Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


"Yeah, it was great," Alex said awkwardly.

Alice simply gave him a smile.

"Uhuh, I'm sure you liked what you were seeing" Was all she said before she grabbed his hand and started leading him out of the cinema.

"So where now?" Alex asked as he walked behind her.

"To a restaurant of course," Alice said as if it was a fact and should have been obvious just like every other part of this date.

'How is it obvious when you're a vampire, you can't even eat anything in a restaurant' Alex thought and finally decided to voice his thoughts aloud.

"You can't really eat at a restaurant Alice unless you want to break your vegetarian streak," Alex said as he looked at her with a smile.

Alice looked at him for a moment and then shook her head.

"Get rid of that smile Alex, you can eat and I always wanted to experience a normal human date," Alice said as she walked through the city plaza with Alex.

Alex stood quiet for a few moments and then nodded his head.

"All right, Let's go to a restaurant then." He said with a smile.

Alice simply hummed as she almost seemed to skip down the road from her joy.

It clearly showed in her expression, demeanor, and just the overall atmosphere around her.

Alex didn't want to break that, no matter what he wanted Alice to always be like this, and hoped that she would never change though that was a misguided hope. People always change, be it from yesterday to today or from now to next year, change is unstoppable even for an undying immortal vampire.

He could be proof enough, he had changed quite a lot since he had come into the twilight world.

Walking down the street, Alex thought back to the first week when he had arrived in this world.

Back then he had been excited but also confused, and even scared at some points especially when Bella had called him out.

That had caused him to overthink a lot of things, had caused him to think if the Cullens were the same good people as in the movies or some guys that would send him straight to the Volturi.

Now he knew that even if they came, Alex would be fine. He had found himself strong enough that he could probably eradicate an entire legion of cold one vampires.

Then came the reveal, Alex had been so damn scared that he would lose the connection with Bella who had wormed herself into his heart through the weeks.

But it had turned all fine in the end, then there was Alice who he had held feelings for since the start but had unconsciously denied them.

He had been insecure about himself and then used that insecurity to go ahead and wreak havoc in the city killing three people and burning the entire building down.

Now that he thought back, that wasn't something he had done because he needed to train his powers, in the end, that had only been an excuse. He had wanted to feel strong, he had wanted to tower over someone else and had decided to do it against normal people, not supernaturals.

They had been horrible people nevertheless.

The second time, he had also tried to break through the plot, had wanted to change history and make it that he actually had done something, left a mark on the story but all it had gotten him had been a lecture from Alice and Jasper.

'And finally, now, I changed something' Alex thought as he remembered today's events.

He had made a promise to himself to not think about what had happened earlier today at all and just enjoy this date with Alice but that seemed impossible.

If he was left to his own thoughts even for a slight moment, they swerved in that direction.


Releasing a soft sigh, Alex cleared his mind once more.

Today had both been one of the best days in his life, both lives but also one of the most dramatic parts of both lives.

Bella had most probably gotten traumatized by him, seeing two heads fly into the air does that to people. That was understandable to Alex.

What was confusing to him was the fact that he had been able to do it without a second thought, and even then he had been able to do it so easily and just pass it over as nothing afterward.

Even now as he thought back to the moment, as he thought back to the feeling of ripping someone's head off their shoulders, Alex felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He didn't feel sad, miserable, or even scared of what he had done but he didn't feel pleasure from it either.

It was as if he had squashed a bug, nobody cares about the ants they walk on every day after all.

But that fact, scared Alex, in fact, it terrified him much more than anything else that had happened whilst he had been living in the Twilight Universe.

'I wasn't like that' Alex thought as he remembered his past life, even the memories of this world showed that past Alex hadnt been that kind of person.

Alex had been someone who could never hurt even an animal not to mention a human being, even if they were despicable beyond belief.

"Why are you thinking so hard," Alice said as she slowed down and now walked side by side with him.

Alex turned and gave her a smile, it didn't fit his face right however and Alice noticed immediately.

"You don't need to fake it before me, you can tell me everything you know," Alice said as she looked at him.

Alex stood silent for a moment before shaking his head.

"There are some things that I have to keep to myself Alice, I can never say them even after I'm six feet under the grave, or I'm simply ashes in the air," Alex said as they continued walking.

Alice maintained her silence for a minute as they walked before saying.

"If it's about today, I can't tell you what you did was the right choice or if it was the wrong one. What I can say however is that I understand, if someone in my family was in grave danger I would have done the same." Alice said softly as they arrived at a restaurant.

After a split moment of silence, Alice added.

"And no matter what you do, or what you become. I'll always be by your side. Never forget that"


I tried to do some romance and some inward thinking, but not much action. I hope that you guys still enjoyed this chapter.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on then check out my Patreon at:

Action has already started so at max it's going to be about 7 to 8 chapters of the plot without much action, that doesn't mean they're not important but I know some readers are action junkies.

Thanks for all the support.

Lots of Love

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