Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 126: Everybody Has Love

Although I had a nagging suspicion that the guy had a scheme in motion, I wasn't particularly concerned about it, as long as it didn't go against my own interests.

As a newcomer, I had expected to be viewed with some suspicion, but the exorcist didn't seem to be paying me any attention. Instead, his focus appeared to be elsewhere. Was he trying to make another deal with the chicken-headed demon?

I couldn't help but feel that the exorcist was a little too much for a small village like this. Even corruption had its limits, and the higher-ups wouldn't tolerate it beyond a certain point. If they stopped having exorcists kill each other over petty disputes, we wouldn't be facing a shortage of fighters.

The feast began as the village elder escorted the exorcist to his home. The elder's house was larger than most of the others in the village and had a stable for the animals. It wasn't ostentatious, but it was sturdy and well-built.

As we entered the house, the village elder, a tall and scrawny man, offered us alcohol, which the exorcist gladly accepted. He sat on the living room floor, using a cushion as a makeshift seat.

"I always feel welcomed in this village," the exorcist drawled, scratching his chin and wiping his lips with his sleeve.

But as he continued to drink, his behavior grew more erratic. He began throwing cups and trays of food around the room, causing the villagers to scramble for cover.

"Damn it! Why am I always stuck in these backwater towns?!" he shouted, smashing another piece of tableware on the ground. "No one would give a shit if you all died! Your village is a worthless piece of shit that doesn't even produce anything of value! That's why the authorities don't care about you! You're all second-class citizens!"

The room fell silent as the exorcist's words sunk in. The villagers' eyes turned to steel, and some of the men even reached for their knives. But the others quickly hushed them and ushered them out of the room before the exorcist could notice.

Although many feared exorcists, a good knife to the neck could kill most of them. However, the problem for most people was getting close enough to the exorcist to make the strike.

As I sat at the banquet, if one could even call it that, I watched as the exorcist feasted on a luxurious meal of chicken, rice, and vegetables while the rest of the villagers ate plain porridge.

Just then, Rose's friend approached the table and placed a tray of rice with honey and cucumbers in front of me. As she turned to leave, the exorcist reached out and grabbed her hand, his face flushed as he leered at her.

"Now, now, how did a shithole like this manage to produce a girl like her?" he exclaimed, his gaze wandering down to her chest. "I thought the whole village was starving. How did you get those knockers? Maybe my wife would grow some if she ate a diet of dead rats and tree bark!"

"Matilda, come back here!" Matilda’s father called out. He was an old man whose back was hunched and curved as if it had borne the weight of a lifetime's labor. His hands were weathered and worn, with deep grooves and creases etched into the skin. His whole appearance was that of a man who had spent his life working hard and had little to show for it.

As the tension in the room escalated, I felt a sense of unease settle over me. I didn't know anything about the exorcist's abilities or fighting style, and it was clear that he had no qualms about using violence to get what he wanted.

"Don't do anything stupid," Rose whispered to me, but I ignored her warning and got up from my seat. As I made my way closer to the exorcist, I was grateful for my nondescript appearance that allowed me to blend into the background.

Suddenly, the exorcist's attention shifted to Matilda's father, who had approached him with an angry expression on his face. Without warning, the old man was lifted off the ground as if an invisible hand was choking him. He clawed at his throat in a futile attempt to free himself from the tightening grip.

Matilda was sobbing uncontrollably, her tears flowing freely.

"Father!" she cried out, her voice thick with emotion.

"What you may not be aware of, my dear fellow citizens, is that the exorcists are preparing to confront another monster that could potentially wipe out all of us. My friends, my teachers, and everyone I know is heading there. Yet, here I am, dealing with you lot again! Why don't you just perish already?" He tightened his grip on Matilda's arm, causing her to whimper, and her father, held by an invisible hand I couldn't sense, began to pass out with his eyes rolling back in his head.

As I closed in on him, the man's feverish rant continued. "We're fighting Shuten Doji! The Magician was able to seal Yamata No Orochi, a monster with so much power that it could destroy entire islands with a single breath. He also sealed Tamae No Mae, known for her unmatched knowledge of mystical arts. However, when it came time to seal Shuten Doji, he died! How can we hope to survive against a monster like that? Are you kidding me-"

I placed a hand on his shoulder and interrupted him. "I think it's best if we all calm down, you should release the old man. You know, It's illegal for an exorcist to intentionally harm civilians."

He spun around, fury in his eyes, as if an insignificant ant had dared to confront him. "You dare touch me, you bastard? I'll make you watch as I-"

But as soon as he locked eyes with me, it took him only a few seconds before his rage-filled eyes were overcome with fear.

While my face was plain enough to blend in with the crowd, I had fought against Demonic Exorcists and lived to tell the tale. My clan had undoubtedly twisted the story enough that I might have even come out as the winner in that scenario.

"I apologize," the man said with a trembling voice. Even his drunken mind caught up to the situation, and he surveyed the surroundings like a wild animal trying to figure out what was going on. "Please, I have a wife."

I hadn't even begun to threaten him, yet it seemed like he was willing to cooperate. He released the old man and let go of the girl.

Hmm, I had assumed he would have at least attempted to attack me. Hadn't I spread the word that I would spare exorcists whenever possible? I thought someone would try to take advantage of that someday.

I always kept in mind that my decisions could come back to haunt me. During the Expert Exam, I made it clear that I wouldn't kill exorcists and didn't bother hiding it.


‘Fuck! How the hell did I get caught up with someone from the Dark Sword Clan?!’ Yannick's thoughts raced through his mind, his heart beating wildly as fear gripped him like a vice.

He had heard rumors about Kon, an exorcist who stood against his clan’s ideals, but as someone who had been an exorcist for quite a while, Yannick knew that the Dark Sword Clan was a scheming bunch. The rumors painted Kon as a bit too much of a saint that could do no wrong, and Yannick had heard some stories about him, including one where he had butchered an opponent before their fight in the finals.

Yannick knew that the Dark Sword Clan was a tainted family whose instincts for murder and slaughter ran deep. They enjoyed murder and loved to kill. He had never imagined he would be face-to-face with one of their members. His legs felt weak just at the thought of what could happen.

“How about we go outside and talk in some privacy?” Kon's voice brought Yannick back to reality.

Yannick wasn’t stupid enough to think that this was a genuine question, so he immediately got up.

The village was shrouded in darkness, with only a few flickering lights coming from some of the houses. The stars were scattered across the sky, creating a breathtaking view that would have been enjoyable under different circumstances. But Yannick was too consumed by fear to appreciate the scenery.

The hill was steep, and they had to climb it carefully, their footsteps making a crunching sound on the dry grass. The wind was picking up, and it felt like a storm was brewing in the distance. The air was chilly, and Yannick shivered despite himself.

As they reached the top of the hill, they stopped and stood side by side. The view was impressive, with the village sprawling out beneath them. The buildings looked like miniature toys, and the people like tiny ants scurrying around.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of the wind whistling through the tall grass. Kon's expression was unreadable, and Yannick felt like he was staring at a statue. His heart was pounding so loudly that he was sure Kon could hear it.

Yannick knew he was in deep trouble and tried to think of a way out. But his mind was blank, and he felt like he was suffocating under the weight of his fear.

For a split second, Yannick contemplated attacking Kon from behind. But the thought quickly vanished when he realized that even if he were miraculously able to kill Kon here, his family, friends, their children, his parents, and their whole family would be tortured and slaughtered by the Dark Sword Clan.

“I -I have a kid,” Yannick stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

He was lying through his teeth, but he hoped in the deepest part of himself that Kon would spare him.

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