Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 41: Neither God nor Mortal.

Hanna didn’t know for how long she had fallen, maybe she was still falling? She couldn’t tell, or maybe she didn’t want to tell.

There was complete darkness around her, she didn’t know if her eyes were opened or closed as it didn’t make a difference, the darkness around her didn’t change or shift even a little bit, no matter how often she blinked.

While her vision was completely useless to her in the pitch black void around her, her ears were seemingly working overtime to compensate for her lack of vision, she could hear hundreds of voices and whispers coming from all direction, though even that was useless as she did not understand a word they were saying, or more precisely, she didn’t even know if what she heard were words at all, to her they all mixed together, all the different tones and inflections coming together to creat a concert of incomprehensible noises for her to listen to.

Her head pounded, the pain emanating from it being the only thing she could feel anymore, and it was her only anchor that clearly showed her she was still alive, dead people couldn’t feel pain after all.

And so she continued falling, the pounding in her head never ending, the avalanche of incomprehensible screams and whisper seemingly unending, but eventually she heard something else, something she could understand. It was faint and she could only hear it occasionally when most of the other voices were also whispers at the time, but whenever she did hear it, it was undeniable.

She heard her name, over and over, she swore she had heard that voice once before, the tone and inflections in it were so dignified and unlike anything else she had ever heard and yet her mind stayed blank refusing to connect that voice to a name or face, but Hanna didn’t let up and she tried to focus on that voice, she thought that, if she focused hard enough, she could possibly wake up from this nightmarish place, the familiar voice like a lighthouse in an otherwise dark ocean.

Now, whenever she could hear the whispers of her name, she tried to hone in on it, trying to tune out everything else and after a few rounds of trial and error she finally caught that whisper and she spent all her willpower to try and hear it more clear and slowly but surly, the other voices started to quite down while the whisper grew in strength, becoming clearer and clearer with each try, soon the whisper turned into more then just a name, she could make out other words, soon turning the whisper into a fully fledged sentence.

'Hanna… I‘ve come to make an accord…' The voice was ghostly and weak, yet clearer then any gem could ever be, it send a shiver down Hanna‘s spine as she listened to the whispery voice speak to her, offering her a deal. Was this the world itself speaking to her? That one weirdo claiming to be Death itself mentioned something like this had happened to him as well?

'You are a disgusting tumour upon everyone’s existence, you defy any and all natural orders I may creat, you are a corruption that seeks to distort and defile everything sacred and beautiful into a twisted mockery of what it once was, all for just a bit of entertainment.'

Hanna felt everything around her spin, as the darkness finally gave way to reveal a wide open plain before her, filled with life of every kind.

She saw every plant she knew of and many countless more, she saw animals from a small bug to something resembling an elephant with two trunks, a soft wind made the trees and all their branches shack in soothing rhythm. This place was beyond beautiful and idyllic, a perfect order of everything that made nature beautiful.

But before she could stop and admire the beauty around her, she felt a great pain in her chest, and it simply vanished in the very same moment. Confused she looked again at the beautiful scenery before, a harmonious order of nature, where everything was beautiful idyllic and peaceful.

And she was filled with disgust and a desire to see it all break apart.

Hanna recoiled at her own thoughts, even after her transformation into a sadistic monster she never displayed any form of dislike towards nature, maybe a little less compared to her old life, but even as a cold blooded killer who murdered to feast on the suffering of others did she not enjoy a beautiful scenery.

The first time she had set her eyes on the plains that had surrounded that one village she had burned down, she was awe struck at the simple beauty of it, a simple stretch of plain, periodicaly dotted by a simple farm house or shed. She had considered it so beautiful and simple she didn’t want to actually destroy that village in the first place, the last few parts of her old self, retaking free of the divine entity inhabiting her body and mind at the time, only after almost dying had she lost her old self to the entity inside of her, letting it’s feelings and instincts control every single move she made.

And even then she hadn’t felt such animosity against something as beautiful as this, she felt nothing but a burning need to destroy lives and make them all suffer, but that never extended to nature like it was right now.

And Hanna did not like that one bit.

