Reincarnated as the Strongest Dragon

Chapter 15: Preparation I

I woke up the next day to what could be anywhere from morning to noon. Looks like the weather forecast for today is dull and grey, not the most optimal weather to fly in.

It shouldn’t be too late since this one is still snuggled into my embrace so I guess I don’t have to rush up just yet. Considering the weather we might as well just postpone the trip one day. Or I could just use magic to make the clouds disperse, wouldn’t be much of a heavenly sky dragon if a few clouds bested me.

I gently caressed Liz’s cheek. Cute, beautiful, fragile Liz. A surge of dread washed over me.

That’s right, fragile. Out of all the words I could use to describe her, fragile echoes in my mind. What am I really doing here? Since when do I get involved with, for a lack of a better word, mortals? Sleeping with her is one thing but bringing her along on a trip? What is wrong with me? This isn’t modern earth society, where safety was at least mostly guaranteed in civilized countries, but a world full of monsters where death is a common occurrence. I’m just signing up to get hurt, aren’t I? No matter the outcome I will be left behind. I’m pretty sure I have never asked anyone to come with me on my trips before. Is it because she already knows that I’m a dragon?

I probably shouldn’t overthink this. For all I know Liz might think it is a one time thing and has no intent on hanging around other than a fun trip to the capital. But wait, wouldn’t that be for the best? If she decided to do that, she wouldn’t get hurt as opposed to if I left… Huh? She gets hurt? Why am I worrying about her? Wasn’t this about me? 

I looked down and met Liz’s gaze. “Uhm, Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes the bed and… everything else was amazing,” She said with a faint blush. “I am a bit hungover though. What about you? Are you okay?”

“Huh, if I’m okay? Uhm, yeah, of course.”

“It’s just that I watched you for a while and you were just staring up at the ceiling…”

What the hell [Thought Acceleration]?! The one time I actually needed to think you decided not to activate? She must think I’m regretting last night or something… which I don’t know if I do.

“Ah, I was just thinking about what preparations to do before we leave for the capital,” I said, “Unless you have changed your mind about coming along?”

Liz had a confused look. “Huh? The capital?”

“...” I stared at her.

She let out a giggle. “I’m sorry, of course I remember. I wasn’t that drunk.”

“I hate you,” I said and turned around.

“Noo, wait, I’m sorry!” She said and hugged me from behind.

“You’re lucky you’re so cute,” I said and put my hand on hers, “But we should really get up, unless you planned for us to stay in bed all day?”

She turned her gaze down towards my waist for a moment. “... Is that an option?”

“Nope!” I grinned and escaped from her embrace. I snapped my fingers and was clothed and ready to go.

“That’s so unfair,” She groaned before rolling out of bed. She started collecting her clothes and getting dressed. “Do you have to stare?” she asked and frowned at me, who was leaning against the wall.

“Have to? Nope. Want to? Yes,” I said with an innocent smile.

Liz just sighed and rolled her eyes.


After Liz got dressed we left the room and went downstairs to hopefully get some breakfast. From the looks of it we made it before lunch at least. We noticed Mira with her head on a table sporting a pained expression and walked over to her and sat down.

“Morning, hungover again?” Liz said and smirked. She then proceeded to lock eyes with Muscles at the bar and motioned something with her hand.

Was that the ‘give me food’ gesture? Do I have to do something as well? Guess I'll wait and see.

“Ugh, I want to die,” Mira said and rubbed her forehead. “What about you? Had a pleasant night?” She looked at Liz with a small grin.

“W-What do you mean?” Liz said, embarrassed.

“Nothing at all, except of course that you weren’t in your room when I went to check and now you came down with Luna.” Mira looked at Liz, which turned more and more red, “Good for you.”

Liz was looking down at the table and I couldn't help but to poke her cheek. “How can someone be this innocent?”

“Don't forget obvious,” Mira added and laughed. “You could have given me any number of reasons why you were sleeping in Luna's room but you went straight to blushing,” She said with a grin, which made Liz smile a little even though she tried to hide it.

As we were bullying Liz, the woman who I guessed was Muscles’ wife, came over with a tray full of something I would describe as a decent breakfast. Bread, slices of some kind of meat and cheese, two bowls of something I would assume was vegetable soup and a jug of something that smelled sweet.

I hope all the inns have food this good. Maybe I should buy some to bring with me before we leave, just in case?

“So what are your plans for today?” I asked Mira. “Other than suffering that is.”

“Ugh, maybe die?” She groaned. “I need to go to the guild and figure something out about my gear. I won’t be able to earn any money for my living expenses like this.”

“Well, do you want me to make you a staff?” I asked and took another bite.

“You can make magic mediums?” Mira asked with a curious look.

I gave her a smile. “I dabble.”

“Wait, wait,” Liz said and leaned over towards me and whispered, “If you make a staff won’t it become national treasure level?”

“I do know how to hold back you know,” I whispered back with a pout.

“What are you two whispering about,” Mira asked and looked at Liz.

“Oh nothing. Liz was just jealous that I was giving presents to other girls,” I said with a grin.

“No I wasn’t!”

“Don’t bully her too much, Luna,” Mira said with a smirk. “Her shyness is her best trait.”

“I can agree with that,” I said and smiled at the sulking Liz.

“But anyway, I can’t ask you to make me a staff. I don’t have money to commission one that would be of decent quality.”

“It should be fine,” I said and tapped a finger on my chin, “I should have everything I need to make a good one after my trip to the guild.”

“It would be better if you just gave up and accepted it,” Liz piped up. “Luna just does whatever she wants.”

“Hey! Don’t make it sound like I forced you into doing something!”

