Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


"Managed it perfectly Alex? Really?" Alice asked as she started walking closer to Alex.

"Yes, I dealt with the trash and Bella is safe," Alex said as he looked down at Alice who was much shorter than him.

Alice however didn't back down nor did she remove her stare as she looked Alex directly into his eyes.

"Bella was still attacked, if it wasn't for Edward then I'm unsure if she would even be alive right now Alex," Alice said her stare harsh as she looked into Alex's crimson eyes.

Alex's eyes widened and he took a quick breath as he stared at Alice, his expression clearly showing his surprise.

"Impossible, these were the guys supposed to attack Bella," Alex said as he took a step backward.

Alice simply looked at him, her mouth flat until she finally spoke a few seconds later.

"These guys were the ones supposed to attack Bella? How are you so sure about that Alex? This isn't the first time you presume something or even know something that you shouldn't be able to know" Alice said as she took another step closer to Alex.

"How did you know that I couldn't see you in my visions, Alex? Why were you so sure that these guys were the ones who attacked Bella?" Alice questioned as she looked at Alex's eyes.

Alex's back hit the wall behind him.

'I was too confident, I thought that everything would go the same as back in the original plot.' Alex thought as he stared at his own hands, his thoughts whirling as if they were a typhoon in his mind.

"You weren't saving Bella Alex. You were simply enjoying the fight, the thrill of towering over someone weaker than you." Alice said as she stood right in front of Alex.

"No, that's not true, I was trying to save Bella," Alex said as he furrowed his brows, anger clearly showing in his eyes.

"Really Alex? You aren't just lying to me, you're lying to yourself. You need to learn how to control your urges." Alice said as she showed a look of pity while looking at Alex.

Alex simply shook his head, his eyes looked almost furious as he said.

"I don't have any urges, Im perfect, I have no side effects as a vampire at all."

"Really? Would you have been in a barely controlled state right now if you were a human? Would you want to kill something to relieve your anger, Alex?"

Another voice was heard as Jasper walked out from the shadows.

Turning to face the new arrival, Alex simply stared for a moment and huffed.

"What do you think just because you can read emotions that you actually know what I'm feeling? You shouldn't even be able to feel my emotions" Alex said as he looked at the blonde vampire.

Alice once again interrupted.

"Once again, how do you know about that Alex? How do you know that Jasper can feel emotions, we have never even mentioned it to you. Not even once." Alice asked as she turned to stare at Alex.

And then she suddenly asked another question.

A Question that left Alex stumped.

"You have seen the future, haven't you? But instead of seeing it as it changes, you have only seen one future, a static one. You probably have seen it in much more detail than I have but it doesn't matter if that future has already changed. Is that it Alex?"

Alex's eyes widened as he looked at Alice.

"No, that's dumb how would I even..."

Alice interrupted him once more as she nodded.

"So you have, at least that explains a lot"

Turning around Alice slowly walked toward Jasper, only turning back once she was next to her brother.

"When you are ready to talk things out when you are ready to finally ask for help. We will always be there for you. I will always be by your side, Alex. No matter what." Alice said finally while staring at Alex.

Her eyes clearly showed her sadness as she gave one final nod and turned around, heading away.

Jasper also gave Alex a nod and started following behind Alice.

Alex was left there, in the night his back against a cold brick wall.

'This should have just been an easy mission, an easy task that I wouldn't have to even think so hard about' Alex thought as he slowly slid down to the ground.

Gritting his teeth, Alex slammed his fist against the wall.

His fist went right through the bricks and ended inside the wall, the whole thing shaking for a brief moment.

"Fuck" Alex shouted as he closed his eyes.


'It's not that bad, I don't care that they know about me knowing the future, at the end of the day they still don't know I'm a reincarnator, and that's what matters.' Alex thought as he stared at the ground.

*Drop* *Drop* *Drop*


Drop by drop, rain started to fall onto the roads of Port Angels.

The drops soon multiplied and a harsh and heavy shower of rain started falling down from the clouds.

Alex stood there, the rain soaking him wet but he didn't move.

He didn't feel cold nor did he care about the water, it didn't affect a vampire like him after all.

'Have I really changed that much? Just how big is the difference between the me of now and the me before reincarnation.' Alex questioned himself however he found no answer.

He felt the same, he felt like the decisions he had taken since he had reincarnated made sense and were truly his own decisions.

'It's impossible for me to know how much I've changed or if I have changed at all. Even if I look at it from an outside perspective I think that my actions made sense.' Alex thought as he took his hand out of the wall he had slammed it into.

Looking up at the sky, Alex finally concluded.

"It doesn't matter if I have changed or not, I'll simply strive to become a better version of the current me. I need to be able to look at the large picture and not at the immediate satisfaction of my actions." Alex mumbled as he got up from the ground.

"That was the reason why I ignored the really important objective tonight. I wanted to make them suffer, I wanted that so badly that I forgot about Bella completely" Alex said as he started walking forward.

'But I'll show them, I'll show everyone that I can be enough on my own. I don't need anyone's help and never will' Alex thought as he remembered Alice's words.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Soon Alex disappeared from the alley as he continued forward, his will which had almost been broken, had already been rebuilt.

Stronger than ever and with a goal in mind. Alex finally set his complete focus on his own improvement.


3 chapters coming out tonight, this is the first. Others in a few hours.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me then check out my Patreon at:

Powerstone goal: 600

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was mostly talking but I feel like it added a lot to the plot and filled up quite some questions you might have had.

For example, why did Alice never question Alex on his knowledge?

Though I have to say it was a bit of an edgy chapter though I really tried not to make it edgy. The Twilight series is a teenage book series though so it couldn't really be skipped entirely.

Thanks for reading the chap.

Lots of Love

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