Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 164: Clash of Egos

The Emperor and The Empress may have appeared to be a couple given their titles, but their egos surpassed even the tallest skyscrapers, reaching the heights of the sky. One was an absentee father, while the other was a woman who would eliminate any man who dared cast a glance her way.

"I thought you were still in your teens," the Emperor said with a smile on his face.

That scoundrel knew full well that my aged body was the consequence of sacrificing my lifespan. However, I was in no condition to engage in a fight with anyone; I could barely stay conscious.

Despite having a clear advantage in terms of special abilities, the battle had been a close one.

I couldn’t let ego maniacs push me down, they were the kind of people who would take a mile when given an inch.

"Coming in just late enough for the battle to conclude, some may suspect things," I remarked.

He was astute enough to catch my meaning. People might start believing he was a coward, too afraid to join the battle, conveniently arriving only when it was over.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed, and he tightened his grip on his spear, which possessed an eerie presence—a cursed weapon stronger than my own. "Oh? Be cautious, for reports could also claim that you valiantly sacrificed your life to defeat an ultimate-class demon."

He was threatening me? Unfortunately for him, I knew he wouldn't dare attack unless I provoked him excessively. He might be powerful, but the gap between the third strongest and the second strongest was immense. Should the Sage perish, the woman behind him would assume her place.

Zumi, also known as The Empress, placed a hand on his shoulder. "Arthur, please be careful. Teacher instructed us to do our best to bring him back alive."

Arthur frowned. "So, you're implying he is more valuable than me? My family has been pioneers of exorcists for generations—"

"Yes, he is more important than you," the woman said bluntly, her voice colder than ice. "He is unofficially the first exorcist to single-handedly slay an ultimate-class demon. Moreover, Otakemaru was once considered on par with Yamata No Orochi and Tamae No Mae. If you attempt to kill him, I will kill you."

Would you look at that? Two top exorcists vying for my favor. I could almost feel the clash of their egos, and it seemed neither of them was willing to back down.

"You know you can't defeat me without using your special ability. Are you willing to sacrifice your honor and reveal your ability in front of another man?" Arthur probed, trying to exploit Zumi's weaknesses.

Zumi was no ordinary woman. In fact, that was a severe understatement. She was someone who...

Arthur unleashed his Ord, enveloping his body and launching a dark spear at me without hesitation. Carpy quickly turned toward me, attempting to create a water barrier, but he was too slow as the projectile easily broke the sound barrier. Yet, just as the weapon was about to reach me, it halted.

Zumi, with a firm grip on the spear's shaft, revealed her pale and toned arm as she had torn off a sleeve of her winter jacket.

"So you've chosen to eliminate someone invaluable to humanity?" she sighed. "I suppose I'll have to report your demise as a sneak attack from a high-ranking demon during transit."

Admittedly, no one would likely believe that report. Still, I knew she could include a poop emoji in it, and no one would dare question her. After all, what could anyone do about it?

Nevertheless, witnessing the clash of two egos at such levels was quite entertaining.

An animalistic surge of energy emanated from Zumi, suffocatingly close. I could feel its intensity.

With her grip tightening around the spear, her fingers turned white. It was the weapon passed down through generations in the Yari Clan, thousands of years of history. And now... it was cracking.

Arthur's eyes widened, fueling his anger as he charged forward, his Ord surging explosively. "You bitch!"

Being a warrior, his special ability enhanced his strength based on his willpower and sense of self. A simple yet potent ability in his hands.

The spear in Zumi's hand twitched, as if attempting to escape her grasp and return to its owner. But it was futile—Zumi's grip was unyielding like diamond.

Arthur aimed an armored fist at her face, but Zumi dodged, delivering a devastating kick to his armor instead. Even though the armor itself was magical, crimson cracks spiderwebbed across its surface.

Arthur attempted to retrieve the spear, hoping to exploit the opening. However, Zumi swiftly thwarted his efforts by firmly grasping his shoulder armor, her fingers sinking into the malleable metal as though it were clay. Holding him in place, she unleashed a devastating knee strike, its impact resonating like thunder.

