Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch59- You are Coming With!

A ripple of uncertainty went through the council at his audacious plan. Phinx was next to voice his concern. "Can that many people pass the exam at the same time?" he questioned, his stern countenance revealing his apprehension.

Haruto's gaze moved to Canary who, on cue, took out a guidebook. "According to the last ten exams, the stages are designed to test physical ability, mental acuity, and overall impression. There are no limits on how many people can pass, but they do cull the weaker participants in the early stages," she explained, her tone professional as she shared the collected data. "So long as our participants don't clash with each other, it is not impossible to have a thousand Hunters after the exam. Of course, that's the best-case scenario."

Feitan frowned, the slightest crease between his brows the only hint of his concern. "Best-case scenarios are rare," he pointed out, his hand unconsciously moving to the hilt of his blade.

"True," Haruto conceded, a trace of amusement in his voice. "But we aren't preparing for the worst-case scenario, either. We are preparing for victory. Nothing less."

Uvogin grunted, his massive hands planted firmly on the table, his knuckles white. "Are we really going to jump through their hoops like trained dogs?" he asked, his voice a low rumble. "I don't like it."

Haruto regarded him for a moment, his expression inscrutable. "Consider it less a hoop and more a test of strength," he replied, his tone even. "Besides, who said anything about playing by their rules?"

The slight shift in the atmosphere was almost tangible as the council absorbed his words. Nobunaga, usually content to remain silent, leaned forward, interest flickering in his eyes. "You have a plan, don't you, Haruto?" he asked, his gaze sharp.

The corners of Haruto's lips twitched, but he maintained his calm facade. "Canary," he began, eyes shifting to the royal guard, "you've researched the past Hunter exams extensively, have you not?"

Canary nodded, her hands clasping the guidebook. "Yes, Haruto."

"Then, based on your analysis, what is the most important factor to pass?"

A flicker of realization crossed Canary's eyes. "The candidates' will and tenacity. No matter the stage or the task, those who possess an unwavering will and the tenacity to see it through are the ones who succeed."

"Exactly," Haruto said, his gaze once again scanning the room. "Our goal is not simply to pass. It is to dominate. To show them that we are not to be trifled with. That we are more than capable of standing on our own."

Machi frowned, her eyes glinting with worry. "Haruto, sending a thousand Nen Masters to the Hunter exam is a risk. If anything should happen-"

"We will not be reckless, Machi," Haruto interrupted gently. "We are not sending them to their doom. We are sending them to win."

Feitan leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's to stop the Hunter Association from changing the rules once they see what we're up to?"

"They may try," Haruto admitted. "But we will adapt. We will prove that we are not only powerful but flexible and innovative. We will show them that we are not just a kingdom, but a force to be reckoned with."

The silence that fell upon the room was punctuated only by the soft crackling of the hearth. The council members sat in quiet contemplation, processing Haruto's words.

Jahleel was the next to speak. "In terms of the judicial system, are we prepared for the international scrutiny that will follow if we manage to succeed in this endeavor?"

"Of course," Haruto replied, not missing a beat. "Our laws and regulations are fair and just. We have nothing to hide."

Jahleel nodded, his gaze steady. "And the potential backlash from other nations who may see this move as aggressive or challenging?"

"Let them," Haruto said, his voice carrying a hint of defiance. "We are not afraid to face our adversaries. They should know that challenging us is not a decision to be made lightly."

"And what if the Association refuses to recognize our Hunters?" Shalnark asked, his gaze intent on Haruto. "Their Vice-Chairman may have proposed an alliance, but the Association is not obligated to honor it."

A predatory grin split Haruto's face as he looked at the council members, his eyes gleaming with an uncharacteristic ferocity. "The Association doesn't need the meager monthly fee we may provide," he said, his voice reverberating in the grand room. "Every nation they partner with becomes another hub for them. Not only will we allow any Hunter to visit us freely, but we will also train people for their organization to maintain our quota. Pariston's objective was never money. He challenged me to challenge them."

Feitan leaned forward, his sharp eyes focused on Haruto. "Then why are we playing their game?" he asked, his voice betraying his skepticism. "Why follow their lead?"

Haruto turned to his brother, a cunning smile playing on his lips. "Because," he said, leaning back in his throne, "that is exactly what I want from them. Let their Hunters come to my Kingdom, and let's see if they ever leave. We have plans to venture into the unknown in five years. For that, we need manpower."

A murmur swept through the council at his audacious declaration, their faces reflecting a mix of surprise and apprehension. His declaration was bold and potentially provocative, but they knew better than to underestimate their king.

Zeno Zoldyck, the Minister of Espionage and Intelligence, chuckled. "And just how do you propose to make them stay, Haruto?" he asked, his voice carrying an undertone of curiosity.

