Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

2- Bloody Fall

[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Yang: 10 Years Old, 11:13 AM]


In the quiet forest of eternally falling leaves, the deceptively peaceful silence was broken by what could only be described as a golden meteor crashed violently against the ground.

The impact was so powerful any nearby trees were destroyed, any animal unlucky enough to be close instantly turned into red mush, and most importantly of all the force created a 10-meter-wide crater, causing a slight tremor to run through the surroundings.

Had it crashed mere meters to the right the hunters in charge of overseeing the city walls would have heard the deafening sound, Unfortunately for them that was not the case.

Slowly Yang lifted herself up, her legs trembling slightly.




She breathed heavily as she walked forward her legs stung slightly due to the rough landing, briefly she thought about training her flight but discarded it.

'Now's not the time to think about these things.'

Gritting her teeth she left the crater and used her Ki sense.

"Good, no one's close." She muttered.

Crouching slightly she shot herself forward at maximum speed, she didn't feel like running so she simply hovered some centimeters above the ground.

For a single moment, she felt peace, seeing the rapidly changing scenery, the beautiful trees, and the falling leaves made her... Calm, the world around her wasn't like the series with the 3D animation style, no, it is very much like her past life.

She is... Happy about that, she just hopes she won't regret thinking that when she sees someone die.

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by an ominous sound.


A wolf's Howl, just... Not right, she heard wolves Howl before, and this? No, whatever it is it certainly isn't a wolf, an animal, no matter how intelligent it may be cannot possibly send that much hatred with a simple howl.

Still, it didn't bother her, no, she simply smiled and shot herself even faster toward its origin, the trip was short, in less than 4 seconds she saw it, a pack of 8 Beowulfs, rinning menacingly towards her.

'You felt it didn't you? My hate.'

Yang's heart began to speed up, contrary to what she tough would happen she is not nervous or scared, no, weirdly enough, she is excited.


And so they did, with an impressive amount of speed the biggest Beowulf jumped her, not one to back down she too shot upwards to meet her opponent.

Claw and fist pulled back both with the intention of ending the life of one another, for a brief moment both enemies saw nothing but each other, and then, right in the middle when both met, they clashed.

Yang punched with all her strength, too fast for the pitiful creature to react, her fist went through the Grimm's chest like it was simple wood, not completely passing through.

She smiled even more, something she quickly regretted as the Beowulf's claw hit her waist, the attack surprised her, not because it could still move even with its chest caved in but because it gave no indication of both the attack or the fact it had received what should have been a fatal injury.

Reacting quickly she gripped its maw and shoved it away, she watched as it fell from a height of over 5 meters and landed on its back without any sign of damage.

Had she been in a normal state of mind she'd back down and think about what just happened, unfortunately for the Grimm, Yang only wanted to let out some steam, she wants to break something and for her, the Grimm is a great acceptable target.

Shooting herself down she crashed into the leading Beowulf, even while using all her strength with the help of gravity and her flight she was only able to crush the monster's chest, still not being able to pass through.

Uncaring about the other Grimm surrounding her Yang quickly got up and stomped on the thing's face, this time all her attack did was slightly crack its bone armor.

She smiled, this is what she wanted! A simple fight betting her life or the death of inhuman monsters that too wanted nothing but to kill her.

Away from Home, away from Ruby, away from school, and most importantly of all, away from that gods dammed awful phantom pain, REALLY her mind is the furthest away from all those annoying things.

Wait... Ruby isn't annoying, she loves her.

In this forest is just her and the Grimm, fighting for her life, just like a proper Saiyan Should.

Moving by nothing else but instinct Yang quickly crouched down avoiding a claw that would certainly have cut her hair, yes, she's just as sensitive about her hair as the other yang, sue her.

Twisting herself she prepared to punch the fucker's jaw but once again she had to dodge, this time by jumping above a Beowulf that threw itself at her.

