'm more scared of her than a hundred Mahoragas"

"Miss Midnight a pleasure to meet you, see you later".I walk out of the room.

"If what he says is correct he could heal All might".Nezu

"Yes that is IF it is correct"Vlad king.

"He came to see me that's sweet".Midnight



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