Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch71- Discussions

Haruto folded his hands together, pondering for a moment. “I’ve brought Killua along to represent the younger generation of Meteor City. While you and Feitan are of the teen years and the soldiers come from a diverse range of ages, Killua stands as a symbol. He demonstrates to the world that in Meteor Kingdom, age is no barrier to capability.”

Canary blinked, processing this. “You always seem to be a step ahead in your thinking.”

“It’s not about being ahead, Canary,” Haruto replied calmly. “It’s about recognizing and harnessing potential. Killua may be young, but he carries the weight and hopes of an entire lineage. Zeno sees in him the makings of the next leader.”

She tilted her head slightly, her brows furrowing. “But wouldn’t that be Illumi? He's older, more experienced.”

Haruto shook his head, the gesture measured. “Illumi is a precision instrument—a flawless blade crafted for a singular purpose. But ruling requires more than just execution. It demands vision, adaptability, and understanding.”

Canary considered this, looking thoughtful. “So, you believe Killua possesses these qualities?”

“Zeno believes so,” Haruto confirmed. “And while we’ve not paid him undue attention, it’s clear that there’s more to him than meets the eye. His youth is not a weakness; it’s a fresh perspective.”

“I see,” Canary murmured, absorbing the depth of Haruto’s intent. “Still, it's a lot for a child.”

“He’s a Zoldyck,” Haruto stated simply. “The weight of legacy is in his blood. They’re raised with expectations. However, in Meteor Kingdom, he has the chance to be more than just his family's legacy. Here, he can carve out his own destiny.”

As breakfast came to an end, Haruto noticed a small smear of jam at the corner of Canary’s mouth. Without a word, he leaned over and gently wiped it away using his kerchief. Her eyes widened for a brief moment, her cheeks reddening with a soft blush. The act, though simple, was intimate, a testament to the bond they shared.

“Thank you,” she whispered, the faintest smile gracing her lips.

Haruto merely inclined his head in acknowledgment. There was no need for an elaborate response; their relationship went beyond words.

The room's atmosphere was still rich with the scent of breakfast as Haruto stood up, his movements fluid and purposeful. “It’s time,” he announced.

Exiting the breakfast chamber, Haruto was met with an assembled entourage. Among them were Feitan, Phinx, Nobunaga and Pakunoda, his loyal comrades from days past. Zeno and Killua lingered a few steps behind, observing with keen eyes. Each held a sense of purpose, like a drawn blade in the calm before a storm.

The last to approach him was the delegate from the previous day. Her attire was elaborate, representing her role as the envoy from Kukan'yu Kingdom. She was tall, with raven-black hair styled in a high bun, revealing the nape of her neck. There was confidence in her stride as she approached Haruto, a gleaming silver pendant swinging gently against her chest. "King Haruto," she greeted warmly, "I am Lady Satsuki. If you're prepared, we can depart for the Palace."

Haruto took a moment, his eyes scanning over everyone present, finally settling on Lady Satsuki. "Very well," he replied, each word spoken with a deliberate weight.

The group started towards the limousines that awaited them. As they settled in, Lady Satsuki began outlining the day's agenda. "The primary aim of today's audience with King Tanoshi is to discuss potential alliances."

Haruto didn't miss the hint of desperation in her voice. With Meteor Kingdom's recent advancements in technology and the profound understanding of Nen, they had become a powerhouse. Suddenly, the world that had once disregarded Haruto's rule now sought his favor.

Phinx couldn't contain his irritation. The hypocrisy of it all was evident. Not too long ago, the Meteor Kingdom had been dismissed, even mocked. Now, every nation scrambled to be in their good graces. "Suddenly they're all eager to be friends," he muttered under his breath, a sardonic smile playing on his lips.

Feitan shot him a glance, reading his brother's thoughts easily. They had seen the world change together, and understood its fickleness. "Politics," Feitan whispered back, his voice a cold whisper, but there was an undercurrent of humor in his eyes.

As the limousine began its journey, Canary, always alert, remained watchful, her eyes darting around the scenery outside. She might have been young, but she held the weight of her role with unparalleled professionalism.

Zeno, silent as usual, sat a bit apart, focused intently on the various papers in his hand. His role demanded that he always remain steps ahead, predicting and deciphering even the most secretive plots.

Nobunaga kept an eye on the streets outside. His thoughts revolved around potential trade routes and commerce benefits an alliance with Kukan'yu might bring. Meanwhile, Pakunoda was mulling over the cultural exchanges that such an alliance might foster.

Haruto observed all of this, taking in the roles each of his companions played, every cog essential in the grand machinery of the Meteor Kingdom. Phinx then asked, "Lady Satsuki," he began, breaking the silence, "Do enlighten us on King Tanoshi's expectations from this meeting."

Lady Satsuki, adjusting her silver pendant, began, "King Tanoshi wishes to secure an alliance, primarily focusing on technological and Nen knowledge exchange. We're lagging behind in these domains."

Feitan leaned forward, "And what do they offer in return?"

She replied, "Access to their rich mineral mines, rare herbs found only in Kukan'yu, and military support when required."

Phinx scoffed, "Convenient. They wish to arm themselves with our technology and Nen techniques, all the while hoping we'll be the shield against their enemies."

Satsuki's eyes flashed momentarily, but she maintained her composure, "Kukan'yu values the strength and prestige of the Meteor Kingdom. They merely seek a partnership that benefits both."

Pakunoda interjected, "And what of cultural exchanges? Kukan'yu has a rich heritage and history. We would be interested in fostering ties in the arts, education, and mutual understanding."

Satsuki seemed relieved at the change in topic, "Certainly. King Tanoshi is very keen on sharing our traditions and learning from yours. It would be an enriching experience."

Canary, having remained silent till now, asked, "How does Kukan'yu view our King, Lady Satsuki?"

The question caught Satsuki off guard. "They... they respect his might and vision," she answered cautiously.

Zeno chuckled, "Might is an interesting word. Tell me, does King Tanoshi see our Haruto as a young monarch to be guided, or an equal?"

Satsuki hesitated before replying, "King Tanoshi acknowledges King Haruto's achievements, but he has been a ruler for a long time. There may be certain... expectations."

Feitan's gaze turned sharp, but his voice was calm, "Expectations are like the wind, ever-changing. Let King Tanoshi be reminded that the Meteor Kingdom is not an underdog."

Haruto said nothing else. As king, discussing internal matters before a delegate was below him. But his silence spoke volumes; the still air of the limousine carried a gravity that everyone understood.

Feitan, leaning slightly forward from his seat, captured everyone's attention. "You see, Lady Satsuki," he began, his voice smooth, almost teasing, "there are two types of alliances. Those built out of necessity, and those built out of respect."

Phinx, glancing sideways, chimed in, "And while the Meteor Kingdom certainly does not lack allies, we choose our partners wisely."

Haruto, eyes still fixed outside, interjected with a sense of finality. "We've earned our place in this world, and any alliance with us is a privilege, not a right."

Satsuki swallowed hard, her earlier confidence replaced with uncertainty. "Of course, King Haruto. Kukan'yu recognizes the Meteor Kingdom's unparalleled might."

Canary, her gaze sharp as ever, questioned, "But do they understand the weight of the crown our king wears? The sacrifices made? The paths trodden to reach this pinnacle?"

Haruto tilted his head in a slight acknowledgment of Canary's words, appreciating her loyalty. Her reminder was subtle yet poignant.


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