Blood spurted from Arthur's mouth as he staggered backward. Without giving him a chance to recover, Zumi swiftly kicked him in the throat, propelling him through numerous trees until he collided with a distant mountain.

I noticed Zumi's shoe emitting a sizzling sound, and only then did I realize that she had concentrated a significant amount of Ord into that kick. The thought of such an attack landing on me sent shivers down my spine; it could easily crush my chest and end my life.

Discarding the spear, Zumi forcefully embedded it into the ground. She tore off her remaining sleeve, causing her Ord to increase twofold. Tremors ran through her body as she muttered, "How disgraceful! Bringing me such shame! I will kill him!"

Oh shit! She truly intended to end his life in their next clash! Without his spear for defense, he was going to be killed in one attack! Arthur's decision to throw it at me had cost him dearly.

Arthur was a conceited, womanizing scoundrel, but he had his uses. His death here, a meaningless demise, would be a waste. It would be more fitting for him to meet his end on a battlefield, while taking some demons with him to the grave.

"Let's all just calm down," I interjected, raising my hands and assuming a non-threatening posture.

"Shut up, cyclops. This doesn't concern you," Zumi retorted.

You bitch! You started this fight on my behalf! This absolutely concerns me!

No, I must remain composed and act like her insults didn’t get to me at all. "How about we all take a moment to calm ourselves?"

The dark spear flew back to its owner, and Arthur wiped some blood from his chin, smearing it on his spear and armor. To my surprise, this caused the tools to mend themselves. His Ord reached its pinnacle, causing the ground beneath him to crumble as he propelled himself forward.

However, he paused and refrained from attacking, wearing a self-assured smirk. Zumi turned towards me and nodded. "Fine, we will cease."

Arthur also nodded. "Indeed, we find ourselves in the midst of a war. Killing each other would be detrimental to humanity itself."

So now they suddenly care?

Afterward, they offered me a healing potion, and we resumed our journey. Although I was not in my best condition, it appeared that I now had two world-class bodyguards. It seemed that being the first exorcist to successfully slay an ultimate class demon on my own had its perks, even if it had yet to be officially announced.

"You know, you're a good kid," Arthur suddenly said.

What was he talking about? He was the guy who tried to kill me not even ten minutes ago. But that's how all Special Exorcists were—crazy bastards. Decades of fighting demons and witnessing friends die would mess anyone up.

A wave of sadness washed over me as I thought about my fallen comrades. But soon, revenge would be mine! Only then would I allow myself to mourn!

"Do you have an arranged marriage?" Arthur asked.


"If you're interested, I have some daughters around your age. A union between one of the strongest clans, and one of the four great clans, my Yari Clan and your Dark Sword Clan," he smiled.

There was definitely something wrong with this guy.

"No, thanks," I declined. Arthur frowned momentarily, but soon his smile returned.

"Well, men of our stature can have multiple wives. I have eight, and we're a happy and loving family," Arthur suggested.

Was he proposing that I have a harem, with one of his daughters as a member? Hell no! The last thing I wanted was to be associated with a lunatic like him!

"No, I'm more—"

"Kid," he placed a hand on my shoulder, his aura growing threatening, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Do you think my daughters are unattractive?"

What the hell was wrong with this guy?! He looked ready to kill me!

Zumi swiftly grabbed his arm, causing his grip to weaken and emit cracking sounds.

"I warned you not to do something like that," Zumi growled.

It felt like I was dealing with two unruly children who had never heard the word ‘no’. One disturbance, and they were ready to resort to violence. They seemed on the verge of killing each other once again.

Carpy reached out with a water tendril, pulling me away from the brewing conflict between these two crazies.

"Now that I have my spear in hand, I can easily take you down!" Arthur declared.

Zumi snorted. "As I expected, a weakling who relies on his weapons. A second-rate fighter."

"Weapons are an integral part of my strength! Just because I use them doesn't mean I rely on them!"

"If a cripple can walk with crutches, that doesn't make them any less of a cripple."

Shit, this was going to be an annoying journey.

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