Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


In a random part of the world, in an unknown city, and in an unknown street.

A teen of about 19 years of age was walking down the road towards his destination wherever that may be, while doing so he spotted a kid playing football in the middle of the street, a common sight in less urban areas of the city but at this moment a truck was seen coming towards the kid, the driver inside looked asleep with his head resting on the steering wheel, noticing this the teen screamed at the kid and started running towards him.

The kid frozen from fear, be it from the screaming adult or the truck coming closer, wasn't an important detail as the teen noticed and grabbed the kid, trying to get out of the way but subconsciously figuring out that there simply wasn't enough time, decided to simply push the kid outside of the range of impact from the truck.


'It was dark, and you couldn't see anything besides a white light that kept coming closer to you.'

Waking up from what seemed like a deep sleep, the teen looked around noticing that everything around his was pitch black with what seemed like a white dot made purely of light coming closer and closer to him.
'Am I dead?' he thought.

I got run over by what is possibly more than 3 Tons.

The possibility of me surviving doesn't seem feasible.

While coming to this conclusion, the white light had already come close enough that something could already be noticed inside of it.

The blinding light started dimming fairly quickly, revealing an average man of what looked like 40 years of age.

The man clothed in white, levitating above the floor gave off a completely different image than what a normal man would though.

It was an aura of serenity and calmness that seemed to defy the laws of the world.

The man's eyes seemed to reflect kindness and love for everything that existed.

"Hello, dear child."

"Huh! Are you able to talk inside my head? Considering everything else, though, that doesn't seem that outrageous."
The man continued on.

"You are dead, as you may have already figured out. I am sorry that one of such age is already gone from the world of the living, but you need not worry as I will be allowing you to live in the afterlife, the world you're dreaming of."

"I see. Yes, I have already found out that being dead is the only explanation for all of this. You are god if my assumption is correct, and I'm going to heaven? The world of my dreams? What does this all mean."

"Simply put, you will be given a choice, if you wish to rest, you will be sent to heaven and will sleep there in peace for all of existence, or you can choose to be transferred to the world of you're dreams, but beware as even I cannot control such a world completely and can only help you get there and give you some help."

"I see. Well, I don't need any time to choose since I pick the world of my dreams."

"All right, child, what world would you like to go to?"

"I get to choose? Well then, I want to go to Twilight."

"I'll give you 3 Wishes to help you along your journey, but they cannot be anything that breaks the limit of the 3 wishes, meaning no asking for more or trying to circumvent the rule since while I would like to help you more, as I said, my power is limited."

"All right then, let me think about it for a few minutes."

"I'll be waiting. Take your time."

After a few minutes past, the teen looked at the 'god' and told him his wishes-

"My wishes are:

1. I wish to be a traditional folklore vampire with none of the weaknesses, as well as a beating heart and blood still running through my veins. I also want to be the progenitor of said race, meaning that I am the strongest out of them.

2. I wish for true immortality, meaning that nothing will be able to kill me and that the only way it's possible for me to die is by wanting to die

3.I wish to have a mental shield, that is controllable and allows me to show people my thoughts if i so desire.'

'All is acceptable, my child, for the finalization, when and where do you want to be born."

"I wish to be Bella Swan's brother and get my memories of this and my old world on the day that I wake up to go to Forks High School. I would like to be the same age as Bella. Could you also modify my looks so that I could be more beautiful"

"All shall be granted, now forward into your new life, young one."

Said the so-called god, and in the next moment, the teen couldn't be seen anywhere.

"Beautiful, huh? Careful what you wish for..."

Said the 'God' while his face contorted into what could only be described as a horrifying smile.'


(In the bedroom of Alex Swan, 6AM)

(Alex POV)

On the bed could be seen a teen sleeping soundly, but the peace was broken quickly as the teen's body started writhing, screams tore through his throat, and sweat started dripping from his forehead.

ALEX, ALEX!! A voice could be heard from outside his door screaming at him in concern.

The door to the bedroom swung open with haste, and in came a young teenage girl.

Coming to the side of what is presumably Alex, she started shaking him, thus causing him to jolt back to consciousness and stopping the screams and grunts of pain as if they never were there, to begin with.

"Alex, are you all right? What's wrong?" Said the girl in anxiety

"Bella? Ugh, what's wrong? Why are you in my room?" said Alex

"What do you mean what's wrong? You have been screaming from the last minute, looking in pain," said Bella

"I have? Well, you don't need to worry, I feel all right now," replied Alex

Turning his head to the top of his desk, he saw his clock showing that it was already morning, the time being 6:04 AM.
Turning back to face Bella

"You should get back to your room and start preparing for school. It's our first day today, and we wouldn't want to leave a bad impression."

"What do you mean by bad impression? You're clearly more important than school or anybody else right now," said Bella in anger.

"I already said I'm all right. Don't get on my nerves and just go," replied Alex in faux annoyance

Bella seemed to get fed up with him and turned around and stomped to the door, turning her head at the last moment and saying.

"I know that you don't want Charlie in on this, so I won't tell him, but if this happens again, then be prepared."

She turned around again and headed to her room.
After a few more minutes of Alex just staring into the open door, beyond it lay a decently large hallway with the top of some stairs leading downwards.

Lifting his head up, Alex looked at the ceiling.

"It was real, huh..."

Getting up, he went to his drawer and started getting ready for the 1st day of his new high school.

His mind had already combined both sets of memories, and doing so seemed to surprisingly aid him in more ways than one, seeming to make him more mature and calm as his life experiences doubled in a few minutes.

About half an hour later-

A clothed Alex was going down the stairs to the 1st floor of the house.

"Alex, you've woken up. Did you sleep well?" said Charlie Swan, the chief of the police in Forks Washington, as well as the divorced father of Bella and Alex Swan.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm awake, I slept nicely, so you don't have to worry. The room was just like I remember it as a kid, just as cozy as always," replied Alex

"That's nice to hear. I haven't touched it since you left as a kid, so I'm glad that you still like it. Bella should be ready by now as well, so you can get a ride from her to school. I started the procedures to get you a driving license, but it seems like there was a complication, and it's going to take a while until you get it," said Charlie

"It's all right, thanks, dad."

Moments after they finished their conversation, a set of hurried steps could be heard coming from the stairs as Bella came down and said.

"Come on, Alex, let's go. We are late!"

Alex follows her into the truck, and they drive off to school...

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