Using her Ki she locked herself in the air and stomped on the animal's back, sending it crashing onto the chest of its leader who was trying to get up.

Even then the other 5 still advanced.

Using her flight she twisted her body mid-air and stuck the Beowulf in front of her with her heel, this time there was no crack, her attack was too weak to do anything else but throw it to the ground.

She was given no time to breathe as all five Beowulfs attacked, 4 coming at her from all sides while one came from above, they really didn't want her flying away.

"Hehehehehe." She couldn't stop a small laugh from coming out, she enjoyed the fight but... This Goddam aura made everything boring.

She wants to learn how to fight properly without a kiddie glove for fucks sake! If she makes a mistake, then let those fuckers teach her with pain, a dog only bites an electrical fence once and then never does it again, so she'll do the same.

Briefly concentrating on herself Yang brought back the light of her soul into her body, it was, not hard but complicated doing so, it is as if her aura didn't want to leave her defenseless.


Dropping her flight Yang landed on the downed Beowulf and dashed forward toward the closest one.

The beast opened its maw as it neared her, and for a second Yang prepared for it to simply bite down, the torrent of black sludge that came a second later proved her wrong.

Violent she may be but she'd like to think even in her state she is not mindless, to dodge the monster's attack she had to plant her foot down and throw her entire body to the side, something that made her ankle almost snap.

Too focused on the Beowulf that attacked her she had no chance to react to the second that came behind and stuck its fangs on her head.

Her reaction was instantaneous moving her palm toward her attacker she unleashed a Ki blast strong enough to sever its head.

Before long the head disintegrated, but, something confused her, why its mask is still on her head? Wasn't it supposed to disintegrate too?

She didn't bother to think any longer, adjusting the beast's skull firm on her face she prepared to attack the other one in front of her.

Suddenly she felt something poking her back, by instinct alone, she turned around and punched with all her strength sending whatever attacked her flying back.

With her attacker being sent flying back she was able to see him in its totality, she shook her head and blinked some times, she had to take a second look just to be sure of what she was seeing, and when she did, she couldn't help but laugh with joy.

"hahaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yang smiled with her teeth, in front of her, flying towards a gigantic tree the same Beowulf that she had decapitated is still alive.

She couldn't believe her eyes, is this a dream? If yes she sure as hell DOESN'T want to wake up, after all, her precious little punching bags could stay alive even after losing their heads.

"HELL YES!" Yang screamed as she shot herself at the Flying Beowulf, not even the black sludge eating away her back could ruin her day.

She just made an incredible discovery, the Grimm are not alive!

Well, in hindsight that should have been obvious but what she means by that is that they only imitate life, Grimm are more like Golems than actual living organisms, meaning it doesn't matter if someone cuts them in half or destroys their heads, the only way to "Kill" them is the same as trying to destroy a house, you have to do enough structural damage for it to crumble apart.

The headless Grimm hit the tree trunk with the force of a truck breaking wood and shaking the gigantic tree slightly, it had no chance to react as Yang slammed both her fists into it separating its lower part from the top, the tree behind it shook violently, branches fell but nothing else happened.

Had the Grimm had any organs or blood this scene would be a lot more disgusting.

Yang did not stop to see whether or not the monster would disintegrate, instead, she powered up, stuck both her hands on the thing's chest and began to pull.

A sickening sound, not unlike that of bones being broken and flesh being ripped sounded throughout the forest, had it still had a head the thing would roar into Yang's face, unfortunately for it the girl in question wore its skull as a fancy mask.

Using all of her strength Yang ripped the Grimm in half and watched as its body finally turned to dust.

Not bothering to see whether or not its claws would fall off she turned around and saw the 7 other Beowulfs running towards her, the only hint she had harmed them was the crack in the biggest one's skull, a crack that was quickly being regenerated.

"Oh my, do my little punching bags regenerate? Good, it means I get to play with you for longer."

Once again she shot herself forward and once again the biggest of them dashed toward her.

