Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Cullen’s Table

The next class on Alex's schedule was English. When he arrived at the class, he found that there were no vampires around and could finally release a sigh of relief.

'They sure are fun to be around. After all, they are literally vampires who wouldn't want super-powerful friends who could break trees with a punch. It's not nice for my nerves when they keep asking questions, and I have to double-think everything I say to avoid messing up and saying something out of the ordinary,' Alex thought as he sat down and waited for the professor to come.

'Unlike other students, where I don't have to worry much if I slip up, who is going to believe that I'm actually a vampire? They would rather think I was insane or even they themselves were insane before believing that I was a vampire,' Alex thought as he stared out of the window. Clouds were still overshadowing Forks, and there were no rays of sunlight in sight.

'Unless you literally see someone stop a car from crushing you as Bella did,' Alex thought as the professor finally came and the class started.

It was overall boring, in Alex's opinion, so he didn't really concentrate and instead spent his time looking out of the window at the cloudy sky.

*Ring* *Ring*

The bell rang once more, signaling the end of the class and the start of Lunch.

Getting up from his seat, Alex put his English book in his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, walking towards the classroom's exit.

He continued through the halls towards the cafeteria while he avoided the hordes of students.

'The food is trash. I do not even know why I'm going at this point, and it's not as if I'm talking with anyone besides Mike, who I'm sure I could get to come with me and eat outside,' Alex thought as he walked.

'I guess I'm just going for Bella. While she doesn't really like me right now, I'll go keep her company. I don't really want to have a bad relationship with my sibling in this second life of mine,' Alex thought as he smiled to himself.

He had checked through the memories of past Alex during the week and found that he and Bella had a very close relationship. They told each other everything. It was almost what he would call the ideal sibling relationship.

'I don't want to ruin that, and it's nice having someone you always know will be at your back, someone who will never betray you. Though I'm sure Bella feels betrayed right now, whilst I thought I was acting well in front of her, I was merely a shell of what the past Alex was,' Alex thought as he finally arrived at the cafeteria doors.

Going inside, he found, as always, that he was one of the last people to arrive. It almost looked like he was late when, in fact, it was just the others who had rushed.

Looking around the room, he found the Cullens about to sit at their table at the end of the hall.

'Well, it seems like they didn't rush either,' Alex thought as he headed directly towards Bella's table, not deciding to get anything to eat.

'It's usually disgusting. I'd rather just eat something when I get home,' Alex thought.

Eating wasn't needed at all, but it was a human habit that he decided to keep, both to uphold his normal human identity and because eating food was also a nice experience.

As he was about to arrive at the table, he noticed someone waving at him.

It was Alice. She was waving at him from the Cullens' table.

Deciding to go and see what was going on, Alex passed Bella's table, waved at them, and headed towards Alice.

Arriving at the Cullens table, a sense of pressure started grasping Alex.

'Im pretty sure I can defeat them all, but it's still pretty frightening knowing you are literally talking to vampires.' Alex thought at least until the next thought suddenly popped into his mind.

'If they weren't disco vampires, that is,' Alex joked inwardly, and the pressure was gone just like that. His shoulders, which had been minutely guarded, relaxed as he took a more carefree form. It wasn't really noticeable unless you looked really hard, but the Cullens seemed to have noticed, or at least Jasper did, as he raised his eyebrow slightly.

Waving at Alice and the others, Alex said.

"Hey Alice, what's up? Nice to see you again as well, Emmet, Jasper, Edythe." Alex said and turned to Rosalie.

"I haven't gotten the chance to meet you. However, im Alex. Nice to meet you," Alex said as he introduced himself to the gorgeous blonde sitting next to Emmet.

However, Rosalie didn't even deign him with a reply as she just messed with the food on her plate, her expression a natural frown.

Emmet burst out laughing as he said.

"Ah, don't mind her, Alex, she's Rosalie." 

Alex nodded as he had expected this outcome from a mile away and then turned to Alice once more as he waited for her to answer his question.

Alice just perked up as she turned to look at Alex. Her eyes had taken a darker hue than when he had last seen her.

'They're almost black. I'm not sure when the last time she fed was, but it's getting pretty close. Why don't they just do this more often instead of endangering the others like this?' Alex thought as he stared at her eyes and noticed how they seemed to almost shine.

"Well, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to eat lunch with us today, Alex," Alice said, her voice as joyful and exuberant as ever.

Alex thought for a moment and then answered in a sorry voice.

"Sorry, Alice. My sister really isn't super comfortable around new people on her own, so I'll be sitting at her table for a while until she gets fully accustomed to the people around here. Maybe next week?" Alex said.


Chapter two of the day, as promised, I will continue doing double uploads until I fill the quota of 15 chapters. Might even do triple uploads once in a while.

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Wish you all a great time


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