Liz's eyes widened as she looked at me. “Aah! That’s not what I meant!.”

“Then what did you mean?” Mira looked at Liz curiously.

“Aah, nothing,” Liz said and buried her face in her hands.

“You two are fun to be around,” I said with a grin. “I have to pop by the guild and get some other stuff sorted now, what are you going to do?”

Liz stood up. “I will join you.”

“I will go as well,” Mira groaned and did her best to stand up, “Guh, someone drag me there please.”

“Want me to carry you? I’m beginning to become an expert in that area,” I said and laughed.

“So that’s how I got to my room last night?”

“That’s right.”

“Thank you but I will walk by myself. It feels like I will get into a bad habit if I make you carry me around like luggage every time we meet.”


We left the inn and made our way to the adventurers guild. It looked like the morning rush, where everyone is trying to get a quest for the day, had already ended. I walked towards the counter, with Liz and Mira in tow, and locked eyes with Hanna.

Hanna put down a folder and walked over to her seat. “Hello you three, what can I help you with today?” 

“I wanted to see if the dismantling business was done.” 

“Ah, yes, I do believe it’s done,” She said and motioned, “If you would follow me please.”

We walked over to the dismantling area, where a couple of workers were busy slicing up monsters.

“These are the items you wanted to keep,” Hanna said and pointed at a few magic stones and some wood on a shelf. “Do you want the whole payment in money or do you want to keep some with the guild?”

I tapped my finger on my chin. “I’ll take it in money, I need to purchase some things that I don’t know how expensive they are.”

She opened a safe next to the shelf and took out a heavy pouch. “Then this is your payment.”

I took the pouch and tossed it in [Inventory]. “Wow, that was a lot more than I thought it would be.”

"It’s a considerable amount, and that was after the dismantling fee," Hanna said. "Wait! How did you know how much money the pouch had in it?"

“When I put it in my [Inventory] it tells me how many of each coin I have in there. I don’t even need the pouch anymore,” I said and took out the empty pouch out of thin air and showed it.

“Wow, that's amazing! What kind of spell is that?” Hanna’s eyes were full of sparkles.

“You’re doing it again,” I said with a smirk, “Oh right, I guess you can have this back,” I said and tossed her the empty pouch.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself sometimes.”

“Sometimes? More like all the time!” One of the dismantlers yelled as they all laughed.

“Anyway, I guess I can take these then?” I said to the embarrassed receptionist and started tossing the magic stones and the wood in my [Inventory]. “Is that all or do you need me for something else?”

“The guildmaster said she had something to give you. Do you have time to see her now?”

“Of course.”

“Then please follow me to her office,” Hanna said and started walking back to the reception area.

“We will wait here,” Liz said when we came back out to the hall. 

“Okay, hopefully it won’t take long,” I said and followed Hanna up the stairs.


Hanna knocked on the door to the guildmasters office. “I brought Luna with me.”

“You may enter.”

“Hello Chloe, I was told you had something to give me?” I said and wondered if I should sit down or not.

“Yes, it’s this.” She picked up a letter with a wax seal on it and held it up. “Give this to the guildmaster in the capital. It should speed things up.”

“And what is this?”

“Just a letter of introduction.”

“And does this letter include the fact that I’m a dragon?”

Chloe tapped her fingers on her desk, “No, I’m leaving that up to your own discretion but it might be beneficial to tell him. The guildmaster in the capital is a better man than most so I doubt he would cause any trouble.”

“I will leave that decision for when I meet him then,” I said and stored the letter. “Was there anything else?”

“Do you have time to take on a few high ranking requests for me?” Chloe asked with a pleading face.

“Sorry, maybe when I come back,” I said and turned. “It will probably take a while though.”

“I see, what a shame,” She said, disappointed. “Give my regards to the old geezer.”

I walked back down the stairs and was greeted by Liz. Mira was discussing something with a few people at a table further away.

“Did you miss me?” I said as I walked up to Liz.

“Maybe,” She said with a smirk. “How did it go with the guildmaster?”

“She just gave me a letter to give to the guildmaster in the capital,” I said. “And tried to make me take some quests before I fled.”

“I see,” She said and looked at Mira. “Mira is discussing something with some people she parties up with sometimes.”

“What do you want to do? I need to do some shopping before our trip.”

“When are we going?”

“Do you want to go tomorrow? The weather isn’t the best today. Or maybe you want me to clear the skies?” I said with a giggle.

“Can you?”

“Of course.” I smiled. “But it’s probably better to go tomorrow. It gives me more time to handle the things I need to do here.”

“What do you need to do?”

“Provision shopping. I would also like to walk around the marketplace and see what’s new,” I said and pondered. “There is also that staff I have to make.”

As Liz was about to reply Mira walked over. “You’re back. I wanted to talk to you about that staff. Is it really okay if you make one? It would be a big help but I don’t want to impose,” Mira said anxiously.

“I already offered, no need to be bashful.”

“Thank you, I swear I will pay you back,” she said and clasped my hand. “Liz said you are going to the capital, when will you be back? I might be able to borrow a replacement until then.”

“Oh, I should have it done before we leave so you don’t have to worry.”

Mira looked doubtful. “Doesn’t it take a long time to make quality staves?”

“No idea how long it takes for other people,” I said with a smile. “But I will probably be done by tonight so look forward to when I come back to the inn.”

I turned to Liz, “You want to come show me around town? I don’t know where to buy stuff.”

“You can leave it to me!” Liz said almost too eagerly.

Mira picked up on it and yelled after we started walking away, “Enjoy your date.”

Liz looked embarrassed when we walked out the door.

She really is such a cutie.

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