Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 48: Slit Eyes

Holy shit! He really got a friendship power-up!

Winds blew as he clashed against the giant lightning ball, stopping it from approaching us. It looked like Agon was being pushed back.

"Aghhhh!" Agon yelled.

If this was a manga, I bet he had his friends and family behind him pushing him forward. He looked like a bird against a football, clashing against the lightning.

"Damn it! There's no way I'm going to lose!" Agon's Ord bubbled up through his skin, and he punched even harder. He shattered the lightning ball, and the electricity scattered around. Some trees were scorched by it, but most of the electricity went to the water.

Come on, Agon! You can do it! You're the main protagonist!

But he couldn't fly. Also, all the Ord in his body was spent. So he was tired and started falling toward the water.

The eel demon stared at the downed Agon and lunged.

There's no way I'm letting the protagonist die here! He was the one who had to deal with all the troublesome things and would have to save the world in the future, probably.

There's no way I will have to take such a troublesome position!

Though I was panicking, my body, which was under the control of Perfect Me, had already moved. He jumped and kicked Agon in the stomach, sending him flying toward the eel.

The eel demon opened his mouth, ready to eat Agon like a snack. But dark miasma energy swirled around Agon before the demon could do that.

He opened his tired eyes; the white in his eyes had turned dark, and his pupils were yellow with a slit in the middle.

Such eyes didn’t belong to a human. They were the eyes of a snake!

Even though I couldn't control my body when it was in Perfect Me state. Meaning I wouldn’t freeze up to any pressure or fear. I still felt the heaviness of the evil energy. It felt like I was about to throw up.

The eel demon immediately closed its mouth too. "L -Lord Orochi-"

Whatever the demon was about to say, he didn't get to finish it as Agon gathered Ord in his fist, which regenerated his scorched arm in an instant and punched the sword into the high-class demon's forehead.

"{Super Impact!}"

One hit.

Not only was the sword pierced into the demon's head in one hit. But even the eel demon's skull caved in; one of its eyes popped out, and the monster fell.

The dark energy around Agon withdrew, leaving him falling atop the dead demon's corpse.

[Mission Complete]

My ability turned off, and I was left alone. Having survived the encounter, only one thought came to mind. "Am I gonna have to carry everyone back?"

Agon and Bets were unconscious, and Gem was barely conscious.

Well, this sucks. Bets was heavier than a bull, and to get Agon, I had to go swimming. Can I even swim while carrying someone with me?

In every story, it usually skips to the party after the hard battle. Who cares about the logistics of things?

Also, I have to try and wake Bets early. Because if a day passed since he played chess, he would suffer the backlash of his special ability.

By the time I brought everyone to camp, it was dark. I was wet from swimming, and every part of my body hurt as if I had done a day's worth of hard labor.

"Ugh, what's happening? Did we die?" The first to wake up was Gem. He looked around like a confused cat.

The camp was covered in darkness since it was nighttime, and I hadn't made a fire yet. "I knew I would end up in hell. C'mon God, my young peeking days are over! Can't you be merciful-"

I coughed. Bringing him to reality.

He stared at me. "Let's just act like you didn't see that."

"Sure," I shrugged. "I'm all wet. So you're in charge of starting a fire. Instead, I will notify the village head that we have completed the mission. Also, I will send a message to the Exorcist Union to come and pick up the corpse of a high class demon. On top of all that, I must notify the local authorities that the village head killed his brother and the woman."

Also, I will need to talk with the team about Agon. Because if they went around telling everyone what they saw, then it could become dangerous.

No one was supposed to know Agon had one of the strongest demons sealed inside of him. It was a big secret. Depending on how the higher-ups feel, we could get eliminated.

Sometimes, I wish I had that simple carefree mindset. Life would for sure be more fun and simple.


Two days have passed since the mission. Bets still breathed a sigh of relief and thanked his lucky stars they survived.

The team was currently in an expensive inn. The corpse of the high class demon was valuable, so once they returned to the academy, they would earn a hefty reward.

