Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 3: First “Fight”

Warning: This chapter contains some forced sexual engagement, please read at your own discretion.

Name:  Hanna
Race:  Dark Margenko
Gender:  Female
Level:  4
Strength:  367
Mana:  366/366
Affinity:  Dark, Death, Fire, Poison
Spells: (Lesser) Flame Breath, (Lesser) Poison Breath, (Perfect) Night Vision [Passive], (Lesser) Curses, (Lesser) Shadow Walk, (Lesser) Hypnotic Gaze, (Lesser) Sugsestion, (Perfect) Fire Resistence [Passive], (Perfect) Poison Resistence [Passive], (Perfect) Curse Resistence [Passive], Pain Resistence [Passive], Sadistic Rush [Passive], Shapeshifting, Thousand Arrows, Creat Flame, Creat Poison, Shadow Bindings

Hanna grinned as she walked along the old dirt road, using the Spell Scrolls she had found she had expanded her Magic arsenal by 4 Spells total and her Level had increased as well, a total win. Had she any idea where the road would lead her? Absolutely not! Did she care? Absolutely not! It wouldn’t matter where she goes to, her plan would not change.

Her plan was so simple that it only required one thing to work, other living beings, her plan was after all to live a complete carefree life, with absolutely no one interfering, but since she discovered the pleasure of negative emotions, she couldn’t live without them, that’s why she needs other living beings, so she always had someone to torture.

The fantasy alone made her drool, as she thought of all the pleasure she would be able to feel. Filled with even more interest she moved with even more Happiness then before, she almost started to skip along the road.

It didn’t take long before she found herself inside a forest, all around her she could see something green and she constantly heard birds and other animals, back in her old world she really enjoyed a pleasant stroll through the forest and this was definitely just like it. Nice, warm weather, the sounds of nature and a  breeze on her face. It was a truly relaxing experience and she wandered forward, with a smile on her face.

She wandered the entire day and rather quickly the relaxation turned into complete boredom. The scenery never changed, trees and birds that’s all there was inside the forest and along the dirt road she walked on. She let out a groan of frustration as yet another bird flew over head and onto one of the many tree tops.

"If I don’t find something soon I will die of boredom!!" She grumbled to herself, her stomach also started to make it self known. She didn’t need sleep, but she still needed to eat and drink.

Drinking was not problem at all, since a small River ran along the dirt road she walked, the food part wasn’t easy at all. She had tried eating some berries and fruits she had found along the way, not needing to worry about poisoning herself thanks to her Poison Resistance. She soon found out that all of them did nothing to sate her hunger.

Next she had tried to hunt for some food and she had been successful in capturing a bird which she swiftly had cooked with her Flame Breath, but sadly enough, this didn’t stoped her hunger either.

And so she wandered through this never ending forest, hungry and bored a truly dangerous situation for anyone who would come across her right now.

Her second day of wandering was combing to its end, as the sun started to disappear behind the crowns of the trees and the birds stopped their constant song, the only things one could hear now were the rustling of leaves inside the wind and the footsteps of an very bored and hungry Hanna, until suddenly a third sound suddenly rang through the forest, a loud howl. Hanna stopped for a second.

"That was way to loud for any normal wolf, could that be another monster perhaps?" Hanna mumbled, as the howling suddenly stopped, being replaced by many different sounds, much more quiet then the howling before, but still loud enough to be heard perfectly, screaming and clashing of metal against different material, that were the sounds of a fight.

Hanna started to grin from ear to ear, finally something to rid her of her boredom! She quickly made her way into the bushes and away from the road, following nothing but he sounds of battle as they grew louder and louder. Soon she could make out some voices and listen to what they had to say, or rather scream.

"You will regret to come into my territory weak ones, I will use your bones as toys once this is over." The voice was extremely deep and raspy, like the person had just smoked 14 cigarettes in one go, Hanna guessed this was the voice of the Wolf she heard earlier, she was pretty surprised to learn he could speak though, maybe he could help her out, as a fellow monster after all.

"How long till that spells ready, we ain‘t got all night?" Another deep one spoke, but considerably way less raspy, Hanna guessed this was the voice of a male, race was up for grabs though. Two more voices soon followed, both sounded female, although one was so incredibly high pitch it might as well be a young boy, whatever a child would be doing here she didn’t know.

After a while Hanna reached a clearing where she could finally see the battle first hand, three humans were staring down a humanoid looking wolf, Hanna at first thought that it was a Werwolf or something, but since it wasn’t a full moon she wasn’t so sure.

The three humans were just as she expected to be an older bald male with a strong looking body and a massive black beard covering a lot of his face. He wielded a large axe and was wearing light leather like armour.

The last two combatants were two girls, one was tall and had a slender body and long fier red hair, she wore what Hanna could best describe as a typical witches outfit, the other one wore some light leather armour like the man, but she held a longsword in her hands, she looked like a photocopy of the other girl, just a little smaller, Hanna presumed they were adventurers.

