Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 187: Time Passes

Six months flew by, and I dedicated most of that time to training. Many events unfolded outside the confined world I occupied. Rumors circulated of the Dark Sword Clan attacking and obliterating Organization X, resulting in the deaths of the clan head, elders, and others. Fortunately, my father survived despite sustaining injuries.

While I couldn't say I knew all the details, I knew my uncle well enough to doubt his involvement. His pursuit of power was his defining trait. What struck me as suspicious was the convenient demise of those who opposed Delia's ascension as the next clan leader.

Officially, the incident was portrayed as retaliation against Organization X's attack on me. However, it was evident that Delia had orchestrated a revolution, using the attack as a pretext to justify the losses. Well, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with me.

I lay on the roof of my modest wooden hut, basking in the warm embrace of the sun and the delightful scent of grass carried by a gentle breeze. For the first time in a long while, even in my previous life, I couldn't recall feeling such serenity.

Was I to blame for leading Delia down this path? Part of me acknowledged my responsibility and felt remorse. However, that part belonged to the original inhabitant of this body. The Dark Sword Clan's ambition was growing unchecked, and it was inevitable that something like this would happen.

If it had come to pass that they followed the same path as before and faced extermination at the hands of one of the four great clans, I might not have intervened and allowed it to transpire. Nonetheless, I would have endeavored to safeguard the innocent parties involved.

{Perfect Me}

Name: Kon

Master 65.9%

Creator 20.7%

Blaster 9.3%

Warrior 4.1%

Strength 65 → 75/81

Stamina 60 → 99/102

Agility 54 → 93/99

Description: A transmigrated individual, a reasonably talented youth who accelerated his own aging, and an exceptionally skilled Elite Exorcist. Through his unique ability, he has acquired diverse knowledge and versatility. He stands at the brink of his limits. Danger Rating: (S-)

My stats had improved and nearly reached their peak. Carpy remained a high-class demon without any signs of further growth. I had reached the pinnacle of my natural development, and any further enhancements would be minimal. Unless Carpy underwent evolution, my strength couldn't increase any further.

Less than six months until the contract’s expiration; a part of me dreaded that day. It was getting uncomfortably close to the time limit, and the evolution to the ultimate class wasn't instantaneous either. It would take at least two months, leaving me with only about four months left.

In a month or two, that boat should arrive, which would confirm the existence of Avalon. The island of dreams and imagination, a place where time had no meaning, where past, present, and future would collide.

Among the people going there, I was probably the best equipped to handle it. However, at the same time, I was also the most capable of messing it up. The Avalon Arc would be the catalyst for Agon, the protagonist, undergoing the biggest change in his character, serving as the introduction to the wider outside world.

My hands shook, and my heart felt like it was about to burst with anticipation.

No, I needed to be patient. I had come this far, I had survived everything that this world had thrown at me. I wasn't going to mess it up at the last step.

"Hey! Weeb Exorcist!" someone called out to me. It was Princess Wis, waving with a relaxed smile.

During these months, we had grown closer, and she had become a good friend. After months of relentless teasing, she had finally embraced her cringe side around me. I could no longer hurt her with my words.

I hopped off the roof and stood in front of her. "Hey there, chuuni princess."

She blushed at that. Maybe she hadn’t grown entirely immune to my teasing, but it was in good humor and she quickly got over it.

She pouted as she declared, "One day, I will have my vengeance! Bakayaro!"

Oh? It seemed that her vocabulary had grown!

"What's with that look?" She huffed annoyedly. She had gotten good at telling when I was thinking ridiculous thoughts about her.

"Nothing bad, I assure you. I was just thinking about how far away I'll be from you, and I wasn't sure if my heart could handle it," I chuckled.

She blushed but regained her composure in a second and narrowed her eyes. "I have a fiancé! I'm practically married, so you're flirting with someone's wife! Scumbag!"

I had been maintaining my Nok persona for so long that I didn't know how to reveal my true identity. How would I even broach it? Would I just blurt out—‘Hey, um, I know that this is six months late, but that fiancé of yours? Yeah, that’s me.’

