Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 202: My Best Friend

Delia approached a smog-filled small town, where high walls displayed strange encryptions and was manned with fleshy cannons, likely the local Elite Exorcist’s special ability.

Leaping over the wall, Delia entered the town unnoticed during the early morning hours. The gothic town's only notable place was a dark, haunted-looking mansion on the outskirts, surrounded by overgrown grass, trees, and a vine-covered fence that obstructed the sight of anyone trying to look inside.

Breaking and entering held little ty for Delia as she effortlessly bypassed the vine wall, armed with two cursed daggers that had been forged by her father using his own life force. Though untested, their dark aura showed that they were quite powerful cursed weapons.

What better to test these babies out than a good old massacre?

Delia was puzzled as to why Kon, usually not one for mass violence, had asked her for help. He knew all too well the extent of the massacre she would unleash to complete this task. The urgency in his actions indicated a desperation she had not seen before in him. Vulnerability, something he had never displayed since he had entered the academy.

Curiously, fate had aligned Kon's actions with her late father's plans of making him king. While such an outcome would greatly benefit their clan's influence, Delia wasn’t going to push him. After all, in her whole messed up family, Kon was the only one she really cared about.

From birth, Delia had been exploited by her clan and father's ambitions. Only Kon had shown her truth, even when it would harm him in the long run. His honesty had opened her eyes, and she cherished their bond above all else. So she was going to try her best to complete this mission for him.

Surprisingly, no one emerged from the gothic mansion of the first princess, even as she walked closer.

Had the informant lied to her? Delia wondered, but dismissed such thoughts as he understood the dire consequences if he were to betray her—she would swiftly track him down and kill him.

Delia revised everything she knew about her target. The first princess, despite being the second royal child, stood out among the royals due to her ruthless nature. Unlike the mostly incompetent and cruel mental midgets that comprised the rest of the royalty, the first princess possessed a calm and logical approach to her ruthlessness. Her logical nature was evident in her recent actions, such as the murder of her thirteen-year-old sister and her attempt to enlist the services of Organization X to eliminate her other sister. However, her plan failed due to Kon’s presence there, something no one could have predicted.

As Delia approached the mansion doors, no one emerged. She began to wonder if they were even there. Before leaving, she decided to take one last look for any secret hiding rooms.

"Little pig, little pig, here I come," Delia sang, sliding her dagger into the door's opening and easily cutting its locking mechanism. The daggers were so sharp that Delia almost felt grateful to her despicable father for providing them. As she prepared to open the door, it unexpectedly slid open on its own, revealing a familiar figure on the other side.

The person had dark hair and pale skin, exuding an eerie, unnatural beauty.

"You look like a ghost," Delia joked. "The gothic atmosphere really suits you, Natalia."

Despite her casual demeanor, Delia's mind raced as she tried to understand why Natalia, the next in line for the Kuro Clan Head seat, was present.

"What are you doing here?" Natalia narrowed her eyes.

"Just taking a stroll," Delia replied. "I heard the youngest princess was staying here and wanted to congratulate her on her marriage to an influential foreigner. No doubt those foreign bastards will try to gain control over our beautiful country."

Natalia remained unimpressed, fully aware of Delia's tendency to manipulate words.

Nevertheless, she smiled and remarked, "You were never the patriotic type. I've heard rumors that your family planned to eliminate most of the royal family."

Delia was taken aback by Natalia's knowledge but maintained a casual demeanor. "Of course, that's the story our jealous enemies wanted everyone to believe. We would never do something like that."

After Delia finished speaking, Natalia's shadow transformed into a thorny vine of darkness, attempting to capture Delia. She quickly leaped backward but found herself trapped by a net of vines that had sprung up behind her.

The vines constricted tightly around her, leaving Delia contemplating whether to try and go all out to escape. After a moment's thought, she decided against it.

"It was us against the world," Natalia said, her gaze sharpening. "What happened to that? Even with me here, it seems you have no intention of backing down."

