Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

When I’m gone

"Sorry about that," Alex said before his face grew serious.

"Give me every bit of information you have on me while I was attending this school, any papers, anything you know even if it's not related to school" Alex ordered his voice stern and commanding as he stared at the old woman.

"Yes," She answered as she got up and went to a room at the back where they most likely handled all the files.

After a few minutes she came back with a stack of papers and then she went to her computer where she printed out the rest of the files that were held digitally.

Taking the papers into his hands, Alex started reading them carefully.

The papers basically compiled that Alex had been a great student with high achievement but didn't go into detail about his school life or anything that was remotely personal about him, though it was to be expected.

What Alex had wanted to look at was if Alex had any warning or any notices from the teachers about any of his behavior however it was all normal.

In fact, there were several times that the teachers had sent a request to let Alex skip a grade however Renee seemed to have refused all of them, the reason stated was that she wanted her kids to grow up together.

'That's surprisingly thoughtful of her' Alex thought as he laid the papers back down and turned to look at the dazed principal.

"Now tell me what you know about the past me that wasn't mentioned in the papers," Alex asked as he faced her.

A nod of her head later, the woman started speaking.

"You were a great student and we often had small talk when you were going to competitions or when you were coming back from them. Though they weren't anything notable about them besides one conversation that I still remember up to this day." The principal said whilst looking as if she didn't even know where or what she was doing.

Alex had found two ways to use daze.

One was in complete control just like he was doing now, when he did this the person would grow a lax expression and their eyes would almost seem to blur as if they had gone blind.

The second way was what he had used on the gangsters where they kept all of their thinking capabilities but had an underlying force commanding them to follow his orders instinctively.

Outwards they wouldn't change at all, it was a more subtle way of using daze.

"What was it" Alex asked the woman quickly as his eyes shined brighter, the woman who already looked to be sweating almost seemed to collapse before Alex lowered the amount of power he was using into the daze.

'I almost killed her' Alex thought before waiting for the woman to talk at her own pace once more.

"It was right after a basketball regional cup, your team had lost and you seemed to be frustrated at the team members who were celebrating for getting second place. I had asked you if you were angry and the response I got was a no. You had told me that it was simply something you had wanted to do before you were gone. That it was simply part of a bucket list just like all the other trophies and achievements you had made." The old woman said and finally closed her mouth, her breathing haggard.

'Before he was gone?' Alex thought shocked at the information.

It was only a simple random word to others but Alex already conjured up thousands of ideas and thoughts just from it.

The main part that he was stuck at, was one question.

'Did he know that I would replace him? How did he know if he did?' Alex thought as he furrowed his brows.

'Just who were you, Alex?'

"Is that all?" Alex asked the woman who nodded slowly.

"All right, go to sleep, after you wake up you won't remember a single thing about what happened here," Alex said as he took the papers into his hands quickly crumbled them, and put them in his pocket.

The old woman after hearing his words, slumped down onto her desk as she fell asleep immediately.

'Next destination is the middle school and then the high school though he only stayed there for a short time' Alex thought as he headed out of the office.

He had made sure that he had activated his invisibility to mirrors and cameras ability beforehand so there would be no evidence besides the old woman acting strange but she wouldn't remember a thing so there would be no need for her to call for an investigation or the police.

Once outside the elementary school, Alex started heading to the end of the block where his next destination was.

He arrived after a few minutes and just like before headed directly to the principal who was what looked like a fifty-year-old man.

After a quick and thorough investigation, Alex learned nothing.

Past Alex had simply continued on with his high achievements however he wasn't close to anyone besides his sister this time around and had never really talked with the principal.

'If he knew that I would come then maybe he also thought that someday I might come looking for clues and thus stopped interacting with others?' Alex pondered over his thoughts however couldn't come to any conclusion.

There were simply too few clues and even the fact that he knew about being replaced wasn't a fact, it was simply an assumption made by Alex.


'Time to check the high school, I hope he at least made some friends when he was over there so I can have more sources of information' Alex thought as he sighed and continued his walk.

The time it took him was about an hour and the school hours were about to end so he had to hurry.

And thus he headed into the building immediately.


Here's the daily chapter as always. A bit late today but I had some work to do so I only found enough time to write late at night.

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Thank you for the awesome support.

Lots of Love

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