Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch68- To Kukan’yu Kingdom!

In the shadows of Meteor Kingdom’s expansive airfield, 21 sleek jets stood, shimmering in the golden hour light. A vast stretch of space was dedicated for the 20 jets intended for the battalion of a thousand Nen Masters. Adjacent to this formation was a solitary, more luxurious jet for Haruto and his close entourage: Feitan, Canary, Phinx, Pakunoda, Zeno, and the ever-vibrant Killua.

Despite the weight of the occasion, Killua's energy was almost tangible, like static electricity in the air. He would dart glances out of the window, the immense planes and the promise of the journey ahead making his heart race. But in the presence of Haruto, he made every effort to temper his excitement, every so often taking a deep breath to steady himself.

“Calm, Killua,” Zeno whispered, his eyes sharp yet filled with amusement, “Your enthusiasm might just outshine the sun.”

Killua's lips quirked in a half-smile. "It's not every day you get to see a Hunter Exam like this, Grandpa."

Zeno turned his attention from his hyperactive grandson to the poised figure beside him. “My apologies, Your Highness. He's brimming with energy today.”

With an elegant dismissiveness, Haruto waved a hand. "There's no need for apologies, Zeno. Youthful enthusiasm has its place." His gaze, cool and distant, briefly met Killua's.

Killua, feeling the weight of the moment, tried to rein in his bubbling energy. He straightened, his tone taking on a more serious note, though still tinged with excitement. "I've been putting in a lot of effort into my Hatsu training, Your Highness."

Haruto leaned back, his posture effortlessly commanding. "And how fares your progress?"

A spark of pride lit up in Killua’s eyes. "It's been challenging, but I believe I'm close to manifesting it."

Haruto's gaze, indifferent yet piercing, met Killua's. “Continue to sharpen your skills, Killua. The Hunter Exam? It's nothing but a sieve, separating the grain from the chaff. The true test lies in mastering Nen.”

Killua's silver eyes gleamed with the reflection of his ambition. "I understand. I've been refining my techniques, trying to harness my Nen in a unique way."

At the dawn of Killua's Nen journey, his instincts had driven him towards harnessing his energy into electricity, a force he had intimately known due to his torturous family training. It was a part of him, coursing through his veins, and naturally, Killua sought to channel this familiarity.

However, one day, while training under Haruto's watchful eye, the latter had remarked on the limitations of electricity. Killua remembered that comment distinctly, as it had thrown him off balance. Haruto's words echoed in his mind, pointing out the untapped potency of nature's true tempest: lightning.

Haruto's cool indifference as he delivered this revelation had forced Killua to reconsider his approach. While electricity was a force to be reckoned with, Haruto argued that it was but a pale imitation of nature's raw, unbridled power. Lightning, in its true form, was a dance of nature – unpredictable, devastating, and awe-inspiring.

Intrigued and somewhat humbled, Killua then embarked on a journey of re-education. He had spent countless hours observing thunderstorms from mountaintops. The ethereal display of raw power, the rhythmic dance of lightning bolts crisscrossing the sky, and the reverberating thunder that shook the very core of the earth left an indelible impression on him.

With each observation, Killua sought to internalize the essence of lightning. Its erratic movements, the heat it generated, and the sheer energy it discharged were all things he tried to understand and replicate. He closed his eyes and let the storm's energy engulf him, feeling the vibrations in the air, hearing the crackling sound of electrical discharge, and trying to visualize the electric arcs in his mind's eye.

There were days he felt he was close, and days where he felt miles away. But every rumble of thunder, every electric touch of lightning against his skin was a lesson. Killua started to shift away from the structured, controlled nature of electricity to embrace the wild, unyielding essence of lightning.

Returning to the present, his conversation with Haruto continued.

The indifference in Haruto's gaze persisted as he said, "Harnessing the power of nature requires more than just understanding its form. It's about embracing its unpredictability and making it a part of oneself."

Killua nodded, absorbing the weight of the words. "I've watched, felt, and listened to the storms, trying to replicate lightning's might in my Nen. And while I've made progress, I know I have much more to learn."

Feitan, having overheard the conversation, smirked, a playful edge to his voice. "The day you manage to command nature's power will be the day worth noting, kid."

Pakunoda, trying to divert attention from the light-hearted jest, added, "Every step forward is progress, Killua. Just remember, not everyone has the privilege of learning under Haruto's guidance."

Killua flashed her a grateful smile, then turned his focus back to Haruto. "Your insight has given me a new perspective. I'll continue to train and evolve, striving to harness lightning's true potential."

Haruto simply inclined his head, acknowledging Killua's determination. The weight of his presence, more than his words, served as the ultimate motivation.

The jets roared to life, signaling that it was time to embark on the journey. The flight, for the most part, was monotonous – the kind everyone expected. Outside the window, a vast expanse of clouds stretched infinitely, an ever-changing tableau of white fluff. Inside the jet, chatter floated in pockets, as some traded stories and ideas.

Nobunaga, animated and ever the opportunist, leaned in towards Phinx. "Setting up a fair in Zaban City. With the Hunter Exam's renown, the unique products of Meteor Kingdom will sell like hotcakes."

Phinx chuckled, "You always have a scheme up your sleeve."

Haruto, from his position of silent observation, directed his gaze outward. Every so often, a cloud would pass, casting a fleeting shadow on his face, but his expression remained as still and impenetrable as stone.

Beside him, Canary stood vigilant, though the familiar closeness between them was evident. "Your Highness," she began but caught herself mid-sentence, "...Haruto, would you like a beverage?"

Haruto's eyes, devoid of overt emotion but possessing an innate intensity, met hers. "Water will suffice," he replied, his voice maintaining its calm, steady tone.


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