Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 59.

Consultation 59.

“God, how do I make Victimhoodgate blow up again?”

“Victimhood, what?”

“What? You haven’t heard of Victimhoodgate? What is wrong with you, God? Could it be you’re a misogynist?”

“Hah? Bitch, what did you just call me?”

“I called you a misogynist.”

“I’ll need to kindly ask you to please go fuck yourself.” In annoyance, I did a quick search online on my phone and immediately found out what bullshit she was talking about.

“What the hell is this shit? This garbage happened six years ago, why the hell do you want to bring this crap up now? ”


“Such as?”


“Reasons, you say? Hehe. You mean your career that was built on the foundation of this scandal in your world is going downhill because you never moved past it and found a way to adapt? You’re stuck up on the past eternally playing the role of a victim because you want everyone to pay attention to you, feel sorry for you, and pity you. You want their sympathy so badly because you realize how insignificant and irrelevant you are.”

“You know you don’t have any talent or the drive to work hard to get where you want, so you wish for an easy way to the top. You figured you could use a scandal to cover up for all of that, using it as an excuse to disguise your incompetence. Now that people have long grown sick and tired of your bullshit, you want a way to stay relevant. During that scandal, you even stole a sizable sum of money promising to deliver a product but you never came through on it. Pathetic.”

“Shut up! I came to find out how to make Victimhoodgate blow up again, not listen to you lecture me.”

“You really are destined for nothing but failure. The path you’re headed toward will only leave you feeling empty. You’ll only ever live life as a hollow shell of a person if you keep trying to leech off of this idiotic scandal forever. You desire to feel fulfilled, but you never will because your appetite for fame is insatiable despite your all too obvious lack of ability. You’re a fat whale stranded after being washed up on a beach, drying out under the blazing sun; a cancerous tumor that can’t get enough attention.”

She glared at me resentfully with rage in her eyes and said, “I don’t care. Answer my question.”

“Fine, I’ll answer it. Get someone to pitch the idea of making a movie revolving around Victimhoodgate as a theme to a company of your choice. Once you’ve done that and you’ve confirmed it’s gone through, you can leak that information to outlets in a way that makes that company look bad. As the person this scandal revolved around; when you ‘see’ this news released, you just need to get a few buddies of yours who similarly made it big off this stupid scandal of yours act overly enraged by this idiotic movie no one actually cares about. With this controversial movie subject in the spotlight, it should give you a few more minutes of fame under the spotlight.”

“I see. That certainly could work.”

“But… it won’t last long. You should just accept that you’re washed up and going nowhere at this rate. The fact that you’re here in a consultation with me who deals with nothing but defective washed up waifus, that should be telling enough about how far you’ve sunk over the last six years.”

“Just accept the fact that the product you made back then was complete trash and move on with your shitty life. Not everything creators make is some sort of magnum opus. Among things creators make, there will be countless creations that turn out to be complete rubbish not suitable to even wipe their dog’s ass. Also, using your body to get what you want and attempting to manipulate an audience by pushing a false narrative to deceive people into thinking a pile of shit looks like gold isn’t ever going to work. If you want people to think it’s gold, then you need to make real gold, not some dog shit spray-painted with fool’s gold. After all, at the end of the day, the moment they get their hands on it they’ll instantly realize everything they’d been told about it was utter nonsense from the very beginning.”

“Who asked for your two cents? You don’t know what I suffered over the course of Victimhoodgate.”

“Heh. Again with playing a victim? Look, deep down you know better than anyone that Victimhoodgate was the best thing that could have ever happened to you. You milked it for everything it was worth. Now that it’s in the past, get over it already and stop trying to make a big deal about it at every opportunity you get in a pathetic attempt to stay relevant.”

She ground her teeth together in rage and stormed out of the room not willing to listen to another word from me. Needless to say, she wouldn’t change, she never would. Once you were bogged down acting the part of an eternal victim, you never climbed out of it to actually better yourself. It was just easier that way. You could garner sympathy from others, make them feel pity toward you, and easily better your own life on a surface level just because you were some sort of victim.

It was a pitfall that would leave you trapped and ensnared, unable to climb back out of it. The longer you stayed inside it, the further you sank. You entered a deceptive pit quicksand completely unaware of the hidden danger beneath your feet. You’d try to build something on top of it, but no matter how tall you built yourself up, it would all eventually catch up to you. 

Slowly, but surely, everything you built up to that point would sink down into mediocrity while you were busy only looking up to the sky. You’d be too distracted by your blind pursuit of fame reaching for the stars by building your fortress taller without ever realizing you’d one day run out of that flimsy material you built yourself up with. Before you even realize it, by the time you look back down and take a good look at yourself, you’ll realize your body has already been submerged up to your neck beneath that sand. By that point, no matter how you struggled, it would all be in vain and you’d eventually suffocate yourself inside the very same victimhood complex you built yourself up on.

Gravity is a bitch that way, don’t ever forget it.

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