She had just come free from the clutches of an powerful otherworldly entity, overwriting her thoughts and ambitions with their instincts, and she wan not about to lose that freedom!

"And w-who the hell are you to tell me what I am!?" Her voice was rough and raspy, like she hadn’t consumed anything besides smoke for the last 30 years, and moving her mouth slightly hurt her, but she ignored it as best as she could, right now was not the time for weakness!

'You are a disgusting tumour upon everyone’s existence, you defy any and all natural orders I may creat, you are a corruption that seeks to distort and defile everything sacred and beautiful into a twisted mockery of what it once was, all for just a bit of entertainment.

I‘m the land you stand on, the air you breathe, the sounds you hear and the things you see. Everything that moves is mine and all that is still is mine. This world is mine. And so are you.'

Hanna held her head as a headache started to make it self known and it was becoming harder to focus on anything happening around her and she was barley able to understand what the voice was actually saying and it made her angry. She didn’t belong to anyone and no one could tell her what to do, and what she is supposed to do, from friends telling her she shouldn’t be studying philosophy, to gods who controlled the entire world, she was her own person and she made her own decisions!

Despite her entire body aching painfully, she defiantly raised her head high and stared into the scene of greenery and animals before her, where she assumed the voice she was hearing was coming from.

"I don’t belong to you." It was a simple statement, but the effect was immediate.

The second those words left her lips, the scene in front of her erupted into motion, all the animals started to stampede towards her, only to stop shortly before they reached her and circle back around to start all over again, every plant grew in an instant only to did. a few seconds later and then, from it’s dead parts they grew anew.

In the far back of the scene, Hanna could see a light flickering and she knew she had her target.

Ignoring the increasing pain coming from her skull and the burning aching in the rest of her body, she tried to move, at first the pain was simply to great and her body refused to respond, she could also feel a pressure building all around her. The animals increased their speed in which they stampeded towards her and the plants grew to even greater heights and died and regrew at even faster speeds.

Hanna ignored it all, there was only one goal in her mind, only one thing her eyes were focusing on, that light, she was sure it was the entity speaking to her, claiming ownership of the world, claiming ownership over her, but she had enough! She will get over there and show that she herself was in control of herself and no one else!

Finally, she was able to take the first step, and a few moments later the next one and then the next one. Slowly but surely she was making her way across the field and towards the flickering light before her.

With every step she took, the voice echoed in her mind once more, and Hanna was sure she could hear a desperation creep into the it with every step she came closer to the light and she couldn’t help herself to release a small smirk onto her lips, despite the extra strain it brought onto her.

'I‘m the land you stand on, the air you breathe, the sounds you hear and the things you see. Everything that moves is mine and all that is still is mine. This world is mine. And so are you. All of existence is there because I will it, there is nothing that I can’t make everything do or make, I am the one who controls everything.'

More and more animals started to join the stampede and the further she went the more monstrous the animal became, eventually being nothing but a shell of their former selfs, instead being covered in claws and teeth in an attempt to look scary, the plants also grew into different varieties soon enough, now including multiple carnivorous ones, that seemingly posses intelligence of their own, who proceeded to snap in Hanna‘s direction over and over again.

And yet nothing actually stood in her way, the snapping teeth and slashing claws stoping a few centimetres before they could harm her, it was nothing more but an thinly veiled attempt at scaring her into submission, but Hanna was convinced that there was nothing that the entity could actually do to harm her, she was not one of its puppets, she was not under its domain and therefore it was powerless, after all if it could stop her, why didn’t it?

Of course Hanna was far to tunnel visioned to realise, that maybe, the entity let her do everything that was currently happening.

Hanna soon reached a small hill, upon which a small ball of green light flickered like a beating heart. When she set her foot upon the hill, the flickering got faster and with every following step, it continued to increase in speed.

Birds with talons sharper then swords began to swoop down at her, missing her eyes and ears by, what can only be described as millimetres. Of course, Hanna stayed undeterred from it all, still completely assured in her theory that she couldn’t be hurt by this entity.

Once she took the final step and stood atop the hill, she was greeted by a line of humanoids, fully covered in shining white armour and each carrying a weapon of war, from the simple sword, axes and spears, to halberds and crossbows.

