Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Your Neighbour

As the mist started rolling into the run-down alleyways of Pheonix, a figure appeared from within it.

Finally being illuminated by the moonlight.

It was a man with a red coat and silverish white hair and orange round glasses with red eyes peeking behind them.

It was Alex who had started his Alucard activities.

As he walked down the streets, his eyes which could see in the dark just as well as in broad daylight quickly found their target.

It was a small group of men who were smoking by a corner of the alley.

Walking to them, his steps resounded in the quiet and dark alley.

The men stopped what they were talking about and looked toward Alex who had arrived near them.

"Who are ya bastard? Whatcha want?" One of them said as he looked at Alex with an eyebrow raised whilst he chewed on the end of his cigarette.

"Me? I'm Alucard" Alex said as his face contorted into a smile before the other two men who had stayed silent fell to the ground.

"What!" The only man left standing was the one who had screamed at Alex, his legs were almost quivering as he stuttered his words out and took two steps backward.

It was an instinctive response.

And then Alex's eyes glowed red and the man knew no more.

"Do you know about the gangs around here?" Alex asked the man and unfortunately, he received a negative response.

'Damn, it was so easy the other times, maybe I just got lucky back then.' Alex thought before he used his daze and made the man forget about everything that had happened tonight and disappeared from the spot once more.

Using the cover of the night he quickly found various groups and after the fourth time, he finally found what he was looking for.

A group of four men and one woman, after interrogating them Alex quickly found out about the situation in the underbelly of Phoenix.

'It's mainly ruled by two rival gangs, the 35th, and the S/S bounty hunters.' Alex thought as he stared at the people now strewn on the floor with only the woman left standing.

"Do you know where their main base is located?"

"Yes sir, it and 35th Linkin Avenue and the 84th Karlston" The woman quickly sputtered out the words as she remained standing however her body constantly shook from fear.

"Good, take me there," Alex said before he motioned for her to go on ahead.

She quickly nodded and started walking.

Alex meanwhile turned into black mist form once more and followed closely behind her.

After about half an hour of walking, at approximately one am in the morning, Alex, or rather Alucard arrived at the 35th gang's base.

It looked like any normal house, some may even call it a luxury one based on how large it was.

'These guys have been eating good huh?' Alex thought as a shallow smile grew on his face.

"This is far enough, I'll take it from here, you stay at that alley and wait for me to come back." Alex gave her a command with a daze and the woman quickly nodded and headed back.

Walking toward the house, Alex didn't feel fear at all and neither was he nervous about the process, he had already done it four times after all.

In fact, Alex walked with calm and slow steps as if unhurried, and finally after a few moments he arrived in front of the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

'It's always good to be polite when going into someone's house' Alex thought jokingly as he waited for a response soon enough he heard steps on the other side of the door and when it opened, Alex saw a burly man with tattoos covering his entire body.

His head was marred with knife scars and it seemed he had even lost an eye.

'What's this? A pirate?'

"Who are ya?" The man said with a gruff scratchy voice, clearly his voice cords had been damaged from continuous smoking and drinking.

"Me? I'm just your friendly neighborhood master." Alex said as he gave the man a large toothy smile and lowered his head so he could peek through his glasses.

His red-slitted eyes showed, causing the large men to flinch however it was too late.


The man fell to the floor unconscious.

'I've gotten good enough that I don't even need to say my words out loud for simple stuff like making them go unconscious.' Alex thought pleased with his progress.

Heading into the house as if he owned the entire thing, Alex kept his hands in his coat pockets whilst walking leisurely.

"What happened out there!" Another man screamed from inside what was most likely the living room.

Alex could hear the sound of music and even dancing, it was most likely a party inside.

It was at this moment that the door to the living room opened up and Alex came in.

Immediately eyes turned toward him, their expressions turning confused at the sight.

He wasn't who they were expecting, in fact, they didn't know who he even was and had never seen him before.

"You? Who the hell are you?" One of the men said as he started walking to Alex.

The music was still ongoing in the background however the dancing had halted as everyone turned to look at Alex.

"Ah, you know I wanted to say these cool lines but maybe they're just too cheesy?" Alex mumbled as he put a finger on his chin and then simply turned his eyes toward the man who now stood before him.

His hand was coming toward Alex, most likely to grab or even strangle him however in front of Alex, it looked as if he was in slow motion, no it was almost as if he had stopped moving entirely.

And then Alex's eyes shone once more and almost the entire room fell down to the ground.


'Now then, let's just find the leader of these guys. He should be somewhere around here.' Alex thought as he whistled and walked passed the man's body on the floor.

The few people that were left standing felt their breath get caught up in their throats at the sight before them.


Another organization, another new minion for Alex.

Is this the start of a new Vampire government?

I hope you all liked this chapter, it was pretty fun to write.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and support me further then check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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