Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Alex didn't say another word as he saw Bella and Edward get up and head outside.

The room was silent as they watched the couple go away.

"Alex" Alice started but Alex just shook his head.


"All I wanted to do was protect her but maybe I didn't need to after all," Alex said as he turned to look at the Cullens.

"Do you guys have any questions for me? I didn't just promise Bella answers, I also promised you all" Alex said as he turned to face the rest of the Cullens.

"You explained it all already, thank you Alex for sharing with us," Carlisle said as he got up and gave Alex a soft smile.

Alex nodded.

"It's no problem, I had to tell you guys either way. I'll be going now." Alex said as he turned to walk around.

"Do you want to spend the night at us? With this entire thing happening between you two and all," Alice said as she looked at Alex.

Alex stopped and thought for a moment.

"Sure. But I'll be going out for some air, I'll be back later. Thanks" Alex said as he faced Alice for a moment and then gave a nod to the rest of the Cullen family and started walking outside.

Once Alex was out of view, already outside the mansion, Alice sat down on the couch.

She held her head low, her face wasn't visible.

"It's alright Alice, I'm sure they will figure things out for themselves," Esme said as she sat next to her daughter.

"I don't know, that was a pretty big crash if I've ever seen one," Emmet said from the side.

His remark earned him an elbow hit to the stomach by Rosalie and a look from Esme, it clearly told him to shut his mouth.

Holding his hands up, Emmet took a step back and then turned to head upstairs.

"I'll leave you ladies alone," Emmet said as he disappeared behind the walls.

"I know, it's just hard seeing him be so drained," Alice said toward Esme.

There was a moment of silence, the only ones in the room now were Alice, Esme, and Rosalie, Carlisle had also gone to his office to let them have some time.

"I guess this is what having a mate is like, it feels like my entire world is revolving around him. It's like every time I see him suffer even slightly a steak pierces my heart." Alice said as she lifted her head.

Her expression wasn't good and her facial features were scrunched up looking like she was crying but no tears came out of her eyes.

They remained the same just like they had for the past hundred years.

Meanwhile, in the forest outside of the Cullen mansion, Alex was walking slowly.

His mind was filled with so many thoughts that he felt like a tornado was raging in his mind.

Looking up, Alex saw a large tree, its size was more than twice the other ones around it.

In the next second, Alex disappeared from his spot and appeared near the top of the tree.

He could see the forest all around him, the clouds had started to disperse and it even looked like the sun was about to shine on the world.

'Next week is the final week of this school year, after that, it's summer vacation' Alex thought to himself as he looked at the sun as it slowly peeked from behind the clouds in the sky.

Clenching his hand, Alex continued his thoughts.

'At this point, I do not know what's going to happen, the plot of the first book is now finished and even finished early at that, Bella is confused beyond belief and I don't even know if she and Edward are at the stage they were in the original' Alex thought as he started climbing down the tree.


Releasing a soft sigh, Alex dropped to the ground.

'Does it matter though? I guess not, my objective was to keep Bella safe as for whether they can keep their romance, I don't want to care about that. I'm not Cupid after all' Alex thought as he started walking deeper into the woods.

All around him, he could hear the wildlife as they ran away from him, his mere aura was shivering their timbers.

'I'll keep her safe, and if it comes to it she doesn't even need Edward, I'll just turn her into my kind of vampire, the problem is that I do not know if my coven would have the side effects I originally should have had' Alex thought as he saw a squirrel running away.


A split second later, Alex had grabbed the small animal in his hand.

'Dying in the sun, being unable to enter somewhere without the owner inviting you, being unable to cross running water, needing to drink blood and only human one at that, and there's a lot more side effects. If she gets the worst ones then it's much worse than just dying as a human' Alex thought as he petted the small squirrel.

Bringing it up to his face Alex opened his mouth and bit into it.

In a mere second, The squirrel turned into what could be called a skin bag.

Throwing it to the ground Alex finally stopped walking, deciding that he had cleared his mind enough and should return.

'This summer I should start getting my stuff ready, the first order of business should be making my coven which I can do pretty easily with daze, and by finding gang members in cities, by using them I should be able to experiment and find the side effects. Next would be starting to invest the funds gathered by the coven into companies I know will grow. When this is finished I should have a stable passive income and won't need to work ever again' Alex's thoughts ended there and he soon started running towards the Coven Mansion.

The school was coming to a close, Summer had arrived.


100 Chapters out already, it's been quite the long road until here, I hope y'all are still enjoying the story.

I'm going to sleep now cuz I haven't slept in about 24H, chapters coming later when I wake up.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me to keep the lights on then check out my Patreon at:

So the first book plot is done, now it's the new moon plot but that has a 3 -4 month time skip between the books so I'll be making some other stuff and not just skipping the time entirely as described in the chapter.

If I made any grammar mistakes just point them out in the comments and I'll fix them when I wake up. <3

Lots of Love

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