Reincarnated as Parasitic Tentacle

Chapter 3: Evolution

[You have leveled up to level 2]

[choose an upgrade:

- Poison injection

-Adrenaline injection

-Nutrients storage]

Hiro couldn't advance to the next level before choosing an upgrade. After pondering for a while, he focused his attention on the skills and reviewed their abilities.

[Poison Injection: Secrete poison from the body or inject it into the host. The poison will drain the host's vitality until they die. The poison will also contaminate the host for up to 12 hours, making their body poisonous.]

Hiro immediately ignored the upgrade. Why in the world would he poison his host? Hiro was a parasite and absorbed nutrients from his host to feed himself. This had caused Cecile's increased hunger in the restaurant earlier. However, he would not outright kill his host. He still needed her for his livelihood. After dismissing this upgrade, he looked at the next one, Adrenaline Injection.

[Adrenaline Injection: Inject an adrenaline concoction into the user. The concoction will triple the nutrient consumption and boost the Strength stat by 200%.]

Hiro smiled at the upgrade. While he was a parasite, he didn't want to be a total parasite. This upgrade would let him start a mutualistic symbiosis. While this upgrade was preferable to the previous one, he wondered if it was worth it. A 200% boost seemed significant, but his host only had 15 STR to begin with. He didn't know if 15 was a lot, considering he had only 1 in STR. And the downside was worrying. Triple nutrient consumption is no joke. After looking at the room Cecile rented, he knew she wasn't a wealthy adventurer. Before he picked Adrenaline Injection, he looked at the last option, Nutrient Storage.

[Nutrient Storage: Take nutrients from the host and store them. The stored nutrients can be injected into the host or consumed by the user later.]

Hiro pondered and then chose Adrenaline Injection. Nutrient Storage was nice, but it didn't create nutrients from nothing. He still needed to absorb them from his host. This wouldn't improve Cecile's efficiency. Cecile was a beginner adventurer, not some wandering savage in the wilderness. He didn't need to worry about Cecile's nutrients.

[level up achieved!

STR:1 -> 3

Dex:1 ->2


[You have leveled up to level 3]

[Chose an upgrade:

- Amphetamine injection

- Anaesthesia injection

- Water storage]

Like before, Hiro looked through all of the options. Amphetamine injection was on the other side of adrenaline. Instead of Strength stat, it increased Dex by 200%. The nutrient consumption was only doubled instead of tripled, but it also increased fatigue. If he combined amphetamine and adrenaline, His host stats would effectively be doubled. But the nutrients consumed would be five times higher.

Anaesthesia was a pain relief medication, so while useful, Hiro thought he should choose amphetamine first. Meanwhile, water storage was useless. Like nutrients storage, it stores water. But Cecile was nowhere near a desert, so water was not an issue right now.

[level up achieved!

STR:3 -> 5

Dex:2 ->4


[You have leveled up to level 4]

[Chose an upgrade:

- Necrosis injection

- Anaesthesia injection

- STR up lvl1]

[Necrosis injection:

Inject the host with necrosis poison, the poison won't spread, but the affected area will be inflicted with necrosis, and the cells within the affected area will die. ]

[Anaesthesia injection:

This skill allows the user to administer either local or global anesthesia to the host, significantly reducing pain receptors. Local anesthesia numbs specific areas, while global anesthesia affects the entire body, potentially inducing unconsciousness.]

[STR Up Level 1:Increases user's Strength (STR) stat by 10% of the base value, enhancing physical capabilities for lifting, combat, and daily activities. ]

Because he couldn't progress without selecting, he chose anesthesia. He didn't want to kill his host, so he avoided poison-related skills. STR Up only affected him. He was a worm, and even after all the level-ups, his STR was only 3. Even Cecile, a beginner adventurer, had 15 STR—about five times what he had. At this moment, Hiro understood that he must not travel anywhere without a host. He was a monster with abysmal stats. A sense of urgency to tame and control his host surged within him. However, how could he tame her when he couldn't even communicate with her?

[Level up achieved!

STR: 3 -> 5

Dex: 2 -> 4

Mag: 0]

[You have leveled up to level 5]

[Choose an upgrade:

- Poison Resistance

- Water Storage

- Nutrients Efficiency Level 1]

Hiro was getting tired. However, this decision would affect his new parasitic life from now on. He had to consider every choice carefully. The new level-up granted him two new options. He already knew what Water Storage did; Poison Resistance would grant him some form of resistance against poison. He wondered if Poison Resistance would grant him invulnerability against the antidote the Captain of the knights used on his brothers and sisters.

[Nutrient Efficiency Level 1: Reduces nutrient consumption by 10% for user]

Nutrient Efficiency didn't affect his host. It was only for himself. He considered taking this. Even though he was a worm, he realized he took quite a bit of nutrients from Cecile through his parasitism. One meal would nourish Cecile with about 20 nutrients, and today, he took 40 from her. If this kept going, it might be detrimental to both her and himself. So, he chose Nutrient Efficiency, hoping he could lighten the load on Cecile.

[Level up achieved! STR: 5 -> 6 Dex: 4 -> 5 Mag: 0]

[You have leveled up to level 6]

[Choose an upgrade:

- Hallucinogen Injection

- Nutrients Storage

- Enhanced Host Growth]

Finally, the last choice! Hiro needed to choose carefully, as this decision would max out his levels. The hallucinogen injection would induce hallucinations in his host, but he couldn't control the content of these hallucinations. Therefore, he opted for Enhanced Host Growth. This would grant the host a 100% boost in stats during their level-up process.

[level up achieved!

STR:6 -> 8

Dex:5 ->7


[Maximum level achieved. New evolution paths available!]

