Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


The night passed quickly, they always said that the shortest times were the happiest.

And the morning arrived, a new day shining its light upon the world.

'Isn't it sad? Time passes so quickly when you are having fun when you're surrounded by those who love and appreciate you but it goes at such a gruesome pace when it's the opposite' Alex thought as he remembered his first days in Forks.

Back then he had felt every second, every minute that passed, he had the memories and body of Alex but he didn't have any emotions related to those memories, it was like he didn't even fit into his own body. Like he was a fake that had replaced the original.

'That bastard god used a loophole when I said I wanted my memories, of both my past life and this one. I didn't mention memories so he didn't give me any of them.' Alex grumbled as he thought back to the supposed god that had brought him here.

The face however had blurred, it was like he couldn't even remember the being.


Releasing a soft sigh, Alex got up from his bed. He had heard Charlie getting up to get ready for work.

'Sometimes I cant imagine a life where you go to work everyday, and do the same thing only to return to you house to sleep and repeat the same thing over and over for decades.' Alex thought as he walked to his window and looked at the forest outside.

'But other times I can also notice its charm. A calm life away from any troubles, not having to think about the safety of the next day. It does have its own charm.'

Staring at the birds outside his window perched atop a branch, Alex's eyes changed color.

Opening the window, Alex extended his hand.

Soon after the small bird came and perched itself on his index finger.

Petting the small fragile thing, Alex showed a small smile though it didn't last long.

'I told Alice that I was sorry but I'm still unsure, was what I was doing wrong? I used my power to get what I wanted, not because of some sense of justice but because it suited me.' Alex thought as he stared at the small bird that had closed its eyes and started to sleep on his finger.

'This world that we humans have created is fundamentally the same, it's still the law of the jungle but strength has been replaced by trickery and money. In the end, it's all the same.'

Another soft sigh escaped his lips as he lifted his head to look at the gathering of clouds in the sky.

'It won't be long, not long before the James coven comes and tries to kill Bella.'

Alex clenched his fist that was holding the window sill, it almost broke completely but it held with only a part of it being crushed to dust.

'Is it right to let things progress? Is it right to let the others help? Do I just follow the path of the movies and books? A path that does lead to certain peace or do I leave my own mark? Should I change something that doesn't need changing?' Alex had pondered over these questions for a long time and in Port Angels he had even tried to change them.

In the end, it had resulted in failure, he had changed nothing and had only shown the Cullens what he could do. What he would do if he set himself free? If he allowed himself free reign.

Gritting his teeth, Alex shook the bird with his finger, making the bird run away frightened.

'It's so complicated, why does it have to be like this? I would have been able to look at this logically and decide a move for someone else but when I am part of the equation everything just gets jumbled up into a huge mess that I can't seem to find the beginning or end of it.'

Turning around Alex walked towards his door, heading downstairs.

He had heard Charlie leave the house already and drive towards the police station.

Arriving downstairs, Alex made a cup of coffee and went outside, grabbing a chair on his way.

Sitting on the patio, Alex drank his cup of coffee as he watched the lush greenery around him.

'But if I remove all that and just don't think, Forks truly is nice' Alex thought as he smiled once more.

And then a sudden thought emerged in his mind.

'Changing my mood so quickly, am I becoming bipolar' Alex thought as his smile twitched.


Hearing Bella calling him from the second story, Alex sighed.

"What is it Bells!" Alex shouted as he turned his head to look inside the house.

A few moments later, Alex heard thumps as Bella came downstairs.


'She fell flat on the ground didn't she.' Alex thought in disappointment, shaking his head.

A few moments later, Bella appeared in front of him.

Her forehead was reddening at a frightening pace and her hair looked like lightning had electrocuted her head.

Alex stood there sipping his coffee as he looked at his sister who looked like a beast at the moment.

'Barbarian' Alex thought as he shook his head softly, imagining himself as some Shaolin monk.

"I want to beat you up for some reason," Bella said as she narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"Either way, what did you want from me that you ran all the way down here" Alex questioned giving Bella a look over seeing how she hadn't even changed from her pajamas.

"Edward messaged me and he's taking me out today," Bella said as she spluttered the words out through her excitement.

Alex raised a brow and then asked confused.

"Ok and? Like I can beat him up for you but I can't really help you beyond that," Alex said as he took another sip.

Bella felt like a pair of bricks fell on her head.

"Right, I guess I was just too excited and wanted to tell someone." She muttered as she turned to walk away.


Getting up on his feet, Alex threw the rest of his coffee onto the grass and said to Bella.

"When is he comming?"

Bella turned to look at him, her excitement once more rejuvenated.

"I don't know but probably soon"

"Alright, go upstairs and get yourself ready, and I can look at your clothes and tell you if I think they look good. Is that ok?" Alex said as he passed her by and headed into the kitchen, putting the empty cup into the sink.

"Yes! Thanks, Alex!" Bella said as she almost sprinted up the stairs.

'It's kinda cute that they love each other so much' Alex thought as he stared at Bella's back.


The first chapter of the third volume! I am very excited about this volume, I have so much planned for it and I feel like I have gotten much better at writing so I think I can portray what I wanted in a much better fashion.

I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as you did the last or even more.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me check out Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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