But no matter how she looked at it, she couldn’t figure out why they came here in the middle of the night? If there Job was to kill the wolf and he was nocturnal you should go during the day, so he couldn’t fight back once they had found him. She really couldn’t wrap her head around the whole ordeal, but it didn’t matter, right now she just wanted to watch the fight unfold, she was interested if the humans could actually win.

Name:  Novak Strand
Race:  Human
Gender:  Male
Level:  44
Strength:  87
Mana:  104/210
Affinity:  Earth
Spells:  n.A
Name:  Vikotria Strand
Race:  Human
Gender:  Female
Level:  42
Strength:  39
Mana:  765/1304
Affinity:  Fire, Earth, Water, Life
Spells:  n.A
Name:  Adeline Strand
Race:  Human
Gender:  Female
Level:  21
Strength:  45
Mana:  76/109
Affinity:  Earth, Wind
Spells:  n.A
Name:  The target has no name
Race:  Wolfken
Gender:  Male
Level:  54
Strength:  177
Mana:  54/80
Affinity:  Earth
Spells:  n.A

She laughed silently.

"Not that it matters much, no one will leave this clearing alive but me!" She declared, her eyes shining a bright red light. The fight wasn’t anything flashy, not in the slightest, both the man and the shorter Girl, the two with melee weapons, kept the Wolfken busy, while the other girl littered it with spells. The Wolfken was way strong in the pure strength department, but it lacked the speed it would need to actually fight properly, even the older man easily out-manoeuvred it.

What Hanna thought would be top class entertainment, quickly evolved into cheer boringness in a master of minutes, Hanna sat on the ground at the beginning of the clearing and kept watching, solely because of the great amount of pain the Wolfken experienced. Seeing the Wolfken in pain truly made her feel better then before and she noticed her hunger was slowly fading, she took a mental note of that.

'That one guy did mention that we feed of emotions, didn’t think it to be so literal though.' She also took note that the Wolfken was incredible dull in the terms of emotions, only pain and anger.

"How absolutely uninteresting, guess they don’t really know in how bad a situation their in. I‘m pretty sure, their-" A dramatic howl stopped her mumbling, as the Wolfken fell to the ground, in a puddle of his own blood. "And he’s dead wonderful."

Hanna was truly disappointed at how the fight was so extremely boring, not only was it a three on one, it was also extremely one sided. Her hunger was not sated from the bit she got of the Wolfken and she wanted to see and feel the bliss again, to see the hopeless expression of pain and fear once more.

She licked her lips as she made her way towards the group of adventures, who were currently celebrating their victory. Completely unaware that someone was coming their way. She suddenly had a small little idea and her eyes sparkled with mischief as she used her Shapeshifting to make her tail, claws and ears disappear, she now looked like a normal, be it well dressed, Girl a Perfect way to get to them without preemptively make them aware their in danger.

She approached them quickly now, falling into a light jog "This is going to be fun.." she whispered to herself.

Adeline had finally convinced her parents she was strong enough that she could go with them on a quest, a dream was finally coming true for her and best of all the quest was a total success, as they killed the beast, a Wolfken, which had been terrorising merchants that still took the old capital road, they were few and the Wolfken made it even less.

But now the Wolfken was dead and she has proven that she was more then capable of finally joining the adventurers guild back home, she was the only family member who hasn’t after all, she almost felt completely excluded from any dinner talk, but these times were finally over.

They all embraced each other and her parents congratulated her on her growth and told her the words she had dreamed of for so long.

"Darling we both think you are ready, we give our blessing and you may join the adventures guild." Her mother said as she embraced her daughter one more time, Adeline hugged back harder then ever before, as tears of happiness streamed down her face. Her father smiled as he laid a hand on his daughters head, as he gently pat her head.

"Good job darling, I know you will archive great things." Suddenly he was also caught in his daughters embrace as constantly spoke the same words through her tears of joy.

"Thank You, I love you guys so much!" They stayed like this for a while, silently and lovingly holding each other, nothing could come between them now, it was under these circumstances that a unknown person made themselves known.

"H-hello. C-could you guys hel-help me please?" Getting scared by the sudden voice the family quickly grabbed their weapon and held them towards the intruder, the intruder in turn released a shriek and held her arms high, it was then that Adeline took a good look at the intruder.

She wore a simple red shirt, a black frilly skirt and black shoes and she was small, even shorter then Adeline, most likely still a girl below the age of 13. Although that clothing suggested at least a bit of wealth at the girls, or her families disposal. After her quick overlook she decided to lower her weapon, as did her parents.

"We‘re sorry little lady, but you gave us quite the scare ya‘see, hope ya understand?" Her father said. The girl simply nodded slightly, obviously still scared.

"I-it’s alright, I scared you f-first after all, we’re even now."

Her mother laughed at the comment, she liked the girl already. "Now, you said you needed help, right? We could help you if we now what we Are dealing with ya know." Adeline smiled, this was so her mother, it was common knowledge in the local guild that her mother was notorious for being late with returning from missions because she helped like 10 people on her way back.

With sparkles of hope inside her eyes she started to tell the trio and a story. She told them that she woke up near the clearing a few minutes ago, she claimed to have no idea why and how that has happened, she wants to return home to the capital Ranos, but since she never left the city before she needed someone to guid her.