'I‘m the land you stand on, the air you breathe, the sounds you hear and the things you see. Everything that moves is mine and all that is still is mine. This world is mine. And so are you. All of existence is there because I will it, there is nothing that I can’t make everything do or make, I am the one who controls everything, I am the birth of creation and everything that is, is mine to control'

Hanna could spot humans and elves among the row of people in front of her, but also multiple she had never seen before, creatures half the height of a human, creatures double the height of them, some had fur and other animal features and some with weirdly long hair, covering most of their upper torso.

There were many more, but Hanna never got the chance to actually take the entire scene, as the moment the entity had stopped its last sentence, they all let out a collective cry of battle and attacked.

Spectral arrows shot towards her and everyone else began to charge straight at her with a battle cry on their lips.

More out of reflex then anything else, Hanna tried to avoid the incoming arrows, but the journey up the hill had taken its toll on her and the pain she had felt across her body only ever increased, so despite her best attempts at falling to the ground or rolling to the side, she simply stood still, her body refusing to move.

The first arrow made contact with her chest, right where her heart was supposed to be and it went straight through her and out the other side, the other arrows following suit soon after, all piercing her chest in one way or another and all of them coming out her back.

Without doing anything at all to her.

Soon all the ghastly apparitions reached her, their individual war cries overwhelming Hanna‘s sensitive ears, she believed that was the first time the entity had done something to actually hurt her. Hanna quickly covered her ears with her hands in a vain attempt to keep her ears save from the onslaught of screams of the apparitions continued charge forward to meet a opponent that wasn’t even there.

Soon the cries got quieter and quieter, looking behind her, Hanna could see the host continuously charging forward, slowly fading into the darkness beyond, looking down she could see rows of bows, crossbows and quivers, discarded onto the ground in favour of whatever melee weapon they might have carried, but in the end of it all, it didn’t matter, they hadn’t stopped her, nor harmed her.

Besides some new uncomfortable ringing inside her ears, they had archived absolutely nothing.

With a smirk on her lips and with the a new level of confidence, she got up from the ground slowly and her eyes never left the esteemed prize that was only a few more measly steps away from her, nothing could stop her now and the thrill and excitement she felt at that very moment was beyond anything she could have ever imagined.

She had always enjoyed her victims more if they had been in a position of power, watching those kinds of people slowly realising how they were about to lose everything was always so much more delicious then the look of a simple farm hand and right now she was about to experience this situation with the most powerful thing there is, it has called itself the creator and the one who was controlling everything, but it couldn’t control her, to watch such a powerful entity slowly fall to despair as it realises how it had no power over her.

That’s what she believes was happening at least.

She was now standing right in front of the source of the glowing that had been her target ever since it had first appeared, a small ball of a see through material, where Hanna could observe ever change images flash before her and then disappearing, she spotted a forest, a savanna, a dessert and even what she could only assume was the bottom of the ocean. Every single one of these images included life in some way or form, you could see fishes swim, a large group of animal grazing the plains and a human village, where the merchant had just arrived.

This, she was certain, was the true form of the entity who had spoken to her the entire time, who had dared to even suggest that she wasn’t the one in control of herself and her place in the world, she was the one in control of her own destiny and decided where she would go.

She took a hold of the small stone, perfectly fitting into her palm, she stared at it and the pictures it was constantly showing to her, each showing her a new place with different things, but life was always there. She couldn’t help but lick her lips at the thoughts that were now running through her head, the thought of defiling it all came to her mind, all this life that  was shown to her represented this entity and it’s control over this world and Hanna wanted to make it suffer as much as possible, for daring to question her integrity over her own fate and place in this world.

Hanna reached out with her hand, trying to get a hold of the stone she believed the entity was inhabiting, intending to crush it into dust. However, just before she was able to touch the stone, her hand was suddenly stopped like it had hit a wall and suddenly pain exploded inside of her arm.