[Chose your evolution:

- Symbiote

- Parasitic Tentacle

- Endul Worm]

An evolution! This meant Hiro could continue to grow! If merely making his girl climax five times earned him 5 levels, he could reach level 50 in ten days! A single point in the STR stat was inconsequential. But if he added them one by one, he would surely achieve greatness.

As Hiro observed his evolution paths, he summoned all his willpower to resist choosing the parasitic tentacle route. Gathering information was paramount; this decision would affect the rest of his life. He shifted his focus on the evolution paths, and a new window describing the evolution appeared before his eyes.


A symbiote represents a rare evolutionary divergence from the lewd worm. Rather than following a path of parasitism, symbiotes exhibit mutualistic behavior towards their hosts. Once bound to a host, a symbiote remains attached until the host's demise. Through this bond, a symbiote can merge with its host, enhancing the host's strength and granting them an alternate persona. Additionally, the host gains access to the Symbiote's skills and magic. However, this symbiotic relationship comes at a cost; the host's nutrient intake is increased, and their lifespan may decrease if the Symbiote and host are incompatible.

[Endul Worm]:

The Endul Worm is a species native to the wild and is endemic to the Latvin Kingdom. Farmers often breed these worms for their exquisite cocoon silk excrement.

[Parasitic Tentacle]:

The Parasitic Tentacle is an ever-growing hydra composed of interconnected tissues. It uses its interstitial cells to rapidly multiply, consuming nutrients from its host and the surrounding environment. Employing its host as a breeding ground, the parasitic tentacle proliferates rapidly, forming a menacing forest of tentacles. This creature is exceptionally hazardous, and races of order are advised to exterminate it upon sight.

Hiro cooled down in an instant. What he wanted was dangerous. The moment he chose this path, he would be an enemy of all mankind. He kept mumbling to himself. Choosing a symbiote would definitely be a safer option.

HOWEVER! He wanted to become a lewd tentacle! He didn't want to merge and serve Cecile for the rest of his life. Cecile is cute, her short brown hair and jiggly cups were mesmerizing, but the same also applied to Captain Sheena and some of her female knights. He wanted to expand his harem to more than just one human. A harem is an inappropriate term for Hiro since he is not a human anymore. He wanted to expand his host! He wanted to train girls! Not a girl, but girls To be his lewd slaves. He would not use cock but tentacles! He would pleasure them until they melted in pleasure and served him by their own will. Tentacle sex was impossible in the real world; however, how could he choose another when his dream was before his very eyes! His experience, his 9000 GB worth of For Academic Purpose material! All of that would be for naught if he chose something other than tentacles!

And so, with conviction, he chose parasitic tentacle. A pop-up window appeared.

[Are you sure you wanted to evolve into parasitic tentacle? Y/N]

"Yes!" He spoke in his mind. Even if he became an enemy of humankind, he wanted to become a lewd tentacle! His conviction didn't waver.

[New skill acquired:

-Cell storage

-Cell Manipulation]

[New trait acquired:

-Weakness to flame

-Weakness to holy magic]

Hiro felt his body changing. It was no longer maintaining a defined shape; instead, tubular protrusions emerged from various parts of his form, reminiscent of scenes from a horror film. He felt an insatiable urge to expand, to grow, to consume.

A fleeting moment of clarity returned to Hiro. He realized he was inside Cecile. If he allowed himself to grow further, he would burst forth from her womb, inevitably resulting in her demise. Suppressing his instinct, Hiro managed to calm the urge to expand, leaving him no larger than a ping-pong ball.

After making sure his evolution was finished, Hiro looked at his stats.


Name: Hiro

Race: Parasitic tentacle

Class: none

Level: 1/20

STR:8 ->13

Dex:7 -> 15



Sense sharing


Nutrients efficiency Lvl1

Aphrodisiac injection

Enhanced Host Growth

Adrenaline injection

Amphetamine injection

Anaesthesia injection

Cell storage lvl 1[1/100]

Cell manipulation

Weakness to flame

Weakness to holy magic


His stats grew by a whooping amount, almost matching his host. He also had two new skills, Cell Manipulation and cell storage. When he thought about the skills, he felt he could use it. He grew out a tentacle from his nucleus. Then, with his cell manipulation. The cell grew elongated, forming a tubular body out of Cecile crotch.

He was lucky that Cecile had fainted, or she would have freaked out and killed herself if she knew a dangerous parasite had inhabited her body. The tubular body grew out from the unconscious woman but stopped a meter from her openings. At that moment, the numbers beside his skill turned from 1 to zero. He retracted all of the cells back, and the number returned to one. He wondered how he should fill his storage but refrained from testing.

Cecile had grown a bit too weak, if he do something harsh to her, her health could have some irreversible damage. So, he chose to lie and wait until the next day. While he was incapable of sleeping, he could still rest. By laying still, time seemed to move faster.

Then a premonition hit him. He felt uncomfortable with this place. It was like curling on the corner of a bedroom. So, he used his newfound strength and opened the entrance of her womb. This would typically hurt Cecile, but she merely groaned in her sleep. She was too tired after what had happened to her previously.

Inside her womb was soft and heavenly. Laying there felt like laying on a soft cotton bed. He extended his tentacle to encompass all the area inside her and then retracted. A new sensation sends a twitch to her abdomen. Hiro stopped. He promised himself not to overdo it. Cecile needed her rest, and he would be obliged. After attaching himself firmly to the wall, he rested.

Morning sunlight soon came through the window, Cecile love juice had dried up but she had not yet awake. A sense of worry began to run through Hiro's mind, thinking about whether he had overdone it.


Thank you for the support! i see that this fiction was received well, so i put more chapters. I wonder how many should i post before i fall into my weekly schedule. if i post 1 chapter every day until next week, i would barely had 5 chapters in patreon....


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