Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch66- The Young King of Meteor City

As Haruto was deep in thought in his throne room, Canary walked in with Koshiro, their Nen Master since they were little, and current King's Advisor and Kingdom's Nen Master. With them walked a graceful woman. Canary moved to stand behind Haruto, while Koshiro and Yumeko positioned themselves in front of him, answering his summon.

Haruto’s gaze remained steady, more akin to the serene surface of a still pond than to any fleeting emotion. His eyes were an unmoving fixture, absorbing his subjects, yet betraying nothing. "Report," he said, his voice the very embodiment of control.

Koshiro bowed slightly, a customary gesture, though he'd known Haruto since he was a child. "Your Highness," he began, "we have received word that neighboring lands are showing interest in our Nen techniques, particularly in the agricultural sector. They are eager to learn from us."

"That is to be expected," Haruto replied, his tone steady as the unfaltering tick of a grand clock. "The world turns its eyes to strength and prosperity. It was only a matter of time."

Yumeko’s deep blue eyes, rich with a profound wisdom, held Haruto's gaze as she spoke. "It is indeed a compliment to your vision, Your Highness. They see the harmony and strength you’ve instilled in this land and its people," she said, her voice like the soothing touch of a practiced healer – warm, assured, and compassionate.

Yumeko lived in a small corner community in the old Meteor City. She suffered at the hands of an abusive husband until Haruto, the King, discovered her situation during one of his visits to the outlying regions of the Kingdom. Observant and perceptive, Haruto saw in Yumeko an innate intelligence and resilience that indicated potential for great things.

In Yumeko, he recognized not weakness, but tempered strength — a kind of grace that only blooms in adversity. Haruto saw potential that was vital, not just to her, but for the whole kingdom. After all, his land thrived on the promise of the possible, not just the realization of the evident. Her grace, her serenity, seemed to him a resource more valuable than anything his kingdom's mines could offer. It was not something he, nor his kingdom, could afford to waste.

The day Haruto decided to intervene was an unassuming one. Yumeko had been tending to her home's small garden when Haruto arrived. Rather than a royal decree, it was a firm assurance, a sincere offer of safety and a new path that would not only liberate Yumeko but would help his kingdom. Yumeko, with a steady heart and tears that were equal parts sorrow for her past and hope for her future, accepted Haruto's offer.

To Yumeko, Haruto wasn't just her king. He was her savior and her teacher. She, who once flinched at the mere raising of a voice, would, in time, stand unflinching before a crowd, directing them in the ways of Nen under Haruto's leadership. Under Haruto’s direct guidance, Yumeko blossomed. He nurtured her talent patiently, her Hatsu awakening under his tutelage.

This Hatsu was called Hive Harmonizer. It allowed Yumeko to assist commoners in awakening the same Hatsu for everyday use, like agriculture and husbandry. It was more than a skill; it was a call and response — a dialogue between Yumeko and the people she helped. With her guidance, fields grew more bountiful, animals healthier, and the once barren parts of the kingdom flourished like never before.

Her resilience, stemming from her own history of hardship, became her most substantial anchor. This mental and emotional fortitude made her uniquely capable of maintaining her taxing Hatsu. Her eyes, which had once reflected deep pools of pain, now shone with the depth of wisdom and gentle leadership. When Yumeko spoke, people listened — her past, her grace, and her poise made her an inspiring figure. Her team was no exception.

Yumeko’s team consisted of individuals from various backgrounds, some of whom shared pasts marked by struggle and hardship similar to her own. Each was handpicked by Yumeko herself, their potential recognized and fostered just as hers had been. They were extensions of her will, her purpose. Each member of her team had been trained to use a version of the Hive Harmonizer ability, albeit at a lesser scale and potency compared to Yumeko herself.

These were the stewards of Haruto's vision, dispatched across different parts of the Kingdom to implement large-scale projects and initiatives. Under Yumeko’s guidance, they used their version of the Hive Harmonizer ability to awaken and guide practical Hatsu abilities within the populace.

"Yumeko," Haruto called. She bowed deeply, showing how much she respected him.

"Yes, Your Highness," she said.

"I want you to train a new batch of farmers," he ordered. "The land is rich, but we are not using it effectively. Guide them to create a Hatsu that can replenish the soil."

Yumeko bowed once again. "As you command, My King," she replied, the corners of her mouth curving subtly upwards in a genuine, appreciative smile.

Koshiro, standing a respectful distance away, smiled approvingly. "I would never have guessed Nen to be used like this," he said, his voice rich with admiration. "Before, it was just a tool for destruction, control, or fear. Now, it is a tool for improvement, for the good of the people. Haruto, you have surpassed all my expectations."

"Thank you, Koshiro," Haruto responded, his tone even but the weight of his words carrying deep acknowledgment for his old mentor. He then addressed all, "We are now self-sufficient in Agriculture, Architecture, Art and Culture, Communication, Defense and Military, Economy and Trade, Education, Environment and Sustainability, Governance and Law, Health and Medicine, Husbandry, Infrastructure, Resource Management, Science and Technology, Social Structure, and Transportation. Now we need to perfect them and become the leader in all of them."

