Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch27- Establishing Dominance

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Under the twilight sky, the cavernous space within Meteor City echoed with the clash of Nen, a cacophony of raw power unleashed. Uvogin, his afro hair caught in a wild dance around his hulking form, barreled towards Haruto, fists pulsating with Nen. Nobunaga, his katana rippling with aura, backed him from the side.

Canary's brows knitted together, her fists clenched at her sides, as she watched Haruto fend off both adults with an elegant, effortless grace. It was not the disparity of strength that held her captive; rather, it was Haruto’s unflinching composure that evoked her respect.

Koshiro, the elderly Nen master, sat cross-legged on a rock nearby, observing the spectacle with calculating eyes. He held a cane loosely in one hand, his grizzled features bathed in the dim light. "Uvo, Nobu," he called out, "You're putting too much force into your blows. Nen isn't just about brute strength!"

The training continued, Uvogin and Nobunaga’s attacks met with Haruto's patient retaliations. Feitan, a lithe figure dressed in dark clothes, observed with a brooding silence, his eyes reflecting the deadly dance of Nen.

Suddenly, Uvogin roared, his raw power flaring out, and made a frenzied charge. Haruto stepped aside, his movement barely a flicker before he was behind Uvogin, landing a gentle tap on the large man's back. Uvogin crumpled, gasping for breath.

"No fair, Haruto!" Uvogin grumbled from the ground, while Nobunaga, pausing, scratched his head, a grin spreading on his face.

"Why? Because I used strategy instead of sheer force?" Haruto replied, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

Feitan, usually reticent, broke his silence, "Strategy, strength, they both lead to the same end. Winning."

Phinx, observing from a corner, crossed his arms, a smirk mirroring Nobunaga's. "Haruto is right, Uvo. Brute strength won’t always win battles.”

The older members of the group shared a collective chuckle at Uvogin's expense. This camaraderie, however subtle, was a clear nod towards Haruto's growing influence. They respected him, his strength, and more importantly, his mind.

Koshiro cleared his throat, drawing attention back to himself. "Let's call it a night. Tomorrow, we'll work on refining your control, Uvo, Nobu." His voice was gentle, yet commanding, mirroring a sense of authority that was hard to ignore.

As they dispersed, Canary lingered, her gaze on Haruto. His aura, despite the vigorous training, remained unruffled, a testament to his growing mastery over Nen.

"You fought well today," she said, her words quietly fervent.

Underneath the amethyst sky, the ragtag group assembled around a fire. The flames crackled, casting dancing shadows over their faces. They feasted on an assortment of foods scavenged and hunted from around Meteor City, their banter echoing around the rocky outcrop where they had made camp. Canary sat next to Haruto, offering him a generous share from her plate.

Feitan picked at his food, his eyes flickering between Haruto and the flames, a ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. Phinx chuckled, amused by some private joke, while Nobunaga, with an inquisitive look, turned to Haruto, "What did you mean the day we met, about Meteor City being yours?"

Haruto merely raised an eyebrow, before resuming his meal, a silent declaration that he would not indulge Nobunaga's curiosity. His reticence was not a refusal to engage; instead, it was an assertion of his self-assurance, his self-possession. He was not a man who owed explanations.

Feitan, interpreting the silence, spoke up instead, "Haruto has grand aspirations. The people of Meteor City... they're his people." His voice carried an undercurrent of respect that was unusual for the often abrasive young man. "He won't let them suffer. Not for anything."

Nobunaga tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

Canary's gaze flicked to Haruto before she answered, her voice steady, "There was an incident, an injustice. A man from our city was accused of a crime he didn't commit, but he was judged without fairness. The Council wanted to retaliate, sending a deadly message back."

Phinx picked up the story, his voice a gruff murmur, "The plan was to send twenty-eight of our own as suicide bombers. A life for a life. But Haruto...he wasn't going to let more of our people die. He acted before the council could."

"Each of the guilty ones died mysteriously, in their safe spaces," Feitan added, a dark amusement glinting in his eyes. "Next to each body was a note, 'We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us.' That's Haruto's way."

The silence that followed was broken only by the sounds of the fire crackling. Haruto continued to eat, unfazed by the revelations of his actions, while the rest of the group, lost in thought, took in the enormity of what they had just heard.

Koshiro, who had been quietly listening, suddenly broke his silence, "Actions speak louder than words. Haruto knows that." His voice was old and wise, and his eyes twinkled, as if he held a secret only he knew.

They returned to their meals, an unspoken acknowledgement of Haruto's influence among them. Nobunaga was quiet, visibly processing the tale of the bum incident, while Phinx and Feitan resumed their hushed conversations.

Canary watched Haruto closely, her eyes reflecting admiration and loyalty. Despite her young age, she understood the gravity of Haruto's actions and the profound wisdom he carried within.

Just as the fire began to dwindle, Uvogin let out a hearty laugh. "Damn, kid," he addressed Haruto, "You sure know how to make a point."

A fit of laughter filled the air as Uvogin's boisterous voice reverberated against the rocky walls. "Ah, you got a point, kid. No need to go blowing ourselves up when we've got you."

Feitan's usually somber face lit up, not with laughter but a ghost of a smile, a rare sight to witness. "Haruto's methods are... precise."

Phinx nodded from across the fire, catching Haruto's eye. His usually imposing aura softened, a silent nod of approval passing between them.


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