Haruto regarded him with a challenging smile. "Our Kingdom has more than enough resources and knowledge to offer. If we show them that they can grow stronger by staying here, why would they leave? Moreover, with our Nen Masters, we could even help them hone their abilities. They could train under us, learn from us. Our Kingdom could become a beacon for Hunters, a place where they can reach their full potential."

Zeno nodded, his eyes gleaming with understanding. "A clever strategy," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Make them see the advantages of staying rather than going."

"Exactly," Haruto agreed, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "We will not be their subordinate, but their partner. An equal, if not superior."

"Koshiro, notch up the training and focus on the young. Next year, Feitan will lead them to the exam," Haruto ordered, his tone one of unwavering determination.

Koshiro, the Nen Master, bowed his head, the corners of his lips tilting upward in an almost imperceptible smile. "As you wish, Haruto," he acknowledged, the respectful formality of his words not diminishing the note of affection for his pupil.

Feitan was silent for a moment before his lips curled into a rare smile, his gaze holding a mischievous glint. "I have a condition, Haruto," he said, his voice smooth but laced with a dare.

Haruto simply raised an eyebrow, giving him a nonchalant look that urged him to continue.

Feitan's smirk grew wider. "You are coming with me," he stated simply.

There was a moment of silence in the room as Haruto stared at Feitan. "Why would I need the license?" he asked, his voice showing nothing of the surprise that rippled through the council at Feitan's condition.

Feitan merely shrugged, a casual tilt of his shoulders that belied the seriousness of his words. "It is not the license I care about," he admitted. "But it has been years since you left the country. It's time for you to take a breather as well."

Haruto leaned back in his throne, considering Feitan's words. The room held its collective breath, everyone waiting for Haruto's response.

After a few moments, Haruto nodded. "Very well. I will come with you."

A smirk danced on Phinx's lips as he casually added, "Then I'm coming too." He cast a glance at Canary, adding, "No need to mention you, you won't leave him alone anyway."

Canary shot Phinx a pointed look but didn't deny his words. There was no need. Everyone in the room knew the depth of her loyalty to Haruto.

Feitan's lips curled into a grin as he looked at his old friend. "It'll be just like old times, Haruto," he said, a note of nostalgia coloring his words.

"Zeno, have your grandchildren prepare too. I want the world to know the Zoldyck family is as strong as ever," Haruto then stated, his voice resonating through the grand hall. "The past few years of residing in my kingdom has led the world to forget your name."

Zeno nodded, a serious look crossing his weathered features. "I'll make sure of it. It's high time to show them we haven't gone soft."

he room descended into a flurry of activity as the members of the council began discussing the logistics of such a large undertaking. Feitan leaned back in his throne, a dark glint in his eyes as he considered the matter at hand. "First and foremost," he began, his voice cutting through the chatter like a blade, "we need to think about the resources required for such a journey."

"Indeed," Nobunaga chimed in, the Minister of Trade and Commerce assessing the financial implications. "Traveling, lodging, meals, all will require substantial funding. Even if we include the Nen Masters' personal funds, it would be wise to secure additional sponsorship."

"A well-timed trade agreement could serve us well," Nobunaga suggested, looking at Phinx who nodded in approval, understanding the implications of a potential increase in international relations due to this event.

"Public relations will be key as well," Pakunoda, the Minister of Culture stated, her eyes sharp as she considered the matter. "We need the world to be excited, to view this as a spectacle, not a threat. Positive media coverage will be crucial."

"Right," agreed Shalnark, the Minister of Information and Communication. "We should start building the narrative as soon as possible. This can't look like a sudden power play. The Zoldyck family's involvement has to be portrayed as a show of strength and unity, not dominance."

Uvogin, the Minister of Defense, grunted in agreement. "We'll need to ensure the safety of all participants too. Organizing this event will draw attention, potentially unwanted as well. A robust security plan is essential."

Canary, the Head Royal Guard, nodded, her gaze steady on Haruto as she added, "We should consider involving other nations' security forces as well, as a measure of goodwill and transparency. It will ensure all nations feel involved and secure."

Kurtopi, the Minister of Technology and Innovation, was quick to follow, "If we want this to be a worldwide event, we need to have the technology to support it. Live streaming, social media coverage, all these will require a strong tech infrastructure."

Zeno, the Minister of Espionage and Intelligence, leaned forward. "We should also gather intel on the potential candidates, their strengths and weaknesses, any potential alliances they might have."

The room fell silent as the council members looked at Haruto, waiting for his response. Haruto considered their words, his gaze hard as he looked at each of his trusted council members. "These are all good points," he finally said, "Prepare a detailed plan. I want the world to witness our might."


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