Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


The entire gym had gone silent as he looked at Alex who stood in the same place whilst he looked at what he had done.


Alex thought as he looked at the toppled-over boxing sandbag.

'Is the difference in power really this big, before and after you learn how to actually use your full force? I always thought that it was only minuscule and technique and skill in fighting only meant how you hit someone, like from which direction you hit them and that would allow you to hit them more easily, not that it would also increase the power output of your punches like this' Alex thought as he stood bewildered at his own power.

A second later a thought flew into his head, it was an intrusive one that wouldn't get out of his head once it had gone.

'Just how strong would I be now if I do this with my full strength while transformed?' Alex thought as he imagined himself being able to shatter rocks the size of houses.

'The scary thing is that I can actually see myself being able to do that, it's not something unbelievable' Alex thought and then turned around toward John who had lifted his head and was now looking at him.

"No martial arts expertise eh?" John mumbled with a small smirk and then turned his head back to the newspaper.

'Is that all, he really doesn't care huh?' Alex thought as a twitching smile took over his face.

Walking to the sandbag and its metal hinges that held it up, Alex started lifting them up as he brought them into the same position that they were before he had toppled the whole thing over.

'All right this should be good enough' Alex thought as he took a few steps back and stared at the whole thing.

'Thankfully nothing looked to be broken so I don't have to pay for anything extra, I really don't have much money right now and the only way I have been earning is that run I did to Port Angels at that gang's bar' Alex thought as he remembered what he had done.

'It wasn't a bad idea but is it really worth it? Is the risk of me being found out worth the amount of money that I got? No, it's not so I'm going to have to start my plan of capitalizing on my future knowledge soon' Alex thought as he turned and walked towards the counter where John was still sitting.

'Does he only read newspapers all day? That's his third newspaper, and they're all from today so the news they show shouldn't be too different or are they?' Alex thought as he questioned himself whilst he looked at the newspapers that had been folded and placed next to John on a stool.

He seemed to have about four more that he hadn't read through yet.

"Hey coach, I i think ill be going for today then," Alex said as he arrived at the counter.

John nodded and told him that he could go whenever, or at least that's how Alex interpreted the shooing motion that he did.

"Is there a set time when I should come to the gym?" Alex asked again.

"No there's no set time but we usually come either at seven am or at four pm in the afternoon," Jack who had crept up behind Alex said whilst he put his arm over Alex's shoulder.

"Hmm right, I guess I'll just come whenever I find the time," Alex said as he nodded in thanks towards Jack.

"Yeah to be honest I'd rather you not come at all, damn are you a strong man," Jack said as he started touching Alex's biceps.

"Oooh, that's a good amount of muscle," Jack said as his eyes shined whilst looking at Alex.

"Sorry I'm not into guys," Alex said as he tried to get away from the man.

"What do you mean, I'm not into them either!!" Jack almost screamed in response, his face clearly flustered as he looked at Alex with furrowed brows.

If it was just the two of them maybe he wouldn't have minded but the entire gym had heard them talking.

"It's ok, we understand Jack" Oreo said from the background as he raised both thumbs in his hands.

"What do you mean you understand, it's a misunderstanding there's nothing to understand at all here chocolate chip?" Jack said as he turned to face the boys.

They kept teasing him as he tried to get out of the scenario, it clearly looked like a joke though and no one seemed to take it seriously.

Alex looked at them for a minute and then turned towards John, nodded, and started heading outside silently.

Alex got outside quickly, no one had noticed him, or at least he thought so.

Inside the gym, the atmosphere quickly calmed down and Jack walked to John.

"He's even got good stealth skills, if I wasn't concentrating fully on him then I would have missed him," Jack said as he looked at the old man who had put the newspaper aside and was now drinking a cup of hot coffee that he had left on the counter before.

"He's interesting, whilst his body looks like that of a monster that has been trained in martial arts his whole life, he still has some minor habits that indicate he hasn't trained a day in his life," John said as he took a sip whilst looking outside of the gym at Alex's back which could still vaguely be seen in the distance.

"He's an interesting guy for sure. What do you plan on doing master?" Oreo asked as he came to stand next to Jack.

John shook his head whilst he showed a smile small on his face.

"Nothing, I'm going to train him in martial arts just like I am supposed to as the coach of this gym," John said as he got up on his feet with the empty mug in his hand.

Pulling his hand back, John threw the mug across the room quickly, it was such a fast movement that it looked like his hand had never moved.


The cup fell straight into a small trash can at the corner.

"It looked ugly," John said when the others looked at him confused.


The first chapter of the day, I'll be doing 3 Chapters today as announced in the mass release.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was pretty fun to write about.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me check out Patreon.

Just release chapter 100 of this fanfic on there.

The next chapter is in about 2-3 hours.

Lots of Love

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