Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 42

But she was not easily swayed. With a fierce determination, she focused on her aura and summoned all of her strength. She broke through the illusion, destroying it with a burst of magic.

Panting a little, she emerged out of it victorious and continued further deep.

It was indeed a trap as she expected.

Illusion traps: These traps use magic to create false images or illusions, tricking the victim into thinking they are somewhere else or that something else is happening.

She remembered the heroine having to face it as soon as she entered and it was the same for all the doors leading underground as if the academy warning them to fall back or they would never come back.

But breaking it was also relatively simpler as well as one needed to only have a strong will and determination.

As she made her way through the hidden underground routes, she knew she had to be on the lookout for any traps that might be waiting for her. And sure enough, as she approached a seemingly ordinary door that she knew was anything but ordinary, she saw a faint glimmer of another illusion trap.

But she came prepared, and with a casual wave of her hand, she dispelled the illusion and moved on.

As she ventured deeper into the underground tunnels, she encountered more traps, each one more complex and deadly than the last illusion trap. But she was well-prepared, and with her extensive knowledge of novels and her quick thinking, she was able to easily disable each one from a safe distance.

Now, after dispelling the last illusion, she knew what was to come next.

As she continued to make her way through the hidden underground route, the girl encountered a series of elemental traps that seemed to be designed specifically to kill her. But she was no ordinary student, and she had a deep knowledge of basic aura and the novel that allowed her to anticipate and counter the traps with ease. With each successive trap that she encountered, she grew more confident in her abilities and this motivated her to go deeper not like she could back down now, not after coming this far.

Elemental traps: These traps use aura to control the elements, such as fire, ice, or lightning, and can be used to cause damage or disable the victim.

Despite the challenges that she faced, the girl remained determined to find out what lay at the end of the hidden route. And so, with a fierce determination, she pressed on, destroying each of the elemental traps that stood in her way.

Finally, she reached the end of the hidden route. And there, to her surprise, she found a hidden chamber filled with some ancient artifacts and old books. It was clear that this place had been sealed away for many years, and it was clear that whoever had put these traps in place had been trying to keep anyone from discovering the hidden chamber.

But her goal was not this, she knew that there was the meditation technique even deeper in these chambers and this was just a clever trick of the owner of this place to stop the invaders by making them think that they were at the end and had won treasures.

Even the heroine was fooled for a moment but if not for the stupid and ridiculous plot armor she had, she would have returned instead she found the route to go even deeper.

As Ellis delved deeper and deeper, she began to sense a growing darkness around her. It was as if the very air was thick with malevolence, and she could feel the presence of something ancient and powerful lurking in the shadows. But she did not let this deter her as the allure of the powerful meditation technique was too much.


Ellis's POV

I didn’t take anything with me nor did I wait to study any of these knowledgeable books.

I really wished I had some kind of storage artifact but they are too rare and expensive to be available to even royals much less a slave like me.

Even the heroine didn’t have one or she would have taken everything with her at that time in the novel.

I searched around the chamber and found another small opening leading further deep into the catacombs.

It was behind a pile of books and tools, wasting no time, I entered and went deep.

It’s been a few hours and I was also getting exhausted.

Even though I had knowledge of the novel, my memory was not that great to remember where the raps would be, I only knew the general outline of catacombs and possible places the traps were located and their nature, I could only predict the locations by myself.

The traps were deadly and my aura was limited.

It was also thanks to my demonic physique that I could handle the physical exhaustion.

The traps I encountered were:

Warding traps: These traps use magic to create a protective barrier or ward, which can prevent the victim from entering a particular area or protect an object from being touched or taken.

To counter these, I had to use my strong will and aura.

Enchantment trap: This type of trap was designed to place an aura enchantment on the victim, such as a curse or a spell of control.

To counter this trap, I tried to break the enchantment by using a dark aura spell or by using my ice aura to counter the enchantment.

Physical trap: This type of trap was designed to cause physical harm to the victim, such as a pitfall or a trap that triggers a collapse. To counter this trap, I had to disable the trap mechanism or use my own physical abilities to evade or escape the trap. Demons were really born with a strong physique, I could tell that just being a half-demon.

In the end, she saw it….

A door….


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