Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch3- Canary

With their new objective in mind, the boys moved quickly. Feitan, ever the pragmatist, reactivated the security system, trapping the guards outside the clinic. Phinks, using his brute strength, broke down the door to the room where the captives were held. Haruto, taking charge as always, directed the frightened and confused captives to safety.

As the last of the captives were escorted out of the clinic, Haruto noticed a small, three-year-old girl hiding in the corner, her eyes wide with fear. He scooped her up into his arms, his expression softening for a moment before his eyes hardened once more.

He turned to Feitan and Phinks, his voice carrying the authority of a king. "This city is ours. Everyone in it – the weak, the downtrodden – they are our subjects. We cannot allow others to hurt them."

Feitan scowled, clearly irritated by the deviation from their original plan. "And what do you propose we do? We can't save everyone in Meteor City."

Haruto's gaze was unwavering, his voice filled with conviction. "Our ambition is to rise above this wretched place and claim our rightful place in the world. But we cannot turn our backs on our people. We will protect them, not out of mercy, but out of duty. If we cannot even help our own, what use is our ambition?"

Phinks, intrigued by Haruto's kingly speech, nodded slowly. "He's got a point, Feitan. If we want to rule, we need to prove ourselves worthy of that rule."

Feitan grumbled but didn't argue further, knowing that Haruto's words held truth.

As they returned to their hideout, Haruto cradled the young girl in his arms. Her laughter reminded him of a canary's song, so he decided to name her Canary. From that day on, she became a part of their makeshift family.

Over time, Haruto continued to demonstrate his leadership skills and innate majesty, further solidifying the loyalty of Feitan and Phinks. One such example occurred a few months after rescuing Canary when the boys discovered a group of thugs preying on Meteor City residents.

As they watched the thugs from the shadows, Haruto's eyes flashed with anger. "This cannot be allowed to continue. These people are our subjects, and it is our duty to protect them."

Feitan, ever the realist, raised an eyebrow. "And how do you propose we do that?"

Haruto looked at them darkly and said without any hesitation, "We will kill them to send a message."

Feitan's eyes gleamed with a vicious hunger, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "Now that's a plan I can get behind."

Phinks chuckled, his voice filled with dark amusement. "Sounds like fun."

The boys sprang into action, their movements swift and silent as they stalked their prey. Haruto led the way, his royal bearing evident in every step, while Feitan and Phinks followed closely behind. They watched and waited, studying their targets and picking the perfect moment to strike.

When the time was right, Haruto launched himself into the fray, his movements a blur as he tore through the thugs with brutal efficiency. Feitan and Phinks joined him, their own unique fighting styles complementing Haruto's perfectly.

As they dispatched the last of the thugs, Haruto stood tall, blood dripping from his extended claws. He surveyed the scene with a king's satisfaction, knowing that they had sent a clear message: The people of Meteor City were under their protection, and any who dared to harm them would face the wrath of Haruto and his allies.

The boys returned to their hideout, where they found Canary waiting for them. Her laughter, like the song of a canary, filled the air as they regaled her with tales of their exploits.

Over the next two years, Haruto, Feitan, Phinks, and Canary had been forced to relocate their hideout multiple times. Their deeds had not gone unnoticed, and as their reputation grew, so did the danger they faced. 

They didn't have a fixed home or the guarantee of food on the table, but they always found a way. Haruto, now seven years old, led the group with the authority of a king. Feitan, ten, and Phinks, eleven, followed him loyally, their unwavering devotion a testament to his innate majesty.

Canary, who was now four years old, had become an adorable little sister to the group. She was especially attached to Haruto, following him around like a shadow. As the years passed, Canary grew into an adorable little sister figure for the group. She was most attached to Haruto, who had saved her life and given her a new family. Though she showed loyalty to Haruto in the same way Feitan and Phinks did, her relationship with him was more akin to that of a little sister. Haruto didn't mind this; he felt a deep sense of responsibility towards Canary, and her presence brought a rare warmth to their lives.

One day, as the group was preparing to move their hideout once again, they found themselves confronted by a group of people. It seemed their past deeds had finally caught up with them. The leader of the group, a sinister-looking man with a twisted grin, stepped forward.

"You've caused quite a stir, haven't you?" the man sneered, his eyes sweeping over Haruto, Feitan, Phinks, and Canary. "You've made a lot of enemies. And now, it's time for you to pay."

Haruto glared at the man, his purple eyes burning with royal fury. "You dare to threaten us? You will regret your words."

Feitan smirked, cracking his knuckles. "Yeah, I think it's time we showed these fools who they're dealing with."

Phinks grinned, his blue eyes gleaming with excitement. "This should be fun."

The man's twisted grin grew wider. "Oh, we're not afraid of you. You've made a lot of enemies, and they've sent us to take care of you, once and for all."

As the group of enemies advanced, Canary clung to Haruto's side, fear in her eyes. Haruto wrapped an arm around her protectively, his gaze never leaving their opponents.

"Stay close, Canary. We won't let anything happen to you."

Canary nodded, her small hands gripping Haruto's shirt tightly. "I know, big brother."

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