"Well it would be a two days March towards the city, if ya follow the road that located in the forest, but that road is notorious for its bandits, you would need people like us to get through there. Tell ya what, we have a small cabin not far from here, we’ll rest up there and then we’ll start tomorrow with bring you back, how does that sound?" The girl nods her head in excitement.

For The entire journey back towards the cabin Adeline spoke with the girl, who revealed her name to be Hanna, apparently she is the only child of a small merchant family, but that’s almost everything Adeline got out of her. The girl was very shy and only spoke when spoken to first. Adeline found the girl rather cute and she swore to protect her as long as she was with them.

Once they reached the cabin, the girl requested to sleep immediately, as she wasn’t hungry and still needed some time to recover from the shock, the family showed her a room and then left her alone for the time being, as they decided to quickly come up with a plan on how to proceed. In the end they decided that Adeline should act as a bodyguard for the little girl, while her parents would scout out the area for any potential threats.

“Don’t worry! I‘ll keep this cute little girl alive!" Adeline exclaimed happily and both her parents smiled at her little antics.

"I know you will honey, but please quite down, you might wake her y‘know." Adeline‘s cheeks suddenly got a bit red at the comment.

"You find me cute?" A sudden voice scared them, as the little girl was suddenly behind them, none of them had noticed once again, this girl was really good at sneaking around. At the mentioning of her previous comment Adelines cheeks grew three whole shades darker. Before she could retort however the girl was suddenly right in her face and stared into Adelines eyes, her ruby red eyes seemed to shine for a moment.

"Because I find you rather cute as well. I think I‘ll play with you a bit. I wanna see all your adorable little faces." The Girls Voice suddenly grew three octaves deeper and she purred the words into Adelines ears when she suddenly snapped her fingers. Adeline, who felt the most embarrassed a few seconds ago, suddenly felt confused and scared as she felt how something suddenly ensnared her, as she looked down she suddenly saw multiple black chains around her body, preventing her from moving.

Adeline screamed in confusion and fear, before Hanna quickly put a finger on her mouth to silence her.

"Hey now, we aren’t even in bed yet, keep your oxygen for that K?" Hanna smiled a wicked smile at her and Adelines confusion only grew, it was at this moment that cold steel suddenly made contact with Hannas neck.

Angrily looking backwards Hanna saw Adelines father standing there, his axe on her neck. Her mother stood right behind him with a fireball in her hand, both had extremely angry expressions. Hanna grinned at them.

"I suggest you unhand my daughter immediately, or else-…" Hanna interrupted him before he could speak any further.

"Or what greasy bastard, it’s not like you could hurt me." She grabbed the blade of the axe and in one motion broke it in two, everyone present stumbled back in disbelief, expect for Hanna and Adeline, but for different reasons. Hanna had a giant smirk on her face and her eyes shined blood red, before turning to the mother.

"Unless You want to burn down your own home, I would suggest you put out that little flame you have there, it wouldn’t hurt me anyway."

Both parents stumbled back as they realised how utterly screwed they were, this girl in front of them was an utter monster. As if to confirm their inner thoughts, cat like ears suddenly sprouted from the girls head, as well as a long tail with an small stinger at its end and long claws on each hand.

"The father spoke in complete fear. "W-what are you?" Hanna only giggled in return.

"I already told you, I‘m Hanna, Hanna the Dark Margenko nice to make your acquaintance, it took quite a lot out of me not to murder you guys immediately, so please compensate now, by screaming as loudly as possible yes?"

With blinding speed the tail shot forward striking the father directly in the neck and before any one could blink it was inside the mother. A few moments later they both started to convulse in pain and started to scream in pure pain and despair. Adeline looked on with horror and with tears in her eyes.

"Wha-What did you do to them?!" She screamed at Hanna who stood behind her, having a expression of pure satisfaction and pleasure on her face. She answered only after a few moments.

"I‘ve poisoned them, they will be in pain until the poison will reach their heart and they drop dead. But back to you for a moment, I said you looked rather cute yourself and I just can’t help my self y‘know."

Before Adeline could comprehend what was truly happening, her cloths were suddenly destroyed by Hanna’s claws, leaving her completely naked. Hanna then licked the nape of her neck at which Adeline let out a shriek.

"You sound just as lovely as you look dear, please don’t stop~." And with that Hanna unleashed a endless stream of kisses and bites on the the poor girls body, while her hand caressed both Adelines sides and breasts, occasionally flipping the nipple.

Adeline couldn’t contain her her moans for long at the endless assault of sensations against her body. The night was filled endless screams, the parents screamed in absolute pain, as they suffered through the poison while also seeing  their daughter being raped, while Adeline saw her parent die a slow and painful death, while all she could do was watch and scream in pleasure as the sensations against her body never stopped.

Eventually she could get a small question out during her endless moaning and crying.

"w-why are you doing this?" Hanna only giggled against her neck as she bit a extremely sensitive spot that had already multiple bruises surrounding it.

"Because I can, little girl, simply because I can.~"

As promised, heres the map Hanna found inside those ruins. It's not that detailed but I think its serves its purpose of showing the world. 

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