There was a measured pause, as Haruto’s words seemed to echo throughout the room, instilling in everyone present a palpable sense of purpose and resolve.

Koshiro, always the voice of reason, ventured a question. "Your Highness, perfecting all these sectors will require immense effort and resources. Have you considered the priorities?"

Haruto’s voice was calm and assertive. "Every sector is a priority, Koshiro. Our people are not to be constrained by mediocrity."

Yumeko, in her poised manner, asked, “Your Highness, regarding the new Hatsu for the farmers, might I suggest it resembles the ‘Cycle Completer’? It would enable them to restore energy and nutrients to the soil, ensuring the land remains fertile for future seasons.”

"A wise proposal," Haruto said, his voice betraying no surprise but expressing approval nonetheless. "Ensure that they are not just taught, but that they understand the essence of the technique. It will be a part of their lives, as natural as breathing."

Yumeko nodded earnestly, "Absolutely, Your Highness. They will embrace it as a part of their very being, not just a technique to be used."

Canary, who had been silent till now, finally spoke, her voice gentle but carrying an undercurrent of steely resolve. "Haruto," she began, using his name as he insisted, "how do you plan on managing the foreign interests in our Nen techniques? We’ve seen the prosperity it brings; others will want it, too.”

Haruto's smile turned dangerous. "They were fast to deny the recognition of my Kingdom when I declared my sovereignty. They even dared to scoff at my age, dare to despise my vision. Let them watch and wriggle in regret for not seizing the opportunity when we were young. Let them wish. They think teaching Nen to masses is easy? If it was so easy, other nations would do it long ago. Meteor City, the garbage of other nations created citizens with resilience, and will. We are not harvesting that. Why do you think one of the conditions of living in my Kingdom is staying in form?"

His words were not just words; they were a vivid painting of his resolve, as exact and unyielding as a masterfully crafted blade.

Canary, her voice steady and her stance unwavering, met his gaze. "And if they try to take it by force? To replicate our success without understanding the soul of it?"

His gaze didn't falter. "They may try," he said, his voice cold as winter nights. "But they will fail, just as all who underestimate us have failed. We have not risen from the ashes of Meteor City to be trifled with."

Koshiro cleared his throat subtly, "Your Highness, this also means that we should be prepared for any form of confrontation, whether diplomatic or…" he trailed, the implication hanging heavy in the air.

"Diplomacy is the luxury of those with time to spare," Haruto replied sharply, the sound of his words akin to a striking chord. "We have offered the world our hand once. They slapped it away. Now, we rise, with or without their blessing.”

Yumeko’s voice interjected, soft but with a foundational strength. “Your Highness, the world will soon realize that what we cultivate here isn’t just power; it’s a harmonious way of life. They will come seeking this harmony, not just the might of Nen."

Haruto regarded her for a lingering moment. In the silence, the air seemed to constrict. "Then let them be students," he said finally, "not thieves. We offer knowledge, not surrender."

Canary, shifting slightly closer to Haruto, spoke again, her words like carefully chosen strokes of a painter’s brush. "And if they come not as students or thieves, Haruto, but as wolves? As threats?"

He responded without hesitation, as if the answer had been carved into his being long ago. "Then they shall learn why a wolf does not provoke a dragon."

This proclamation, edged with an unwavering certainty, seemed to resonate through the chamber, each syllable echoing Haruto's steadfast will.

Koshiro, in his balanced and ever-thoughtful demeanor, nodded at Haruto’s response. "It’s a complex tapestry we are weaving, Your Highness. The path of balance between teaching and safeguarding is narrow, but if anyone can tread it, it is you."

Haruto's acknowledgement was a subtle, almost imperceptible tilt of his head, as though Koshiro’s faith was both expected and accepted as truth. "Balance is not found," he mused aloud, "it is forged. We will forge our path, and in doing so, we will forge the future of this world."

Turning his gaze back to Yumeko, he continued, “Ensure that the new farmers understand that they are the roots of this kingdom. From them, life springs forth. They must not just use the Cycle Completer; they must live its principles.”

Yumeko’s response was akin to a vow, her deep blue eyes reflecting the unspoken gravity of her promise. "They will become the embodiment of it, Your Highness. Of that, you have my word.”

Haruto, his presence as immense and immovable as a mountain, responded not with words, but with the closing of his eyes for a mere moment—a sign of trust that spoke louder than any affirmation might.

Canary, her voice tender but echoing with an inner fire that mirrored Haruto’s, ventured further. "When the world sees what we’ve built, they will know that they underestimated Haruto, the young king who rose from Meteor City’s ashes."

"And when they come," Koshiro’s voice emerged deep and timeless rumble of the earth, "they will meet not a child, but a sovereign. Not a relic of Meteor City, but the architect of a new world order."


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