"Well, you know how it is, things happen and people change. Back then we got together so well because we were two talented girls who wanted to lead their families, but because we lacked a rod between our legs we were in a bad position." Delia reminded her.

"Ah yes, the high school romance, how could I ever forget?" Natalia's cold gaze washed over Delia's body. "I did not forget, Delia. But what about you? After what your family pulled on the war against my clan. Do you know how much I had to sacrifice to stop my father from raining down hell on the Dark Sword Clan? I risked getting my heir position revoked completely! I did that as a favor for you, so why don't you also reciprocate and step down this once?"

Struggling against the shadow vines constricting her, Delia realized that she couldn't break free even with her full power. Her determination remained unwavering as she locked eyes with Natalia. "I can't back down from this."

Natalia sighed, quickly grasping Delia's thoughts. "I see. It's your cousin who's influencing your decision. After all we've been through, a single call from him and you completely change."

"I'm sorry. But I can't yield this time," Delia stated firmly.

"You selfish bitch," Natalia growled, emanating a menacing aura. "After everything we've gone through, you're willing to sacrifice it all based on your cousin's whims? Have you really fucking forgotten everything?"

Delia sympathized with Natalia, knowing that acceptance within the Kuro Clan would forever come for her friend. She was the product of an illegitimate union between her father and a commoner. Seizing the position of heir by eliminating some of her own siblings had been her big break. However, the risk of losing it all loomed over her.

Yet, Delia wasn't going to let her friend pull the wool over her eyes. "C'mon now, don't kid yourself. The reason why your clan didn't attack mine was because of Kon, he alone would have ended your clan."

Although it was a partial truth, Delia wasn't entirely certain if Kon would have bothered retaliating had their clan been attacked.

Using her daggers, Delia twisted her body with unnatural flexibility, allowing her to sever the shadow vines and free herself.

Despite her freedom to do so, Delia refrained from launching an attack on Natalia and simply stood her ground. Natalia, on the other hand, was far from passive. Shadows enveloped her body, forming a snug suit of darkness, accentuating her alluring curves—a sight Delia couldn't help but admire momentarily.

“{Darkness Ballerine}”

Natalia charged her, and the distraction cost Delia. She suffered a blow to her abdomen, causing her to crash through multiple walls within the mansion.

"My father is afraid of Kon? Tch, you have no idea just how dangerous the Kuro Clan Head truly is," Natalia warned.

As the dust cleared, Delia rose from the rubble and cloaked her body in Ord, preparing to attack. As a Blaster, Natalia sensed the impending assault and was ready. They clashed numerous times, with Delia consistently falling behind.

"Despite your words, you aren't retaliating much," Natalia frowned. "You're not even using your special ability."

Delia pursed her lips and remained silent. Natalia continued. "I know you better than anyone else. Why are you doing this? Do you think you owe anything to that cousin of yours?"

In response, Delia raised her hand and dropped the knives. The blades sank hilt-deep into the ground, showing their sharpness. Natalia seized the opportunity and struck Delia's face, slamming her against the wall. She then pointed a shadow sword at her.

"Please give up. I don't want to kill you," Delia pleaded.

Natalia frowned. Despite being the one with a weapon aimed at her friend's throat, Delia appeared unfazed. The heir of the Kuro Clan gritted her teeth, her eyes boiling with anger. She swung her shadow-made weapon, piercing the wall near Delia's neck. Natalia sighed, and the shadows receded, returning to normal.

"Well, there goes my chance of becoming the Clan Head," Natalia lamented.

"Where is the princess?" Delia asked.

"In an underground bunker."

Delia smiled, never doubting for a second that Natalia would harm her. "I knew it. You always had a soft spot for me."

Natalia frowned in response and stormed off. Delia shrugged, knowing her friend would be angry for a while.

Delia retrieved her daggers and ventured deeper into the mansion, while wondering how Kon was faring on his end.

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