Yang does not want to simply beat her enemies, no she wants to feel pain, learn from it and make it so she will never have to feel it again, she wants for her enemies attacks to hit to draw blood, to harm her, to bring her close to the precipitous of death and then to come back from it even stronger, in other words, she wants that Zenkai Boost.

But at the same time, these Beowulfs are not the ideal enemies, they don't punch, they claw, they don't use their heads they use their maws, resistant they may be but one can only hit a punching bag so many times before it gets boring.

Getting bored at her enemy's incapability of harming her Yang decided to end things fast, uncaring about how fast her mood changed the Saiyan formed a ki ball in front of her closed fist and punched directly where she'd meed the claw of the monster, the result was nothing else but expected.

When the Ki ball and the monster's claw met an explosion occurred, causing a slight tremor that shook the surrounding area.

"2 down, 6 to go."

With bored eyes, yang flew through the dust and immediately elbowed the closest Beowulf on its chest, with the creature temporarily stunned she opened both her arms and palms, releasing Ki blasts from both that caught the other Beowulfs trying to encircle her.

'Ki blasts do pack quite a punch.'

"5 Down, 3 to go."

Two other Grimm pounce on her both slashing at her with their claws, for many this scene would be terrifying but in this case, it only made Yang remember why she decided to stop playing with them.

Shooting herself up she went up some meters and locked herself in the air, powering up she borough her arms back and began to gather Ki, 3 enemies were perfectly put together and she wanted to test a new attack of hers out.

Breathing deeply Yang violently brought her arms forward and screamed "GARLICK HO!"

A pinkish blast of energy shot down engulfing the three Grimm and destroying the ground beneath.

Yang paused the attack, the Grimm below turned into ash just like she expected them to, she felt proud, not of killing the weaklings that didn't even serve to give her a workout but of the destruction her attack caused.

Compared to Vegeta it was nothing and the prince of all Saiyans would probably beat her black and blue for daring to feel so proud of such a pathetic attack but even so... She is proud.


This is hers, the destruction, the kills, the power, the victory, even if inconsequential to others, to Yang at the very least that meant much.

Slowly she landed on the ground and sat in a lotus position, allowing her aura to resurface she began to meditate, the sheer boredom at the end of what she wouldn't even dignify by calling it a fight served to bring some sense into her again.

At least enough sense to recuperate her wasted Ki and heal her minor injuries, those pathetic things couldn't even end her when one of them had her fucking head on their maw, honestly she expected more, is this how women feel when their partners don't end it right? If so she truly pities them from the bottom of her heart.

And so Yang stood there for 8 minutes, thinking about what she would do while regaining her Ki, it was just at the end of it that she remembered something important.

'Didn't Professor Crim say Grimm near the city are exterminated at the start of each month?'

Yang opened her eyes in both surprise and excitement, she couldn't help but smile widely once again, her deception forgotten for a moment.

'And today is the third of November meaning the last extermination was done 2 days ago, that big one was probably lucky enough to survive last month, meaning those 8 were nothing but true weaklings that didn't even leave their diapers behind!

Jumping up with her arm above her head Yang screamed.

"FUCK YEAH!" Jumping the highest she could Yang took flight and began to look into deeper parts of the forest especially places where there could be caves.

Smart Grimm would hide so as to not be killed each month, of course, those cowards would never be as strong as Grimm of the same age who fought their entire lives but they would still be powerful.

If these weaklings could walk off her fully powered punches then she has severely underestimated the Grimm, and she loved it!

Of course, a sensible person might say, Yang if those weaklings could shrug off your attacks with low difficulty wouldn't it be sensible to think you'd not be able to harm those who lived for more than 1 year?

And to that she says, go fuck yourself, what do you think I am a chicken? I'm a Saiyan dumbass I am meant to fight things stronger than me, kill them anyway, and then come back from it even stronger.

What if I lose an eye or two? I have enough money to buy those fancy mechanical ones anyway, don't ask these stupid questions again or I'll break your spine.

