Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Abilities and Embarrassment

After a while of running, Alex arrived at a small clearing in the forest, if it could even be called a clearing at all.
There was a small stream of water and a couple of old trees that had fallen on top of it. Looking like a natural bridge.
Looking around, Alex noticed that there weren't a lot of animals around, besides the old owl that he could see perched on top of a tree, there really was nothing.
'I thought the woods would be much more populated than this' Alex thought and then shook his head.
'Doesn't matter, time to check out my abilities' Alex thought as the grin on his face kept getting wider and wider.
'First of all, let's check what my strength is without transforming, I seem to have supernatural speed but just how strong am I?' Alex wondered as he couldn't help shaking from the excitement.
Going towards the old tree that had fallen on top of the water stream, Alex grabbed it with his hands and tried as hard as he could to lift it.
The tree had exploded on his face, he had pulled it up so quickly that Alex was caught by surprise when it hit his face and shattered.
Alex stood there looking at the broken pieces of wood on his hands.
'Have I underestimated myself?' Alex thought bewildered.
'If I'm this strong without transforming then aren't I completely broken?' Alex thought as he remembered what the feats of the twilight vampires were.
'Either way, at this point im just as strong as them without transforming maybe stronger though I can't judge how heavy a broken and old tree trunk is, so ill say that im of similar strength to them until I find some heavy weights or just have a competition against someone like emmet' Alex thought and then took a few steps behind him.
'Finally, time to transform.' Alex thought and got ready, his hand clenched at his hips.
'Wait what am I doing, doing this stance makes me look like I'm bout to go super saiyan or something' Alex then wondered if he should scream at the top of his lungs.
'No, calm down, let's just be normal or at least as normal as I can be in this situation.'
Alex then tried to bring back that feeling of transformation he had achieved in the bathroom earlier that day.
It started suddenly and it didn't even take a second.
His black locks of hair were turning white quickly, first, the hair turned gray and then a split second into platinum white.
His nails extended for a few centimeters, now resembling animalistic claws and his eyes turned red, the pupil thinning and turning cat-like.
Alex even felt like his skin and muscles were tightening now that he wasn't in as much pain as during the first transformation.
Overall, Alex looked like a completely different person, it was as if he had truly turned into a beast as even the few small animals that had been close by had quickly scattered.
Licking his front teeth, Alex also noted how the canines had grown longer and much sharper than what was considered normal.
'Won't these pierce my tongue accidentally all the time though?' Alex wondered but no matter how much he tried to do so, the teeth didn't damage or pierce his tongue at all.
'Does that mean my tongue is tough or is my instinct just not allowing me to pierce my tongue willingly' Alex thought and then turned towards the trees around him.
'Well, time to see how strong I am.' Alex thought and quickly sprinted towards the tree, his arm cocked up and ready to unleash a punch.
Things however didn't work out as he had planned.
Running face first in the tree certainly didn't seem like part of the plan at least.
Getting his face outside of the tree, he saw it slowly start to collapse.
'I'm way faster in transformation but it looks like I need to practice or this would just be a handicap at most, if I can't even punch someone and can't even control the direction when I'm running, then isn't the transformation more useless than useful?' Alex thought and then decided to just punch the tree without running towards it this time.
*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*
The tree flew back in an instant as the fist connected with its surface, a chunk of its trunk hitting another tree behind it, and even that one was launched behind and hit another tree.
At once, three trees were felled from one punch.
'Am I one punch man or something?' Alex thought jokingly.
Going towards the chunk that he had severed from the tree, Alex took it in his hand and then threw it towards the night sky.
The piece of wood vanished from sight as it flew up at high speeds.
Alex waited there but the chunk of wood was only a few ten seconds later.
'With this much speed and strength, if I can control it that is then I would be unstoppable in any encounter unless I get jumped by tens of vampires but even then learning how to wield a sword or simply martial arts would allow me to beat them probably' Alex thought and then wondered about the last two abilities, he was sure the type of vampire he had asked god to become had.
'I can't check out Daze by myself but turning into a bat is something I can do myself.' Alex thought as his grin widened in anticipation.
With his transformation in effect, Alex really did look like a demon at the moment, if Charlie or Bella had seen him like this then they would most certainly have fainted immediately.
Then the grin fell from Alex's face.
'How do I become a bat' Alex thought stumped.
"Bat transformation," Alex said out loud.
The only thing that happened was the wind sweeping through the small clearing.
'Shit, I'm just embarrassing myself at this point' Alex thought as he almost punched himself only to stop when he thought of his power.
Circling around, Alex thought for a while.
He tried willing it but nothing happened, even tried saying it out loud or thinking about it but it was the same.
Nothing over and over.
'I'll just have to try again another time, I need to get back. If someone finds out I sneaked out then I'd be in one annoying situation.' Alex thought as he de-transformed quickly.
The entire process didn't take more than a split second and he was back to his usual self.
Turning towards the direction he came from Alex ran as quickly as he could, the wind hitting his face harshly but it didn't affect him or his opened eyes, it felt like nothing even though he was going at great speeds.
'Hmm, I can remember the path I took clearly as if I have been going through this way for years. Do I also have a perfect memory or something?' 
Alex thought as he finally arrived back at the road.
Hello everyone, sorry for the wait for this chapter but I just changed houses and I was setting up my stuff back up. I announced a Mass Release date on Patreon for free if you wanna check it out.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter and more are coming very soon!
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