Hanna roared in pain and fell to her knees, desperately trying to remove her arm, but no matter how hard she tried her arm wouldn’t move, in an attempt to remove it she tried to yank her arm back with the help of her other arm, but the moment her other arm made contact, the pain only intensified and it also stopped moving, regardless of what Hanna tried to get it move.

'I am the creator of all, I control everything that is and nothing is beyond my control, all of existence is at my fingertips and it is I who sets the pieces on the game Board that is existence, you are nothing but another set piece for me to control in this game you call existence and nothing you do will change that. The world and all that exists are but my pawns to control.'

Suddenly, her arms began to move, but it wasn’t her controlling the movements, something else was. Her right hand balled into a fist and slammed into her face, the left soon followed. She stumbled backwards at the impact, hissing in pain, but before she could properly regain her sense, another round of blows came her way, sending her backwards again, dangerously close to the edge of the hill.

Either due to quick thinking or possibly extreme luck, Hanna turned around just as the third round of blows made contact with her, sending her backwards again, but preventing her from falling down the edge.

After the sixth hit to her face, Hanna finally tried to fight back, tho it barley did anything, she tried to regain control of her arms but besides slowing the onslaught of punches down, it did little. After around 12 punches to the face, there rang a loud crack in the silence of this realm, Hanna suspected her nose was broken, but since her body was wrecked by pain all over, she barley felt it.

She could hear the trademark sizzling of her black blood all around her, as it burned through the ground all around her, but it barley registered in her mind, the only thing left there were hatred, rage and anger.

This entity had truly taken control of her and she absolutely despised it for it, all she now wants is for it to suffer endless torment at her hands, but she could rage and dream about it all she liked, it wouldn’t help her in this situation, but her hatred and exhausted mind had a solution ready, she just needed to wait for the right moment.

However she knew she couldn’t keep this up for very long anymore, her body had been all encompassed by pain the moment she first arrived here and she was absolutely exhausted, but her hatred and rage gave her just enough willpower to see this absolutely insane solution her pain, hatred and exhaustion filled  brain came up with to the end.

She stumbled backwards after a particular strong punch hit her and she swore she lost at least a tooth or two at impact, but that didn’t matter, because now she was finally in position to carry out her plan, the entity had only taken controlled her arms and no other body parts and Hanna was about to make the most use out of this observation.

The moment she realised she was finally in position, right next to the still glowing stone that she believed held the entity inside of it, she took her entire strength and willpower that was left in her, using her hatred and rage to fuel her further, she directed it all into her legs and jumped forward, opening her mouth and swallowing the stone whole.

She landed face first in the dirt of the hill and broke out into maniacal laughter, as she believed she had won, but just a few moments later, she became quieter and over time her laughter turned into coughing and soon she was lying on the floor grasping her chest, as breathing became more and more difficult.

As the darkness around her vision began to expand, she noticed something in the far back of the horizon, a faint flickering, green glow and behind it a garden filled with plants and life’s of all kinds and Hanna realised she hadn’t won at all.

In the last moments before the darkness completely filled her vision, she swore she would make this entity suffer her wrath sooner or later, she would take everything from it, and laugh as it falls into despair at her feet, no matter what it takes.

After having taken that oath with herself, the darkness finally took her.


"I‘m rather sure you could have gotten her to simply take the roll with a bit of arguing, could have saved you losing one of your espionage stones you know~ Unless~~ Don’t tell me you actually developed feelings and simply enjoyed torturing the poor girl?~"

"Retort: Analysis showed that subject had an increased rate of 45% of fulfilling her designated role if tricked into believing she chose that path herself, rather then this unit choosing it for her."

"Argh and here I thought  you finally grew a heart… you only ever think it numbers you should stop that, existing other ways is way more fun."

"Claims are being cross examined by data bank: Conclusion: Following a logical mathematical approach guarantees a 36.3% higher control rate for this unit. All other paths have values lower and are therefore ignored.

"Observation: If entity Paul remains here for more then 46 seconds he will have violated the contract signed with this unit, resulting in immediate extermination of the entity, starting countdown in…-"

"Alright, Alright I‘m going already! I was just curious that’s all, this girl truly interests me is all, and I wanted to see how her transformation would play out is all."

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