Their table was on the corner of the rowdy inn. They looked like any other traveler, except for the part where Agon was eating too much and stuffing his cheeks like a chipmunk. Also, a chair with books was used as seating for a big fish in an even bigger fish bowl.

'How can he even eat so much? Does he have some kind of special ability? I'm sure he ate more than someone his size should be able to.' Thought Bets while staring at Agon.

"Okay, now that we're all here, I have something to tell you all," Kon brought his hands forward and glanced at Agon. "Agon has a demon sealed inside of him. Don't tell anyone or we might end up getting killed."

"Pffft!" Agon spat out all the food in his mouth in surprise. Gem ate the brunt of that as he was standing opposite to Agon.

"You piece of shit! I'm gonna kill you!" Gem got up and was ready to fight.

"Gem, quiet down," Bets analyzed the situation and turned toward Agon. "Is that true?"

Their teammate, who could throw a mean right hook, looked down in shame.

"Yes," he glanced at Kon. "I didn't think anyone else knew my secret."

"It was obvious. I just chose not to comment on it before." Kon reassured him.

"So you're okay with that? I have a literal monster sealed inside of me?" Agon's eyes widened.

"We survived a life-and-death battle together. We saved each other's lives. What's there to be troubled about?" Bets shrugged. To him, it wasn't that big of a deal. Also, he knew how it felt to be treated like a demon. He would never put someone else through that pain.

"Demon or no demon, I'm still beating your ass," Gem punched Agon in the face, causing him to stumble backward and fall off his chair. "Next time you spit food on me! You're dead!"

"Hahahaha!" Laying on the ground, Agon suddenly laughed, and tears squeezed out of his eyes. "It's a relief to have such a secret out of my chest. Thanks!"

"We don't really care that much. But be careful. None of us here must tell anyone else. Or it could be dangerous," Kon said while staring at Agon.

"What're you looking at me for?" Agon raised a questioning brow as he sat back on his chair.

'Well, you're the one most likely to spill your own secret.' Bets didn't want to be harsh, so he didn't say that.

They were all staring at Agon with dubious looks. He pouted before throwing a dumpling on Kon's face.

Everything was quiet for a second. Kon cracked his knuckles. "You know what, you don't have to worry about telling anyone anything in the future. Because you're dying right now. Gem, come and help me!"

"Sure," Gem smirked maliciously.

"Ahh! Two against one! That's unfair!" Agon tried dodging his two attackers.

Of course, two minutes later, they were all back to being best friends and singing some pirate song.

Bets couldn't help but laugh. When amongst friends, it didn't matter who was better or worse. Or whether one of them had a demon sealed in them.

As long as you have fun. That's all that matters.

"Whoa! Look at that hottie over there!" Gem pointed at a blond woman wearing sunglasses and drinking something at the bar. Men were approaching her, but she waved them away coldly.

"Ten silver to anyone who dares to talk to her?" Gem said and tried to incite Agon to go and act.

"No way," Agon said. "I don't wanna get slapped."

"What if I'm able to take her out?" Kon suddenly asked. He had a confident look.

"I will put ten silvers," Bets offered. He wondered if the inn sold popcorn because he was about to see a good show.

"I will put up ten silvers, too," Agon smiled. He seemed ready to watch his friend getting rejected.

Kon's smile didn't wave even a bit. "Then I will take all those bets."

He dusted himself and fixed his clothes. Then he walked toward the pretty girl.

Since the inn was so rowdy, they couldn't hear what he said to the girl. But she used her hands to cover a laugh. Even the way she chuckled was cute.

They got up, interlocked arms, and started walking toward the inn's exit.

To call the smirk, Kon sent their way as being smug would be an understatement. He kept making mocking faces until he walked out with the girl.

"That traitorous bastard! How the hell did he do it?!" Gem cried tears of envy. “This is so damn unfair!!”

The three friends at the table somehow felt like lesser men. Was this the feeling of failure?

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