"I heard your younger sister is getting married too," I changed the topic of the conversation to her sister's rising influence in the race for the throne.

However, I doubted Princess Wis cared much about it. She preferred a reclusive life, embracing her wealth modestly and indulging in junk food at home. Her financial stability allowed her to live her otaku lifestyle to the fullest.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Wis winced. "Did you know she was planning to visit me? I had to fabricate a whole bunch of lies..."

"Did you involve me in any way?" I asked cautiously.

"Maybe..." she admitted sheepishly, but then glanced at me with a mischievous smile. "Regardless, I'm grateful for these peaceful months you've given me. I can roam the city without a bodyguard and do as I please."

"Don't worry about it. You're my favorite otaku princess," I reassured her. "Also—roam the city? The only place you’ve been roaming lately is your house."

"Please, stop calling me ‘otaku princess’. Unlike someone I know, I still have some semblance of dignity."

"Of course, my chunni weeb otaku shut-in princess," I teased with a bow.

"Nevermind; on second thought, otaku princess works just fine."

As we walked out of my unchanged yard, Wis paused in front of Bets' grave, gazing at the statue. "I never asked, why do you have this statue here? Were you into bodybuilding?"

"No, this is where my best friend Bets is buried," I explained solemnly.

Her expression turned awkward. "Ah, I'm sorry..."


‘Ahhhh! I ruined it!’ Wis thought to herself, overwhelmed with regret. She couldn't believe she had spoiled such a good atmosphere by speaking without thinking things through.

"He died in the war against Shuten Doji," Nok said somberly, approaching the statue with a fond smile

"Was he a close friend?" she cautiously inquired.

"Oh, he was the best. We hardly ever argued," Nok's smile widened. "I know it may seem strange to smile at his statue. But the truth is, even if I wanted to cry, I never would. It would dishonor him and the cherished memories we shared."

Wis's thoughts raced in a thousand different directions. She felt suddenly ill-equipped to handle a situation like this, so she awkwardly placed her hand on his shoulder.

Despite Nok's relentless teasing, he was a good person, and she felt sympathy for him. It was a pity that she already had a fiancé...

Nok sighed. "You know, he died saving me. I often wonder if, in his final moments, he had any regrets for doing that."

"If he cared enough about you to save your life, I don't think he would have any regrets," Wis reassured him. This was a side of her friend she had never seen before. He always appeared so cheerful, as if he had never experienced a sad day in his life.

Now, Wis lamented even more at bringing up such a painful memory. Although they often joked about it, she was grateful for what he had done for her. Nok had saved her life, accommodated her needs, and never once complained. Most people would have given up and walked away long ago.

That was why, despite Yara's insistence, Wis had never attempted to dig up information about Nok's true identity. She had bragged before, pretending she knew, but instead secretly intending to uncover it in her own time. But now, having befriended him, she respected his privacy, and the least she could do was allow him this small measure of trust. Wis suspected that Yara might have conducted her own investigation, but she had no interest in hearing the details.

"Do you know about special abilities?" he asked, and she nodded. Being a member of the royal family, she was well aware of them.

"Well, if I hadn't intervened, Bets would have developed an armor ability. Some nights, I wonder if he had his armor, he would have-" Nok's words were interrupted as Wis stopped him and embraced him from behind.

"What are you doing?" he asked, puzzled.

"I don't know! I just saw this in an anime!" she confessed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and spontaneity.

He chuckled. "Well, now is as good a time as any. Some of my friends from the academy are coming to visit soon, and I wanted to ask if you would like to join us for an adventure?"


A thousand thoughts raced through Wis' mind. Tales of princesses and dragons, a young gallant knight to the rescue. Then, he would taunt her with derogatory names like 'weeb princess' or 'shut-in princess.'

She shook her head, dispelling those frivolous thoughts. "No! Yamete! Stop!"

When she opened her eyes, she saw Nok staring at her with a blank expression. If she had a tanto, she would have committed seppuku out of sheer embarrassment!

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