Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch71- You Dare!

Kukaku and Yoruichi exchanged glances, the depths of their understanding clear. After a moment, Yoruichi began, "Kazuki, what you're not aware of is that Kukaku and I... well, we had a pact. We decided that our feelings for you wouldn't come between our friendship."

Kazuki looked up sharply, surprise evident on his face. “You both knew?”

Kukaku smirked slightly, “We’re not as clueless as you might think. Besides, we have our own bond. Nothing can come between that.”

Yoruichi nodded in agreement, “But that doesn’t negate the fact that we need to find a solution to this situation."

Kazuki took a deep breath, "The one thing I'm certain of is that I genuinely care about both of you. The last thing I want is to be the wedge that drives you apart.”

Kukaku sighed and with a quick motion, flicked Kazuki's forehead. "Ow," Kazuki exclaimed, rubbing the spot where she had made contact.

Kukaku leaned in, her arms wrapping around him and Yoruichi in a group hug. "You know," she began, her voice muffled by their proximity, "for the last few years, we've all been inseparable. I've considered this outcome for a while now. It might sound unconventional, but have you ever thought that you might not have to make a choice between us?"

Yoruichi smiled, her cheek pressed against Kazuki's shoulder. "I've been thinking along the same lines. Kukaku and I have shared countless secrets, dreams, and memories. I wouldn't risk our bond for anything, not even you. But, that idiotic charm of yours has its pull." she teased. "But if both of you are open to the idea, maybe we could try something... unconventional."

Kazuki's eyes widened in realization. "Are you suggesting... a harem?"

Kukaku and Yoruichi exchanged glances, an unspoken agreement passing between them. In the next second, they playfully tackled Kazuki, their fingers dancing over his sides, seeking out his most ticklish spots.

Kazuki's laughter echoed throughout the garden, each chuckle accompanied by a plea of "Stop! Please!"

But the two women were relentless, delighting in his playful distress. Between fits of laughter, Kazuki managed to sputter out, "Okay, okay! Mercy!"

Eventually, they relented, all three collapsing into a pile, breathless from laughter. The earlier tension seemed to dissipate, replaced by the familiarity of their bond.

Yoruichi stretched out, her hair cascading like a dark river around her. "Well, you did say you cared for both of us. We're just offering a solution."

Kukaku propped herself up on one elbow, smirking down at the still-recovering Kazuki. "The real question is, are you brave enough for this?"

Kazuki took a moment, processing their words, the playful teasing, and the sheer sincerity behind their proposal. "Honestly? I never expected such a suggestion. But if it means I can keep both of you in my life, and you're both okay with it, then it is more than anything I dreamed off."

Yoruichi pushed herself up, her gaze fixed on Kazuki. "Just remember, this doesn't mean you get to slack off. It means twice the effort, dunderhead."

Kazuki smirked, the gleam returning to his eyes. "Challenge accepted."

Kukaku then asked, "And when the day comes you find the woman in your visions of the future?"

Kazuki's playful demeanor vanished, replaced with a somber contemplation. "That, I don't know." He responded. "I love you two more than anything in the world." He said it so effortlessly, as if he was commenting on the weather, not fully grasping the weight of his own words.

Both Kukaku and Yoruichi's expressions softened, their cheeks taking on a delicate pink hue as they processed his genuine confession. However, his next statement brought them back to reality, "But I'm not sure how I'll react when I finally meet her."

Yoruichi, unable to resist, gave his waist a swift pinch, mischief evident in her actions. Almost simultaneously, Kukaku mirrored the motion from the opposite side, causing Kazuki to flinch.

"You are really planning a harem, aren't you," Yoruichi teased, her voice light and playful.

Kukaku grinned, "Seems like it."

Kazuki chuckled, the tension melting as he recognized their attempts to lighten the mood. Without warning, he gently pulled them both closer, placing a swift, sweet kiss on each of their lips. Their reactions were immediate, faces warming considerably more than before.

"I'm sealing our new agreement," he remarked with a cheeky grin. "From today onward, I am your awesome lover."

They rolled their eyes at him, although smiles danced on their lips, betraying their shared amusement. Despite their playful reprimands, they leaned into his embrace, feeling the comforting warmth of his body against theirs. The garden, once filled with tension and apprehension, now resonated with a newfound understanding.

Drawing back slightly, Kukaku tilted her head to one side, studying Kazuki. "Just because we've given you permission doesn't mean you get to be all cocky, Mr. Awesome Lover."

"Who knows," Yoruichi mused, trailing her fingers along Kazuki's arm, "this newfound confidence might just get you in trouble."

Kazuki feigned a thoughtful expression. "Trouble? I've been surrounded by the likes of you two for years. I think I've become a professional at handling 'trouble'."

Both pulled away from him simultaneously, their playful expressions making it clear they were not done yet. "Now you are asking for it," they chimed in unison, grinning at the challenge.

Kazuki's face adopted a mock expression of horror as they advanced, their fingers inching ever closer, ready to strike at any moment. But this time, he was ready. With a sudden burst of agility, he rolled over Kukaku, deftly avoiding Yoruichi's fingers and targeted Kukaku's sides. His fingers danced over her skin, drawing out soft, involuntary giggles from her lips. As he saw her defenses wane, he leaned in, letting his lips brush against hers in a fleeting, teasing kiss.

Kukaku’s resistance seemed to melt away, and her giggles turned into breathless laughter. The distraction had worked perfectly. But he hadn't accounted for Yoruichi's tenacity.

With a cat-like agility, she launched herself onto Kazuki's back, sinking her teeth gently into the nape of his neck. It was playful, yet enough to make him yelp in surprise. Before she could revel in her triumph, Kazuki's hands reached back, grasping her by the waist and pulling her forward. In a fluid motion, he rolled, pinning her beneath him. Mimicking his earlier move, he planted a gentle kiss on her lips, causing her golden eyes to widen in surprise.

Kukaku, now recovered, watched the scene with a mixture of amusement and mild envy. She was about to interject when Yoruichi, not one to be outdone, pushed against Kazuki, attempting to reverse their positions. But the silver-haired man had anticipated this, using her momentum to roll them again, this time landing next to Kukaku. Their playful wrestling had caused them to become a tangle of limbs and laughter.

After a moment, the trio lay in the grass, catching their breath. The sun overhead cast a gentle warmth over them, the soft rustling of the leaves serving as a serene backdrop to their moment of respite.

Kazuki's voice broke the silence, his tone light and teasing. "You know, for two formidable women, you both sure are ticklish."

Yoruichi propped herself up on an elbow, raising an eyebrow at him. "Oh? Think you've won, do you?"

Kukaku chuckled, adding, "I believe this is just round one."

Kazuki smirked, stretching his arms overhead and enjoying the gentle pull of his muscles. "Well then, I better be prepared for round two. Though, I do wonder... How many rounds are there?"

Yoruichi and Kukaku exchanged a glance, the corners of their lips curling into sly grins. "Guess you'll have to wait and see," Yoruichi replied, her voice dripping with mischief.

Kukaku laughed, her voice musical. "Better rest up. You're going to need all the energy you can muster."


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