'Yeah, that'd show him, doubting me.'

Scoffing in contempt Yang flew silently deeper and deeper into the forest the only things that took her attention were when a small Nevermore chick committed suicide by throwing itself in front of her and when some weird wasp-like Grimm tried to play a game of tag, they were too slow, she won.

It wasn't until 12 minutes later that she finally found something interesting, or more precisely, something interesting found her.

You know she was all like Cool by the Pond Quiet as a squirrel, enjoying the air on her face and the beautiful scenery together with the sweet smell when out of nowhere a boulder twice her size hit her in the face.

She went down instantly, the Beowulf mask shattered in a second, the only thing that saved her was her Aura, something she's beginning to be extremely grateful for, after all when a ki user is with their guard down even a weakling can kill them.

Thinking about it she should really start to research new ways to sense her enemies, the Grimm don't have Ki and neither do giant boulders.


'The only reason my instincts were able to warn me of the Beowulfs was that they were covered in killing intent.'

'Furthermore whatever threw that rock just proved to me that at a sufficiently large distance, I'll be unable to feel their intentions, I don't think anyone would blame me for not seeing a fucking boulder traveling at 200 kilometers per hour in a course directly towards my face.'

'Oh, I'm on the ground now.'

Twisting her body up Yang shook her head, looking at her arm she saw a flickering black/red aura slowly disappear from her body, turning into wisps of light and leaving her feeling slightly tired.

Feeling something tickle down her head she touched it with her fingers, bringing it to her face she saw drops of blood on her hand.

"Hmn* So if an attack is sufficiently powerful to break someone's aura in one hit then the remaining power behind it will still affect the one who was stuck, good to know."

"Now... Who's the fucker bold enough to do that shit?" Yang said as she turned her head in a certain direction.

She could hear something... Powerful hitting the ground causing the small pebbles close to her to shake.

It didn't take much time for the culprit to show itself.

Standing over two meters tall and walking on all fours what she could only describe as a Gorilla ran towards her.

"A beringel Hmn."

The beast paused, as if confused by the fact she is still standing.

'It must still be young then.'

Its face contorted into one of pure rage as it stood on two feet and started beating on its chest.


She felt fear, for the first time since she entered forever fall Yang felt true fear, that thing is absolutely stronger than her, if her strongest punches couldn't truly seriously harm a mere Beowulf then to stand a chance she'd have to use her Ki in all attacks and not simply as a way to strengthen her body.

Her fear grew as it advanced toward her, it was quickly replaced by the absolute exhilaration she felt at finally meeting an opponent that could truly kill her.

"ha... Hahaha... HaHaHaHAHAHAHA!" With an excited laugh, Yang Xiao-Long shot herself toward her new enemy, and once again any sense of rationality she had was completely lost to the battle lust of finally being able to bet her life against a true opponent.

Either she grows stronger, or she dies trying.


This chapter was created to show one simple thing, the complete opposite of what Yang is, Reckless, Bloodthirsty, and Angry.

I wanted You all to get a taste of how much Yang's Saiyan side can influence her, Ruby is the person Yang loves most in Remnant she doesn't even love herself as much as she does Ruby.

In all of both of her lives the word "Loss" can describe her perfectly, in both worlds she lost her mother, in both worlds, she didn't trust her father and in both worlds, she had nothing to love.

That is until Ruby came along, so you can understand how unstable she is mentally if she is now thinking that the one thing she loves most in both lives is annoying and that she is happy to be away from her.

Those are in part her Saiyan instincts speaking, Saiyans care very little for their family, are cruel to the extreme and wouldn't care for something as ridiculous as loyalty.

In other words, this is a small part of what Goku would be had he not hit his head, and something that can consume Yang if she doesn't get her instincts under control.

The next chapter is going to be about the WHY of why Yang became like this, and why she became so shaken after losing her tail well, beyond what has already been said that is.

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