Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 113.

Consultation 113.

My refresher training in hell had finally come to an end and I was met with a familiar face for my first client back. It was the client I had that long dream about where she’d been adopted.

“God, where has my adoptive father been taken by his captors?” Those were the first words that came out of her mouth.

I looked at the little girl seated across from me like I couldn’t comprehend the question.

“What do you mean where has he been taken? Aren’t you the one responsible for him being abducted in the first place?”

“No. I’m not! I planned to go through with that plan when I was a bit older and got him to trust me more. But then this suddenly happened out of nowhere. I don’t know where he is now. Two men dressed in all black abducted him when we were separated. I’d ran across the street ahead of him and was waiting on the other side. With traffic partially obstructing my view, a vehicle suddenly stopped in front of him. Two men got out and surrounded him on both sides, he had nowhere to run. Though I didn’t see any guns, it felt like he’d been held at gunpoint and forced to get into the vehicle with them against his will.”

“Right after that, he sent me a text saying he had some things to do. All he said was to return home and look after his mother for him. I texted him back right away, but he never responded. I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. I don’t know what to do. I listened to him hoping for the best, but it’s been a day already and there has been no word from him. Please God, help me! I don’t want him to die!”


“I get it. I get it. Relax and give me a second. Let me take a look.”

I pulled out my phone and downloaded the Akashic records for her world when I suddenly realized it was the same world from that Marian client I had before. Naturally, it was corrupted.

Well… this was awkward.

However, it was possible to do something this time. I knew who the exact target I was looking for unlike the time with that Martian’s case, so I could use some specialized software to gain access to the corrupted files in the Akashic records still. 

The depressing part was… I had to use an in-app purchase to be able to read it. The app was free and allowed you to verify if the file was there still, but as for opening it, that was where they got you with the fancy premium paid features. I begrudgingly bought a subscription to make use of the specialized services in the app to open the file.

Since I’d paid to access it, I figured I wouldn’t just ‘control f’ my answer and I’d read it all to get my money’s worth of entertainment out of reading it.




I see. I see. So that’s what happened.

“Well, God? Did you find out where he is?”


“Really! Where is he?”

“Well, you don’t need to worry about that. He got in touch with the police and should come out of this in one piece. All you need to do is patiently wait at home for his return, he’ll be back soon. It seems you wasted your money for this consultation.” And I wasted my money on a problem that didn’t even require my assistance. Damn that cockroach-like mortal. Who forcefully dislocates their arm without hesitation like that? Are you even sane?

Still, it was rather unexpected that I’d stumble across this corrupted world again so soon. 

Wait… it couldn’t be…

Were these two in some way related to the corruption of this world?

I broke out into sweat and wondered if I’d maybe played an indirect role in the corruption of this world somehow. I wouldn’t happen to accidentally be the perpetrator behind this, would I?

Nah… there’s no way it could be that. Haha. Yeah. Definitely not.

But... wasn’t this kind of similar to the standard plot twist where the first person to discover the body was the culprit all along? No! It is not at all similar! Definitely not! I had nothing to do with this at all.

“He’s fine? He’s really fine?” 

“Y-Yeah. He is.” Nervous, my eyes snapped back to the little girl.

“Really? Really, really?”

“Yes. Really.”

“Thank God. What a relief, I was so scared.”

“You sure seem much more fond of him compared to the last time we saw each other.”

“F-Fond? There’s nothing of the sort! I just… don’t really want him to die… before I grow up is all. It’s hard to find someone who’s willing to take you in and look after you.” Her voice grew quieter with each successive word.

“Hmmmm… well, good luck with that, I guess.” She’d slightly changed since our last consultation.

“Uh… God, before I go. Since you didn’t really need to do anything, is it fine if I ask another question? I probably won’t have enough to book another consultation with you.”

“Haaaaah. Sure, I guess. Shoot. What is it?”

“How do you save someone who intends to die by forty and make them happy?”

“Hah? You know, this really isn’t my area of specialty.”

“It’s fine if it’s not. Any answer is fine.”

“Well… maybe…” My face twisted as my stomach turned when I tried to finish the sentence. It was something so uncharacteristic of me to say that my entire being was instinctively rejecting the idea of saying it.


“Love… I guess?” I threw up a little in my mouth but swallowed it back down. I had to maintain a professional appearance after all. My eye twitched from the sour burning sensation in my throat.


“Yeah… pretty much. Just get him to feel love and be loved in return… probably.” Familial love, of course.

“I see. I’ll give that a shot. Thank you again, God. I should get going.”

“Good. By the way, if you want to book a consultation in the future don’t worry about the fee. I’ll… cover it.” It pained me to say that, but I had to.

There were two reasons for my offer. 

The first reason was that she was connected to the corrupted world. I wanted to clear my name, thus I had to observe it for a while. I could potentially find out events that may not be properly recorded in the corrupted Akashic records through this client which may yield some clues. I definitely wasn’t responsible for this, I could not accept that fact. If it really turned out to be me… I was sure to get my pay docked a lot more than how much a few occasional consultations with her would cost me.

As for the second reason… she was no fetus lady. Essentially, she was pretty normal and didn’t give me indigestion the instant I saw her. I’d rather her take up consultation time than my regulars.

“Really! So generous?”


“What’s the catch? This is too suspicious. You’re obviously after something. My adoptive father taught me there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

I nearly choked on my own saliva.

“I’m a God! Do I look that cheap?”

“Yeah. Definitely.” An immediate response.

I rubbed my forehead with my palm and squeezed.

“Your adoptive father is a pain in the ass. Just what sorts of things is he teaching you at such a young age?”

“He’s taught me a lot. Like how to identify fellow cheapskates. His entire room is empty, the only furniture in his room is two box tables and his bed. With how this room only has two chairs and a table, it’s obvious you’re what he would call a comrade-in-frugality.”

She got me there. Damn this sharp little mortal girl.

“Anyway, the offer stands. Take it or leave it, I don’t care. Now scram before I change my mind.”

When she heard that I’d take back my offer, she immediately stepped out of my office without another word.

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