Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 93.

Consultation 93.

“God, I have a problem.”

“What is it?”

“My parents recently died.”

“Sorry to hear that, but that certainly is quite the problem. How old are you exactly?”

“I’m 12, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem came after my parent’s death.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was out alone on the streets and a certain man passed by me. He took pity on me and treated me to something to eat. However, that was all he did. His intent was to have nothing more to do with me. In desperation, when he tried to leave I grabbed onto him.”

“Oh? Did you end up falling for him or something?”

“Not even close. Far from it. He heartlessly tried to shake my hand off and said there’s no way he can do anything more for me. He explained he didn’t trust anyone, and certainly not the children of today. If he took me in, society, rather than thinking of it as a good deed would view him as a pedophile or think he was trying to groom me. He even said he wouldn’t be surprised if I turned on him and made such accusations in the future to sue him for whatever he had.”

“Well, I can certainly see why he would think that.” There are women out there who sue guys for saving them from drowning by performing mouth to mouth resuscitation. After having their life saved, rather than being thankful toward their savior, they instead claim they were touched inappropriately and did not consent and they feel as though they’ve been raped. After having seen those sorts of women in his world, he’s certainly bound to be especially cautious if the person in question is a child

“So, what happened? Did he abandon you after that?”

“He tried to, but I kept following behind him no matter what. Even if I tripped, fell, and got bruised, I got up to chase after him. He told me over and over again to just wait for a kind big-hearted lady to show up who’d be willing to look after me, but I refused to wait. There was no guarantee such a person would ever show up. Before any such person showed up, I could run into a bad guy who’d abduct me and sell me off into slavery, prostitution, or even worse.”

“Well, he could have just dropped you off at a police station. They’d be able to get in touch with any relatives you have.”

“They all live in another country. I didn’t want to be forced to leave the country I was born in. He did suggest he could bring me to the cops, but I lied and said I didn’t have any relatives who could take me in.”

“Isn’t there child and family services?”

“No way, the kids there are unhinged and out of control. Some are completely crazy and threaten to stab or kill the workers. If they do that to workers, I’d surely be abused to death by them.”

“Oh, you’re actually aware of that?”

“My mother and father were social workers in that line of business and that was how they died. There’s no way I wanted to end up in that sort of situation. That was why I abandoned my home in the first place. I was afraid of being found and forcefully taken in by family services.”

“By the way, how exactly did you book an appointment and cover the consultation fee?”

“I… promised the house we lived in which would be willed to me in exchange for a consultation. I had no use for it. If I stayed, I would eventually be found and taken in by family services. I didn’t have any way to sell it myself so I offered it up as collateral.”

“So you willingly chose the streets over family services?”

“I wanted to choose someone myself who’d be kind enough to take care of me until I was old enough to make a living on my own. I was… naive in my thinking though. Nobody was willing to. They all offered to take me to the police which I was vehemently against. I escaped whenever they tried to do so forcefully. None of them were willing to take on the burden of looking after an orphaned kid like me.”

“I see. So what happened with that guy then?”

“He eventually caved, but he made some things clear to me from the start and also set some conditions.”

“What sort of conditions?”

“Well, he already had to take care of his disabled mother who was already 60 years old. He said he’d always told her he had no intention to ever have children and he felt somewhat bad about depriving her of her chance of being a grandmother.”

“He said he was born in this country, but his mother was born elsewhere. She was forcefully deported back to her country by his deadbeat father who after marrying her and having him, he wanted out of being a father and husband only a few short months after he was born. She worked her ass off fighting her case up to the highest Supreme Court in the country to return.”

“He felt guilty toward his mother. She contracted a tropical disease when he was 14 while she was on a vacation back home and he had to take care of her since then. He was already 26 now and he still had no intention to ever get married or have a child of his own. She worked so hard to bring him to this country, but he would pay her back by ending their family tree with him. As such, he resolved himself to at least look after her until she died.”

“I see. So, was the condition that you have to treat his mother like your grandmother or something?”

“Well… the thing is, he made it clear to me that he doesn’t intend to live past 40. He said if his mother dies before he turns 40, I’m free to do whatever I want; but if she doesn’t die, I’d have to look after her for him. That was only the first condition though.”

“That sounds like a reasonable exchange. He’d at the very least take care of you until you’re 26, right?”

“The second condition he had was to record a video. He recorded a video where he said that if he takes me in, I can’t claim in the future that he was some sort of pedophile or that he was grooming me. I had to agree to that on camera. Though, he still complained after the fact that it wasn’t enough since I could claim that I was a child and I couldn’t make decisions on my own. Thus his third condition is the problem I have.”

“Oh? And what is that?”

“He intends to record every second of his life from that point on so I can’t claim he was trying to groom me or that he was a pedophile.”

“He’s quite cautious.”

“Yes. And it’s a pain in the ass. How the hell did he know exactly what I was planning from the very start?”

“Wait… what?”

“God, this is my problem, when I turn 18, finish high school, and can legally work, how am I supposed to sue him for everything he’s worth if he can refute these accusations with that sort of hard irrefutable evidence?”

Haaaaaaaaah. With that long internal sigh, I came to terms with reality, I was dealing with my old clientele. I’d gotten a bit accustomed to normal clients after trading clients with that normie God.

“Well, God?”

“After he takes care of you, you really intend to repay him by fucking him over like that?”

“I mean, what’s the big deal? He intends to die by 40 anyway, right? He’s just some eternal virgin loser without a life. So what if he gets screwed over?”

“You could just get some thugs to mug him one day and steal whatever he’s using to record and document his life. During the time he’s unable to record, there will be a period without any footage. You could make claims that during that window of opportunity he took out his frustration of being mugged on you and violated you or something.”

Her eyes lit up bright as realization donned on her. “Oh! That’s it! What a great idea, God! I didn’t even consider the possibility of acquiring external help.”

Why are even the seemingly innocent little girls these days corrupt schemers without a shred of remorse plotting to ruin people’s lives?

“Was that all?”

“No that was everything, God. I can figure out the rest on my own. Once I successfully break him I should be able to turn him into my obedient dog who will take care of and pamper me till the day he dies with my own ability.”

Uwah, it was even worse than I thought. This little girl was just the embodiment of evil and was rotten hearted to the core.

“Well… good luck with that… I guess.”

“Thank you, God.”

Kind of actually considering writing this story as a stand alone shit tier trash romcom. A clash between a secretly devious little girl plotting against an extremely cautious and wary innocent man without any relatives who doesn't ever want to get married. He hates snot-nosed brats to begin with, has no interest in love, and has no desire to have children of his own, but feels slightly guilty toward his mother for doing so.

Edit 3/5/2021: Volume 1 of I Reluctantly Adopted A Wolf Daughter In Sheep’s Clothes

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